"It kinda does. I was kept "optimistic" by the stupid thing.. So now I can ACTUALLY discuss what happens without a convoluted and/or loaded answer..."
"That also has no bearing on our conversation."
"to hell with it, never mind. What where you talking about?"
"I don't even remember."
"Alright then... I should probably leave before your wife shoots me in the face..."
"My conversations weren't my own, so all of them seemed really pumped when we where totally screwed"
"I have... Many, many times. And I'm haunted now by my dreams. It usually goes that I'm on a hill, and I see her at the top of it, so I start running... Only to be blocked by A: a guard or B: a freakin demon thing."
"N...n....n [b]his throat is closed off and is almost dead, he falls unconcious[/b]
"Trying to.... Kill.. Me." [b]he struggles to choke out, still desperately trying to breathe[/b]