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1/11/2016 9:20:41 PM
[i]Lucent shrugs[/i] "I guess I could eat. And I'm here becasue I'm exploring. I know nothing like really who crota is or who this Atheon was. I'm only familiar with oryx"

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  • "Well I could certainly fill you in, best I can anyways!" Garuud moved into the cave and looked at the massive boulder, it barely fit into the cave and it looked like it easily weighed a ton. Garuud positioned himself and pushed the boulder denting the floor where his boots met the ground in the process. As he kept pushing he uncovered a hole filled with ice and water. He then reached inside and pulled a few frozen burritos out. " The only way they survived bahahahahaha!" He held them in his hand and began heating them up causing the package to steam and cook the burrito. Garuud then offered Lucent one. " Eat up!"

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  • [i]Lucent sets his no land beyond down and takes the burrito, unwraps it and starts eating it[/i] "My father said you love these. Hearing all these stories tho. It's crazy how Eveything happened. My mother having some darkness in her mind, my father being hunted and nearly killed by the vanguard. It's crazy, I wonder why tho in this whole mess they decided it was right to have me"

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  • " I much." Gauud said holding just the empty wrapper now. " Well, when everything is trying to bring you down, you have to do something to bring yourself up, apparently that means getting busy and having you haha. People are odd."

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  • [i]Lucent Finishes up his Burrito and crumbles up the wrapper[/i] "I guess It just seem like wrong time but Nothing can be done. Anyways aside from that, You cannot tell anyone else who I am, if the vanguard found out I'll be hunted just like my father and it could put my mother at risk heavily as well"

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  • Garuud chuckled. " trust me, the vanguard hunting you is the least of your worries. There are meaner things out there, things that hunt the light like its the last food source in the world. I should know, I have faced it head on, hell even danced with it for a bit.... but I will keep your secret." Another voice spoke up from his mouth as well. ( mature voice) " We are men of our word after all."

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  • [i]Lucent raise an eye brow again[/i] "Right ro Told me about Your different voices and eclipse just never said a word on it when it was brought up. What excatly did you do to make my father Dislike yoh in such a way. Now quickly understand he appreciates what you've done but he has some deeper beef with you"

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  • Garuud chuckled. " I suppose it was from when we first met, I could tell he was hurting a lot due to what happened with his first wife. I am not sure what he told you or not, but I tried to help him work it out. He did not appreciate it all that much. My personality grated on him, and his distrust of others made for a viotile situation. Plus, due to my other voices and such and my extreme healing abilities, I made for a sight for sure. But we ended up fighting... more of a tussle really, and he ended up getting stabbed by his first wives knife and from then on haven't been the best of friends, I think it freaks him out how I am able to find him all the time. Plus.. I have baggage for lack of a more serious term haha."

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  • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 1/12/2016 12:05:49 PM
    [i]Lucent listens with intent And once garuud Finishes he nods[/i] "No my father didn't talk about his first wife, I never knew he even had one. [i]His face turns to thought[/i] "I don't know much about him, He doesn't really tell me and I don't wanna ask ro becasue I'm afraid if she tells me Eclipse might get annoyed"

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  • "That is a fair assumption, it understandably is a sore subject. But it was never his fault from my understanding. But he bears that guilt, I tried to help him work it out through rage and fighting. But I dare say that Ro may be the one to help him finally."

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  • [i]Lucent chuckles lightly[/i] "Yeah she sure does keep him strait. So why is the vanguard so concerned for the gun he uses?"

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  • " You don't know the legends of the red death? Oh ho that is a story! So, essentially this gun was created to try to use the same smart matter that makes up the Suros regime, but it wouldn't work. It eventually drove a scientist mad trying to figure it out. He eventually started infusing it with massive amounts of light. It... gained a hunger for it. It gained a curse, it eventually drives you insane, and it does so even faster after you lose contact with it, that scientist went on to kill many guardians with that gun. Thus earning it a poor rep, a fowl legend really." Garuud paused for a moment. Another voice spoke up. ( Mature voice) "didn't we find that gun at one point?" another voice answered back. ( Childish voice) "Yeah, but we didn't like the way it spoke to us." Then Garuud looked towards Lucent." From my knowledge he found it after losing his first wife, and he intends to make it a instrument to fight for good. He is hoping to kill the legend, and hopefully do some good in this world, I can respect that. I also really want to see if he succeeds. Legends much like Ideas, are quite powerful."

