NASA has discovered Kepler-168f, a beautiful, earth sized planet 500 light years away. It is 40% larger than Earth, it has a 50% smaller sun. Another option would be the inhabitable super-earth 13 light years away, orbiting the Kapteyn's Star, a beautiful red fireball of awesome. Both have optimal life supporting climate and conditions.
What I'm proposing is we introduce this into destiny, sooner rather than later. There are many different story line options as to how this could play out. We could find one of these planets, previously untouched, but colonies under attack by an unknown threat. We could colonize one of the planets ourselves, build our own personal towns, each guardian, and defend them as a new game mode option, like clash of clans or something like that. Or we could rescue one of the planets from the darkness in a brand new raid. However we introduce one of these beautiful planets, I vote we visit them, save them, or conquer them one way or another.
Edit: The "Hell yeah, get me some of that" option is saying that we rush straight to the other Galaxy. Wether it be some amazing opportunity that calls us there, or some terrifying threat we need to stomp out at the root, that is what this option is for.
On the other hand, the "Why not both" option means we fight our way out, stabilizing our Galaxy, or at least a solid path out of the Galaxy, in order to reach this new space.
More weather effects, everywhere feels like Earth at day or night. Weather effects, storms, snow, ice, different physics on planets with lower gravity, I don't know just something different and creative for patrols