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Edited by JLoco11: 1/27/2016 8:26:03 PM
Oh lord, do you have your tinfoil hat on today? Because clearly you have no idea how global business works other than some imaginary "information" you believe to be accurate. 1) Oil prices have BEEN falling since the end 2014. The peak high of oil was June 2014, well before sanction of Iran were lifted. Clearly timelines are not your strong suit nor is actual FACT or information. 2) Since 2011, US oil production has grown 18 fold. 18 times the amount of oil we once produced, was now coming from our own supplies. 3) OPEC (a cartel which the US is not apart of), refused to lower oil production to keep prices high. You can thank King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for not lowering oil production to the dismay of the other OPEC members (Venezuela, Iran, Ecuador & Algeria). He feared by slowing down oil, his country would slide into a recession...... which it did anyway. 4) Venezuela's damn near financial collapse under Chavez, which put more money into oil production than food necessities, caused them to overproduce oil and massively inflate prices of other imports and exports. Their food inflation alone, has caused their economic collapse of an oil market since countries will not pay their high tax import fees just to keep oil prices steady. 5) Obama administration has blocked the Keystone pipeline... an oil stream. And guess what, by blocking it, they just saved the country close to $40 billion over the next 11 years now, because the monetary gains the Koch brothers stated they would receive from oil prices, are now gone. 6) Lifting sanctions on Iran, occurred when oil prices were already $35 a barrel. They were already low to begin with, all because of the prior 5 factors. Seriously, if you're going to talk world economics with someone, please know your foot from your ass. You're not dealing with some teenage kid, although I'm starting to believe that you fall into that category judging by your incoherent lack of facts. On a side note... do you remember Obama's 2008 Vice Presidential opponent? A crazy unknown lady named Sarah Palin who seems to have profited off the spotlight? Remember her slogan of Drill Baby Drill? We did, and look at what happened. A surplus of oil that is keeping prices low and throwing the world economy into flux once again. Gas prices are nice and cheap, but a global recession is just around the corner if prices keep falling.

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