depends on how you play i can adc with sunsinger and i mainly run radiant skin with juju if on adc or NTtE for boss damage and then i'll run SoF
Literally 99% of the time if not actually more than that, warlocks will be running self res and never use it unless they die And by adc do you mean ad control?
I'm happy be to in the 1% who uses self rez as life insurance and radiance to generate orbs for my team mates ^_^
Very nice! I do that when using radiance as well Sometimes i panic activate it to gain damage resistance to not die Used to do it in year 1 as well when im not having fun with nova bomb/obsidean mind
yeah adc is ad control. in raids we really only use one self rez to do risky task and other locks if any can run whatever
Pretty sure it's attack dmg carry. But I guess add control works too
anything that's not the boss or main enemy in any game is known as adc