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2/10/2016 8:53:47 AM

[POLL] SBMM explained Perfect Dark style

I'm a Perfect Sim


I'm an Average Sim


I'm a Meat Sim


Skill based matchmaking places you against other players close to your skill level. Because Perfect Dark is one of the greatest games of all time and everyone knows it and loves it (if you don't you can GTFO now, youre not welcome here) I'll use it as the model. Think of it as 3 tiers of skill level a player has. Tier 1: Perfect Sim/Dark Sim (1.5+ k/d) This is the type of player that knows every inch of the map and every trick in the book. They have put in more time and effort into mastering this game then anyone else. When you die to these laser focused players you'll probably report them for cheating, they are that good. The Perfect Sim has put in the effort and now it's time for that to pay off. {CBMM} They go into crucible and kill a bunch of Meat and Normal Sims even have some good fights with the Perfect Sim on the other team. That was fun! Perfect Sim plays all night and has a blast. {SBMM} They go into the World Wide 2016 MLG Grand Championship Finals... I mean crucible. Perfect Sim is killed by a golden gun immediately upon spawning into a losing game in progress. They respawn and get a kill but blink their eyes so they're instantly snper headshotted. Perfect sim gets a redbull and chugs it. They struggle through a full lobby of Perfect Sims and cross their fingers for a 1.0 k/d at the end of the game. They play for a couple hours and then stop because their controller is stuck in the wall. Not fun. Tier 2: Average Sim/Hard Sim (0.7-1.4 k/d) This is the type of player who enjoys playing the game. They know about most things and are pretty good at them. They spend their time having fun and don't treat the game like a job. (smh Perfect Sim) {CBMM} Average Sim loads up crucible and dunks on some Meat Sims. They have some good fights with the other Average Sims. You win some and lose some but that damn Dark Sim just keeps frickin killin em. NOVA BOMB! Enjoy the void Dark Sim filth. Fun times had. {SBMM} Average and Hard sims do battle. Kills are harder to get now that Meat Sim isn't around. You start to forget what it was like to have those games where you got tons of kills and only a few deaths. Gun variety? What am I a Meat Sim or something? Everyone is using the meta so if I don't wanna get steam rolled I have to as well. BAM! Turned a corner and was met by the millionth 1K Stare hard aimer of the night. Wonder what's on Netflix? Tier 3: Meat Sim/Easy Sim (0.01-0.6 k/d) This is the type of player that has the rough life in crucible. Not only do they do bad but Perfect and Dark Sim have just sent a hate mail about how your 2-17 score just lost the skirmish game. How do Perfect and Dark Sim even know your mom though? You'll afk for half the match asking her how she knows them and what's for dinner. {CBMM} Meat Sim is just like that one part of the hate mail, the part about letting six guardians all shoot you in the face. I get it, you're here for bounties or playing with some friends... but why are you ALWAYS on my team. Easy Sim likes shooting stuff and bubble dance parties. (PS you're invited) It's a fun time even if you don't do well. Killing people with space magic is fun period. Meat Sim can't wait to play again tomorrow. {SBMM} JACKPOT! Circus? No more pesky Normal or Dark Sims to worry about. Spray n pray away fellow guardians. Finally not being good at something has paid off. While Perfect and Normal Sim were practicing to get better you were eating paste. This is why you're on LFG looking for a Trials carry with no mic? Who cares it's time to go play crucible in the only skill bracket SBMM has benefited. Meat Sim can finally get some kills now without relying on a super or rockets. Speaking of that isn't it time for heavy? Pull out that sexy beast and blast some baddies to bits. Meat Sim is down.

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