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1/27/2016 9:58:22 PM
Your analogy is false. The fundamental problem with your manifesto is that everyone who purchases this game and drops the disc into their console of choice starts at the same point. Nobody gets more starting gear than anyone else, everyone has the same opportunity to grind for stuff, and nobody gets a de facto advantage in acquiring loot. This is not the case in reality and your failure to recognize this demonstrates a juvenile understanding of the world you live in. Whether it is an underfunded, dilapidated school system, a background of absolute poverty, or a social stigma that removes opportunity, not everyone in the real world had the same starting point or the same opportunities to succeed. Not everyone has a father that can give them a 'small loan' of a million dollars. I don't agree with everything Sanders has to say, but comparing a video game economy to the real-world complexities of poverty, discrimination, and economic equality is just about the dumbest thing I have seen this year. So....kind of what I would expect from a Paul supporter.

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