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Edited by Spawn: 1/28/2016 1:46:17 AM

Bernie Sanders' Economic Policy explained in Destiny Terms

Bernie Sanders' campaign is built on what he and many others call wealth inequality, his entire economic policy is built on addressing this "issue". In an effort to promote understanding of his widely popular policies I will now explain them and how they work within the scope of Destiny. Let's begin.. Commander Zavala's term is finished and elections are in process to select a new commander of the Vanguard. The Speaker tried running but was deemed "out of touch and too old" for this young generation of guardians. In a close election between Bernie Sanders and Cayde-6, Cayde-6's past habits of boozing and womanizing come out after a string of sexual harassment accusations from Petra Venj and Amanda Holliday. Bernie Sanders ends up pulling ahead and winning after this information becomes public. Sweeperbot mounts an unsuccessful 3rd party campaign. Bernie Sanders is sworn in as Commander of the Vanguard and vows to tackle the problem of wealth inequality among Guardians. Wealth in Destiny consists of a combination of exotics, god-roll legendaries, strange coins, and light level (among other things). Let's face it some guardians are much wealthier than others! Bernie vows to fight this wealth inequality "these 1-percenters have way too much wealth, why does a guardian need a last word, a black spindle, and a chaperone? They can't even equip all of them at once!" Bernie goes on to say "I've seen these 1-percenters, some of them have two Twilight Garrisons, Thorns, Party Crashers with rangefinder and rifled barrel, and HUNDREDS of strange coins. How can an up and coming guardian ever attain that sort of wealth when they're only getting 30 or so strange coins a week? These 1-percenters have all the exotics they could ever need and yet they still horde hundreds of strange coins and three of coins, it's not fair!" To make things "fair" Bernie hikes taxes on guardians that have an "excessive" amount of exotics and strange coins, if you have over 15 exotics you are hit with a 45% tax. You must pay the new Vanguard gov't 45% of your exotics or strange coins. If you have 20 exotics you pay a 60% tax on your exotics and strange coins, and if you have 35+ exotics you pay a 75% tax. It's only "fair". The new gov't then begins to subsidize Xur. As a result, Xur now provides two exotics and 10 three of coins a week to underprivileged guardians for "free". Regular guardians notice a spike in prices for exotics from Xur, armor prices rise to 18 strange coins a piece, weapon engrams rise to 25 strange coins, three of coins are now 10, and legacy engrams (a luxury item) come up to 50 strange coins a piece. Guardians who worked hard for their exotics and strange coins are ridiculed for being "wealthy", they were simply "lucky" they had RNG on their side. Never mind the fact that they spent hours raiding and grinding in Iron Banner, their high light level and collections of exotics/strange coins aren't the result of their hard work, they only have all that because of "luck" and it's "unfair". Bernie's economic policy and crippling taxes destroy all the incentive to raid and grind Iron Banner. "Why would I spend all that time and energy raiding when Bernie is just gonna tax and take most of my hard earned loot?" guardians ask. "Hell I could just sit back, pound some beers, and shoot dregs on patrol while collecting those "free" exotics and three of coins from Xur every week" other guardians say. As a result, wealthy guardians leave the tower, swear their allegiance to the Queen, and move to Reef (taking their exotics, strange coins, and possessions with them). Suddenly, no one is left to pay for the expensive subsidies and programs that supply underprivileged guardians with "free" exotics and three of coins. Without the "wealthy" to tax and pay for the gov't programs, these social programs go insolvent and suddenly Xur stops providing goods to underprivileged guardians. Meanwhile since their is still so much debt the higher prices on Xur's goods remain, sparking a revolt. Both the underprivileged and middle class guardians are unable to afford these high priced exotics and three of coins. The remaining guardians have become dependent on government and expect to be provided with something, however, Bernie's new Vanguard gov't is reeling in debt from providing all these "free" goods and services. The people begin to uprise (just like in every other example of socialism) and a coup is organized to oust Bernie from the Vanguard. One morning Bernie is walking outside with his bodyguard and is attacked by Cayde-6, Bernie and his bodyguard both fire their shotguns but Cayde-6 is 10 feet away and just outside of range. Cayde then quickly dispatches both of them from 10 feet away with his 1000YS sniper. Cayde-6 then embarks on a campaign to make the Vanguard great again. Meanwhile, the Reef has transformed into an economic powerhouse where guardians are eager to work hard, take risks, and keep the rewards of their work. The Reef has low taxes but because there is so much wealth their revenues remain strong, couple this with the fact that the Reef doesn't blow money on redistribution and social programs, and what do you know... They're running a budgetary surplus!! Moral of the story: Capitalism > "Democratic" Socialism Rand Paul 2016 ...and if he doesn't get the nomination any other Republican 2016, they're all more economically literate than Bernie! Edit: Lots of people showing love and lots of people hating. To the haters all I gotta say is supply and demand is LAW. Learn it, live it, love it. Bernie sure doesn't... Edit 2: Over-regulation is a bad thing. In Destiny terms, was Destiny better when it first came out or after all of Bungie's various nerfs and buffs? I think we know the answer... Edit 3: This post sure got crazy, kinda like Bernie Sander's economic policies. For all the haters I have one statement, supply and demand determines value. This is an irrefutable economic truth. Bernie's policies attempt to assign value in opposition to supply and demand. That is why his policies are guaranteed to fail. To everyone that showed some love, YOU ROCK!!

