So for those who havent seen the 52nd Planet Destiny podcast, Pope Bear brought up a really really gnarly epic fücking ridiculously fun sounding special event idea for destiny (@ around 1:07:00) : PURGE WEEK. pledge your allegiance to a faction and begin you normal week off except all grounds (should you choose to participate) are all PvP.
Just imagine; the weekly refresh comes and you sign into your character. The notification for the special event week pops up on the in orbit screen: "Purge Week is ACTIVE" you are then asked whether you want to participate in this event or not and clicking either one, continue on with your day. you either hop straight into continuing your quest or go to the tower to grab some bounties. You spawn into the tower but there's a problem: your screen is on first person mode with and gun and the HUD. You realize you chose to participate. You look all around and there are guardians killing each other mindlessly. Should you stay and fight or escape to the bounty tracker like you intended to in the first place?
The Reef, patrol areas, all the open social spaces are plagued with guardians killing and killing with no remorse. Engrams drop, your ghost shell is generating hundreds of glimmer as you kill titan after titan.
After a week, the average kills per each person pledged to a faction are tallied up and each participant receives 200 rep and the winners get a free faction package. Comment whether not you like this idea or what tweaks there should be
There would a lot of camping going in the patrol social spaces. Snipers EVERYWHERE!