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1/25/2016 8:53:46 AM
[quote]Well you're sweet, thank you <3 Idk, I wouldn't say it's just one thing. The way i see how people are now it's just upsetting. Everyone's to into social media, they care more about how many likes they get or how "famous" they are. I was born in the 90s, that's when technology was advancing. Its hard to see what kids that are 9 are doing compared to what I did. Not only that, but the political correctness is getting out of control. Everyone's overly sensitive & I don't feel like I can really say anything without someone throwing a crying fit. Things have really gone down hill & it kinda sucks[/quote] You're welcome :). I feel the same way you do. I was also born in the 90s ('94), although don't necessarily remember them XD. Social media, as great as it is for communication, especially for people you don't see often (or ever), it also gives kids the wrong idea of what's important in a lot of ways. One of the things that really bothers me nowadays is seeing little kids (as young as 4!) with their own phones or tablets. What happened to playing with toys and playing outside? And I'm totally with you on the political correctness thing. I'm all for being sensitive, but when we take it to the point where feminists are trying to get the spelling of women changed to womyn so that it doesn't have the word men in it, things have gone way too far. And that's just one example. I agree that things have really gone downhill. It's actually kind of scary, because you wonder what things will be like down the road.

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