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  • I don't think you understood it right. Please make a sincere effort to grasp his economic theory and others. Instead you just gave a endorsement for you favorite candidate without a unbiased comparison. Weather you are liberal conservative or libertarian (other). You do a disservice to the political discussions by poorly articulating economic theory.

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  • This is filled with bullshit but DAMN it strokes my conservative side.

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  • My mom went back to college to get her medical degree, worked her ass off for years juggling that plus 3 jobs and 2 sons and no help from the government because we made just enough money to not qualify but not enough to actually survive. She did it, though, and won a damn award and a handshake from the governed. Now she's a janitor at a clinic. But yeah I'm sure those millionaires deserve the 5 vacation homes and solid gold sports cars. My opinion? Humanity can't be trusted with its own freedom... Hail Hydra

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    • Another person who somehow missed the fact that many if not most low income people work just as hard as high income people. Many have two jobs just to make rent and utilities and food is scarce. You want a real comparison make one guardian get an exotic or 25 strange coins every raid, strike, and PvP match while the other only gets one single strange coin EVERYTIME. Even that isn't fair though because there is nothing you HAVE to spend coins on, so maybe make it so you have to buy primary ammo with strange coins and you have to burn one to heal up from dmg and then you are getting closer. The problem is that games are a shit example. Especially with RNG because there is a built in system already making it fair for everyone (Bungie IS the government and they do their best to make it even for all), you just have to play enough and you win. Real life doesn't work that way... no matter how many hours you put in at a low paying job each week you are NEVER going to get rich.

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by jay p: 1/27/2016 2:51:36 PM
        EDIT: [spoiler]And there we have it. Only took 9 comments for [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] to kick in. And before you down vote me or before you make a negative comment, remember that you're on the same side as that guy. [/spoiler] Since our economy became a global economy: [u]Republican Presidents[/u]: 1. Bush 1.0: crippling economic depression at the end of his first term. 2. Bush 2.0: the worst economic depression since [u]the Great Depression[/u]. [u]Democratic Presidents[/u]: 1. Clinton: our strongest modern economy. 2. Obama: an economy that has recovered since the Bush 2.0 depression and rebounded in [i]every[/i] significant way. [b]And some people still think this is a coincidence[/b]. If you support any Republican candidate [u]other than Rand Paul[/u], and you are not a millionaire, you are voting against your own economic interests and will be responsible for the next economic depression should your candidate win.

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        52 Replies
        • That actually makes loads of sense. Socialism is also corrupt might I add

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          7 Replies
          • You realise that exotics and strange coins aren't the currency used in the City? They use glimmer. So bad analogy

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          • If the rich weren't rigging the game people wouldn't be questioning capitalism so much. Wonder why there is a minimum wage? Because without it many companies would pay you even less. The minimum wage used to be the gauge for a single family income to live (for a family of four). That's live, not barely survive as it is now. The wealthy should share their wealth, at least some of it, willingly. They use many resources that the average Joe paid for. They didn't build their empire by themselves.

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          • Doesn't matter. The two party system needs to go. Further divides the country and nothing gets done because it's either my side wants this or my side wants that. Bunch of grown ass men and women acting like kids.

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          • The myth of trickle down economics endures.

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          • Edited by High Charity: 1/27/2016 7:15:27 AM
            You're really bad at this "thinking" thing. Your post ignores 1) You're already paying taxes 2) The highest tax bracket under Sanders' economic plan is 52%. Not 75%. And you're only paying 52% if you're earning more than $10mil. 3) The [i]vast[/i] majority is paying the same in taxes as they have been (up to $250k the brackets are unchanged) 4) In the $400-500k range you're paying 3% less in taxes under Sanders' plan. So either edit your OP or just stop posting. You're totally clueless with what you're talking about and making Republicans look bad.

