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1/27/2016 11:03:22 PM
You're one of the entitled members of our society. The core of the problem is this thinking that you will take money from the 1% and give it to the 90% for things like education, health care, income (raising minimum wage). Let just say you did that. You're taking wealth from people who earned it and can retain it. Those people like for instance Bill Gates who employs thousands of people. They create products and services that better our lives in many cases or at least provides us with products we want for reason xyz. They spend lots of money on travel, dining, shopping, buy properties, paying people for a wide ranges of services to maintain their lifestyle. Those people in most cases have charitable organizations that do a lot of good. Now you can argue why does Bill Gates need billions of dollars. Well he earned it with his ingenuity, hard work and entrepreneurial mind. I rather have him retain his wealth and trust he would do more good with it rather then what people with your mindset think, take it through taxes and give it to the government because they will redistribute his wealth for things you may want like free health care or tuition as I mentioned above. The problem with that is you're trusting the government with the 1% money. Not only are you taking that wealth from people who can use it to generate income and create jobs you are now thinking the government will be able to use it properly. This is the biggest problem with the income and wealth inequality thinking. You actually trust the government who can't balance a budget, who has proven wasteful spending, who's services such as the postal service are mismanaged and not profitable, to do good with it. That trust in the government and socialist mindset is very scary and would just lead to more problems and corruption.

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