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1/27/2016 8:41:52 AM
Do not worry. You will agree to come with us in the future. Agreeing now would lower the fallen death toll.

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  • Your systems refreshing? Or did Iris do it and purge your data on me? Because I'm not giving you anything but a few pieces of electrified lead and the only way I'm going with you is in pieces!

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  • We do not need you. We need the data capsules you hold. This is a threat. Your species will be wiped of existence unless you hand over the capsules. Now.

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  • Well come get them over my dead metal [redacted] *quickly blinks in front of you and rips out your eye*

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  • *hobgoblins appear all around* *praetorians surround you all with torch cannons* My eye back. You just raised the fallen death toll, congratulations. House of Winter is no more. *fallen screams*

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  • *tosses the eye in my hand and catches it repeatedly* If you really don't know what I am... Notice the pretorians react they are all fidgety, However I'll tell you. I am a timeseeker... I am in your system... I can do what you can do. *the hobgoblins look at each other in fear* in fact my job is to stop you... Now if you excuse me *vex smoke starts to appear around me* I need to test some other outcomes... *vex smoke completely surrounds me then dissipates with me missing*

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  • Gayyyyyyy

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  • *eye regenerates* Fool. Did they not learn from Kabr? Never wear the vex as armour. They infect your mind. Okay. My human protocols are required. *scans network conflux* There you are. *activates human protocol* *teleports* Stop! Stop, stop! This is human protocol. Not the vex. They will conquer the reef if you don't! Variks will be slain! The prison of Elders open! After that, they will come for the city. I don't have much time. I used to be a guardian. Then I wore the vex like you are. They took my mind. I need you to stop. I can't survive for long without the data capsule. It contains the data required for my well being. They rely on me for their pattern. Please. If you value life of yourself and your Vandal. I've already said too much! They're sending me back! Promise me you'll give them it! They WILL stop the deaths. Please! Just give them the capsule shaped like a snake! Then th- *Smoke appears and I teleport* *A gorgon stands in front of you* He requires an answer or else he will die to natural causes.

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  • Gayyyyy

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  • [redacted] alright Nuke think... We still keep the intel and they get they get what they want... I got it! You want the data core? I'll have it given to you within the day just head to the still waters region... There will be a titan that titan will have your precious data core...

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  • Edited by superenderbros: 1/27/2016 10:19:38 PM
    Your Hobgoblin leg has been shut down. It can no longer access our networks. Just to remind you. That guardian is watching you. If this is true. The fallen house of judgement will remain safe. As well as any other fallen house. Your speaking for an entire race, two cities. Two planets and one moon. It's said a guardian cannot hate another, if this isn't true. That saying will be proven wrong. *teleports to still waters*

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  • Gayyyyyyyyy

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  • How does this change our sexuality?

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  • *kicks the air with my normal leg effectively flipping myself* Uh, anyone? Help...

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  • *walks over and sees nuke on the floor and rushes over* Nuke what happened?!? What happened to the gorgon? Also here you might need this i've been working on it I just finished it *gives new leg that looks like a hobgoblin leg but is gray* one of the features is an active camouflage that I designed, oh and your leg can now jump about 20-30 ft in the air yeah the leg might be a bit fidgety for a while, mostly to allow the to handshake with you operating system

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  • *teleports back* You still hold one data cell back. Ok I'll make you a less threatening deal. The safety of Aerial will be confirmed. As you and I both know. You cannot defend Aerial forever. The guardian I hold will watch over her. She will remain safe. Anywhere. Even she is. Unsafe. We can repeat the situation. We will even upgrade your A.I memory core as well as weaponry. For the data cell. I will let you speak to the guardian *eye turns black then purple* Guardian here. Thanks, a lot. As he said I'll also protect her. So is it a deal?

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  • *starts scratching the back of my head* about the last data core... My A.I. cortex may have needed to forcibly hijack for a better processing speed...

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  • Well then. The deal is still able to work with. We just need to grab the memory data core directly from your A.I memory core. Complicated procedure, but us vex follow patterns. Shouldn't be too hard. Deal?

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  • Well you see I got a few failsafes and one of them involves the removal of my A.I. core which causes mass coolant draining and eventually leading to the sub-atomic disintegration of all matter in the universe... So... I'm afraid that won't work...

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  • Well we still require the data cell. You must be able to shut down few fails ages.

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  • Yeah that requires me to head back to a heavily fortified location that absolutely despises the vex... So are you feeling ballsy?

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  • Yep.

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  • Alright go to Chernobyl 5.3 miles under the main reactor... Just a heads up you will not be able to leave so have a runner back at still waters...

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  • Check. Enemy fallen seem to be taken this large area of Earth. Ukraine. Hmm interesting

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  • Not I said UNDER just get me there and I'll fix it...

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  • Approved. Teleportation particle acceleration process beginning in 3, 2, 1. Complete particle acceleration process began. Stage 1, complete. *you teleport*

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