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            5 Replies
            • Do you even economics?

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              2 Replies
              • Perfect example of why no one should vote for this clown.

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              • Edited by tRonPauL n2012: 1/27/2016 3:27:45 PM
                tRonPaul approves this message And. Berner sold us out when it tried to audit the fed! END THE FED ABOLISH the irs Return to sound currency! GOLD IS MONEY

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                3 Replies
                • Brilliant, Captain. Simply brilliant. You get it. The ignorant don't. The takers won't.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Shit the f[u]u[/u]ck up with your ignorant political bullshit. Also just take a look at history, anytime the upperclass has stepped on the lower never ends well for the rich.

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                    2 Replies
                    • You represent the worst stupidity of this community very well.

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                    • But if I vote for Bernie I can quit my job and play more destiny while continuing going to college for free?

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                      • Your argument only works if the rich already pay tax, which they don't. They employ expensive accountants, lawyers and use a very complex system to abuse things. Perfect example - have the company buy a property, sell the property for lower than market value to the employee in form of a bonus. List goes on.

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                        50 Replies
                        • So in real life where would all the rich people and captains of industry go? What country are they gonna get a better deal in then America?

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                          3 Replies
                          • Honestly of you're making more than 10 million dollars a year you should pay up to 60 percent in taxes. No one needs that kind of money to live. Especially when there are "middle class" families that are having to decide whether to pay all their bills or to buy groceries for their family.

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                            40 Replies
                            • any person that wants to raise middle class taxes isn't a friend of mine. Bernie has high popularity among college-aged students. I'm one of the few college students who actually values hard work. I believe that the poor should pay little in taxes, but not nothing. I think the rich shouldn't have so many tax breaks, but they shouldn't get slammed so hard like Bernie wants. Once I graduate I feel that I would be in the middle class for nearly a decade before I move up the ranks. The middle class always gets slammed with taxes and that's why the middle class is shrinking percentage wise. I'm not voting for a guy who has socialist ideals in his agenda. If he wants a seat in a political office, then he should move to Europe. Europeans would take him in a heartbeat. I don't want a guy who de-incentivizes hard work. my brother is an EMT working in an ambulance saving lives. it's his passion, but if the minimum wage goes to $15, he will quit immediately because flipping burgers is much less stressful than that, and the pay would be astoundingly similar.

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                              2 Replies
                              • The Destiny community and Destiny in general already have enough problems. How's about we keep politics out of it.

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                              • Good points and it is Historically true. There is a problem in the United States with Wealth Inequality but socialism is not the answer. I believe Oboma (and I am a republican) is actually doing one thing right with the proposed labor law change. I am one of the people targeted being exploited under the current law since I am considered a professional employee, salary based. I receive a low salary and a chance to make commissions and or bonuses to make more money. By doing this, I have to work 60-70 hours a week and no overtime. If I break down what I make per hour, I make less than minimum wage. I am just asking for fair wages.

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                                • Never compare a game to the real economy. At least you are guaranteed drops in destiny with your grinding. No one is guaranteed success in life even with work grinding. Now folks might disagree with this because the word success is not universal. Success is determined or measured in every individual's mind. This can vary between a comfortable and exponential achievement. This is an easier thing to define those who do not include monetary gain as part of the yard stick for success. My definition of success goes like this - you have not reached a truly successful status until your wealth is sustainable for generations and has lead to several other people's success. The distance to reach this successful status is the same for EVERYBODY but the obstacles are vastly different. You can only deny this if you are either naive or simply blind or choose not to understand.

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                                • Edited by Eternity: 1/27/2016 2:04:16 AM
                                  An utterly ridiculous analogy - one of the largest driving factors of wealth inequality is intergenerational transfers. Have rich and successful parents? Lucky you - you get some combination of getting to to go to a great school, having all the tutoring you need, college place purchased/paid for, and maybe even a great job lined up for you when you finish study. A more appropriate Destiny analogy is that when the game launches, 1% of players (Bungie's friends/chosen) start with 75% of the maximum stock of strange coins allocated to them, no work involved. Further more, they are able to use and abuse their connections at Bungie to modify the RNG system, increasing their coin drops and decreasing everybody elses. Over time, as they better learn how to exploit the system, their percentage ownership of the strange coins increases from 75% to 80% to 85%. Seeing an issue yet?

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