I'm trying to install Destiny for the first time on my Xbox 360. I'm trying to install on the internal hard drive (which has > 200 GB of available space), and I can play other games without difficulty. I have broadband internet service with speeds at the Xbox of > 100 MB/s.
When I first inserted the game, it took ~6 hours to install several required packages (I don't remember what they were called), but that completed without error. Now when I start the game it just sits at the Installing Destiny screen, transferring game content. It will reach ~15%, then start over from 0. It has now been doing this for 3 days, so the install isn't happening.
What do I need to do to get this working?
i had same issue on my ps3 i cleaned the disc so it was spotless and the install finally succeeded...its stupid that if the disc is oddly smudge the install messes up just stupid