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Edited by FoMan123: 1/17/2016 11:55:12 AM

I've had enough of "kys please"

As the title says, I'm angry at how many people throw around remarks like "kys please" and "drown yourself" and other things that invite people to commit suicide. As someone who suffers from depression, it DOES affect me, and I report anyone who says anything that could incite someone to kill themselves. I implore that the ninjas consider cracking down on these people harshly, as I know better than anyone how damaging this kind of behavior can be. And a message for anyone who even thinks of saying one of these remarks, please take your own advice if you want me to take your advice. An eye for an eye. A life for a life. I'd say that's fair, right? And to the ninjas, I know this is a bit harsh, but I need to get my message across, and this is the best way to do it. And I implore anyone who sees people even jokingly tell others to commit suicide, report them. Report them and make sure the ninjas see it as the problem it is. Edit: if you look through my recent posts, you will see examples of me turning the tables on people, and using their words against them. By the way, a guy was nice enough to link you all to my comment that will also lead you to his post telling me to kill myself! Have fun reporting him. Edit 2: Ive got a cold of some kind so I'm off to sleep. If this thread gets left behind I will bump it in the morning. This needs to be seen.

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  • I agree, nerf kys.

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  • Edited by Nekorina: 2/12/2016 12:52:32 PM
    Hey just want to tell you this that no matter what don't let what ppl saying gets to you. sure it hurts but don't be bothered by it. There are always immature/f up ppl like this around the Internet. Not only on the Internet but also the society right now and yeah it's pathetic. You can't change them and don't waste ur time changing them by posting this because their not going to change. You should spend more time on your self like making your self happy and better, don't let those ppl who have negativity thoughts gets into ur mind turning you into one of them. Plus this is the Internet u won't know who they are, they might be criminals, bullies etc. Spend more time on ur self rather than wasting your time trying to change their f up mindset, the best thing you can do is report them. They think this is the Internet they are not going to have trouble for what they have done. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and let it go, it dosent means they wins, because winning those pathetic ppl don't really making u a success person. So why not spend more time on your self making ur self a success person rather be one of them?

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  • This is a form that seems to let all sort of shit slide (count the amount of times you see homophobic slurs) I wouldn't expect much to be done tbh

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  • We do ban for these terms when we see them. They are offensive and I ban for every single one I find. If anyone sees someone posting this please report them.

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  • You realize like 85% of people here don't care, like at all? Not the place to post it man, maybe Facebook will suffice

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    • I have just gotten home from the service of a very dear friend that took her own life. Today there were dozens of us that had to try to understand this awful thing. It was one of the saddest things I have ever taken part in. If you do not suffer from depression, you have no idea what's it's like. And let me ask all of you, especially the 12 year old who repeated KYS a hundred times. Do you think you are funny? Do you think this makes you a tough guy? You would never even say boo to people in person, hiding your little self behind a keyboard. Why would you take the risk of being the one little thing that was a tipping point for someone mentally damaged. It is no different than beating up a mentally challenged person. Someone who takes their own life is not in their right mind. They need help, they need support. They do not need your adolescent BS. Think before you speak, or type. Good post OP.

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      7 Replies
      • Just ignore them. Feel free to laugh at how petty and immature they are. Just don't let it get to you, man.

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        • Guess what I'm thinking.

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          • You can't let that shit get to you your better than that man

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          • I deleted the 1kys I ever got.

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          • That sounds more of a "you" problem.

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            4 Replies
            • 1
              Have you tried accepting that it may be sarcasm, and take the joke as it stands? And if it aint a joke, report them, repeat offenders will be banned, and THEN stop complaining?

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            • Preface: I don't go around trying to start fights unless it's just something ridiculous which I feel strongly about. In which case I wouldn't tell someone to kill themselves. It's just odd to me that people post about their "depression" on social media. There's no other way to put it; [b]You will receive hate/ trolls, you will be made fun of, and people will be people.[/b] If your not ready to face what certain people think/ made assumptions about, why the hell do you post about this stuff? (This is assuming you actually are diagnosed with depression, and aren't making it up in some convoluted attention seeking scheme)

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            • I'm sorry...but the whole "I'm rubber your glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" Isn't exactly turning the tables on people...I feel you though..people shouldn't toss things like that around so. may just be the remark that sends someone that is already in bad shape, over the edge. But pre-teens think its cool to bring people down.

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              • And watch all the trolls come in here and start saying those things like idiots. I completely agree with you. Those insults are pointless and shouldn't even be considered. Best wishes to you. I've dealt with depression in the past (it never really goes away), and I've learned a few ways to manage it. :)

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              • It's really only the kids doing that. Just report and mute them. I've lost people to suicide; so I agree that's it's not funny, cute, or clever at all. Don't let stuff like this get to you though.

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              • Edited by FoMan123: 1/17/2016 11:58:38 AM
                The #Destiny tag is for discussions related to Destiny, not other posts or users in #Destiny. I've moved this to #Community, which is the appropriate place to discuss occurrences on the forums themselves. Regarding users telling other users to kill themselves, this is a Code of Conduct violation and the Ninjas encourage everybody to report any such posts that they see.

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                • My questions is: why let words hurt you?

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                  • I thought this post had something to do with the 1kys (1000 Yard Stare) lol

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                    6 Replies
                    • I agree, there's a lot of stupid ignorant kids in this community that just don't get it. I report anyone who says anything like this too. This shit we suffer from isn't a joke. I already know I'll be reporting and muting a lot of kids in this thread.

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                      1 Reply
                      • You're very weak minded if you let this kind of shit get to you over the Internet.

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                        7 Replies
                        • Your user name makes me think you are kidding. :/

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                          • I wish I could believe your standard cookie cutter story. However your post does nothing to make me believe your story. Its too easy to drop the "I relate to this situation" posts and its sad that we are replying to these to appease your need for attention. How about you make some friends and maybe find a reason to do things. How about you stop opening yourself to ridicule and the very posts you say affect you. Correct people and report when they do it but do not open yourself to toxicity👓. If you are on Xbox add me if you need an ear. I will warn you I will not be online for chat for the next three weeks as I am on military duty and have crap internet here. I will be playing occasionally though.

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                            • I suffer depression as well (not to mention epilepsy too) but here are some ideas..look past? Move on? Grow up? Do you think just because someone cracks a joke at people with seizures, depression or says that I'm a loser and should off myself means I should?? No. Everyone is so sensitive these days and it sickens me. "Someone said kill yourself scrub, I'm going to do it." Are you serious!? Grow a pair for starters and do this, REALIZE THAT PEOPLE ARENT PERFECT AND ARENT HERE TO MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF! Not only that, but there are BILLIONS of humans on this planet. If someone offends you, so what, its one more asshole to look past. I do it daily and OP should probably view myself as one too because my opinion is guaranteed to upset the nancy. I mean I hate that you got all hurt because of something so stupid, I do. And you SHOULD NEVER think that suicides an acceptable answer to pain. Its not. Just be you. Be sensitive and keep people around you that make YOU happy.

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                              • Cyber bullying needs to be eradicated.

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                              • Edited by maxesmagic: 1/17/2016 7:30:50 PM
                                Edit 3: Some people think this is bait due to my name. Let me make this clear: THIS IS NOT BAIT. If you have nothing constructive to say, please don't say anything at all. Edit 4: I will change my name back to normal as people seem to think this is bait. Let's set it straight. As a ninja modified the post a bit, I cannot edit it, so I will post this edit.

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