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  • [i]Lucent Listens With intent while garuud speaks[/i] "He seems to be doing a great job with it tho. He hasn't killed a single guardian to my knowledge with it. But it's crazy, why would he get Want a gun like that? I sure as hell wouldn't touch it. I don't think Eclipse will tell me why but it's curious To why he grabbed it" [spoiler]Just a quick thing Eclipse had the red death before his first wife[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]oh, it was my understanding that he got it after her, my bad! [/spoiler] Garuud chuckled, " Honestly? Who knows, fate? Providence? who can say. It may have even called to him, some part of that gun is alive and it may have called out to him knowing that darkness was coming."

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  • [i]Lucent shudders at that[/i] "That creepy a gun calling out to you, to use it. Yeah that's enough to give me nightmares. So I have another question, my father shows so much hostility towards you yet you continue to help him. Why?"

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  • " hahahaha, I would say it started out because it was funny because while I was annoying him, I was also helping him in a crucial way so it made it so he would severely hamper himself if he sent me away. But then I think I started to consider him a friend. Not many of those left you know, except you guys of course." Both voices chimed in, both in unison. " Indeed!" Garuud smirked "Even if he acts like a hermit. hahahaha"

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  • [i]Lucent smiles[/i] "He doesnt act like a hermit he's around alot But he has to keep hidden usually due to the vanguard. And he really cares about ro So I'm assuming He's home usually with her when he can be. But it's like I'm really unsure what he sees wrong with you. You're fun to hang around."

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  • " haha well thanks bud, I think its mainly due to how I handle jobs. As long as I am paid, I am good to go haha and your pretty cool yourself, so what do you even do? Do you work? If not, I do need help with a job."

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  • [i]Lucent thinks for a moment[/i] "So wait what if someone paid you enough to kill ro me or eclipse? You're saying you would do it?"

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  • "Oh no, I definitely have my honor. That is the perk of being a merc, you get to pick and choose your jobs. But I have certainly taken out other guardians and minions of the darkness, whenever something needs dead... people come to me. I have been offered that job a couple times though."

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  • [i]Mist Peaks out from behind Lucent[/i] "Can we really trust him? He seems Alittle crazy and there's a possibility Someone will offer enough for him to kill you or...your parents." [i]Lucent looks at Mist then at garuud[/i] "How can I trust you arnt gonna kill my family is offered enough?"

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  • " That just is not a job I would take, it may be offered to someone else however. I would stop them though, but usually the guardians that I have taken out.... were not nice." ( Mature voice) " They were killing civilians" ( childish voice) " Plus, we were... paid a lot."

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  • [i]Lucent thinks for a moment[/i] "Mist I don't doubt he's telling the truth. I'll trust him. Anyways well you asked what I do I take out high priority targets usually. But a bounty hasn't popped up for one today so I decided to sleep in a cave. But yeah I'm up for whatever your job is"

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  • Garuud stands up and claps. "Great! So, here is the deal.... we are hunting a hive wizard, not to kill... but to capture. Someone wants a live wizard by the name of Gawth. I would split the take with you 50/ 50. The target is on earth."

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  • [i]Lucent stands up and sets his helmet on his head and gets his weapons[/i] "Sounds fine to me, By the way you smell like You rolled around in a container of gas"

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  • Garuud sniffs himself. his receptors picked up the scents of gun oil, gasoline and a day old burrito covered in hot sauce. " Ahhhh, the aroma of a bad ass." Garuud stands up and picks up his Fabian strategy and moves towards the entrance of the cave. " Time for the party to begin. She apparently is holed up in rasputins bunker."

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