Sols you just describe how I feel I did the raid in Y1 to get gear I want or exotics I didn't have in Y2 I'm chasing light Lv :(
Raid weapons for the most part feel normal except the pulse the AR, HC, Fusion from Kings fall need serious buff because they are underperforming and the AR is bugged.
I'm more excited about the gunsmith rolls, Vendors and ToO weapons then raid weapons which is sad.
Before when an exotic dropped you feel good now it's just another infusion fuel.
I currently have more than 30 exotic engram in the vault just because I want to open them when the update comes.
I want PoE and Raids for Y2 with Y2 rewards :(
[quote]Y2 I'm chasing light Lv :([/quote] Pretty much sums it all up right there.
The funny part is this game have so much potential and with the right moves and effort from Bungie it can be one of the best games ever but they are wasting it.