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Edited by Zalamiir: 1/10/2016 12:42:18 AM
"What?" He practically spat out.

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  • She doesn't flinch. "What are you thinking?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 1/10/2016 1:13:24 AM
    "I'm think that this is pure idiocy. Orion, you still care for Magnus, I get that. But he is gone, he died centuries ago, and now Grixis has filled the void." He told Orion icily. [i]"I see you still have the same narrow-minded thought process that the Guardians of old used to have."[/i] He looked at Alice. "[i]What is it you wish to know."[/i]

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  • "How do we balance out Grixis's light and darkness?" She says, adjusting her grip on Magnus's sword.

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  • "[i]You say that as if it never was. This entire time it's been balanced, that is what he despises. He wishes to be rid of the Light, to become a being of pure Darkness."[/i] Orion looked away from Alice's gaze, then turned and looked at shattered crystal on the circular podium. "[i]And whatever he's doing on Fundament; he's slowly succeeding."[/i]

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  • "No, I don't believe he is balanced. I'm balanced but I don't suffer from his symptoms. Reason why is because I'm balanced physically and mentally." She swings the sword down and stabs it lightly into the ground. "I didn't say he wasn't balanced physically. I meant mentally. How do we help him?"

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  • "[i]Now that is the problem. I honestly have no idea. He's made the Light his greatest enemy, for reasons you already know. But I do know this: if there is anyone that can help him down that path, it is you. But know, he won't be willing to accept the Light so easily."[/i]

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  • She nods. Then takes a knee in front of the sword in the ground, gripping the orb at the top. She then attempts to fill the sword with her own energy.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 1/10/2016 2:25:39 AM
    "[i]Dawn's Resolve, is it's name. Made by Magnus himself. It could only work for him, but now that it has no link to him anymore, it would seem that you are its next wielder. It's a shame, how low it's brought down. It can never reach the performance it was before in its current state."[/i]

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  • "You'd be surprised how powerful a name can be." Alice says as she stands up, now with the gem swirling with faint black shadows amongst bright white. She grips it's handle and pulls it up from its position in the ground. "It's not fully bonded yet. It still whispers of Magnus's soul. But luckily, that's what I need." She turns to look at Orion. "We're going after Grixis. I'm going to try and save him, Anaxis will try to kill him. So now it's a race."

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  • "So it would seem." Anaxis said blatantly. "You said Grixis is on Fundament. What is he doing there?" There was a pause, Orion having that look, weighing which option to go on. But then he finally spoke again. "[i]I think it's best that I show you."[/i]

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  • "Lead the way then." She holds a hand out in the air, then shadows seem to manipulate themselves in her hand, making a long, black tinted transparent sheath for Dawn's Resolve. She swings it around, then clicks the sword into the sheath. Perfect fit. She looks back at the others around her staring at her. "What? You thought I'd let such a brilliant sword not have a sheath?"

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  • Orion hovered over by the crystal, then turned to face his audience. "[i]I'm just gonna say it now, things for you may get a bit weird."[/i]When he finished, his shell expanded, revealing a green aura around his core instead of a blue. "Define 'weird.'" But if an answer was coming, it was cut off as Orion erupted in a flash of light, blinding the party. Why did everything lately have to blind them? When his vision cleared, Anaxis looked around- His eyes went wide as they seemed to be standing on an invisible floor, out in the middle of space. "Orion!" [i]"Relax,"[/i] he told them from seemingly no where. [i]"Your merely observing what's happening, you're not actually where you are."[/i] "Well where are..." He trailed off as he observed what was before them. An orange gas giant, so large, it made Jupiter seem like a speck of dust in comparison to its size. [i]"Lady and gentlemen, welcome to Fundament."[/i] He looked about the titanic gas giant. There they were, the fifty-two moons, orbiting the planet. But what caught his attention, was the large battle happening a distance away from them. Hive ships, seemingly by the hundreds, fired upon one another, already a large graveyard forming from the destroyed ships.

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  • "Sarkon versus other Hive?" Alice says as she attaches her forth sword next to the other three. "Play nice you three." She whispers to her three originals.

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  • "[i]From what I can gather, Sarkon has claimed himself as the new Osmium King, causing a civil war amongst the Hive. However, because of Grixis, their overall success against the Light, as Crota and Oryx have done nothing in comparison, and their command over the Taken because of their attack on Oryx's Dreadnaught to steal his power. Sarkon has gained the allegiance of most of the Hive.[/i]

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  • "Then why are these ones being attacked?" She walks up next to Orion, although it's very unnerving to see nothing under her feet, yet feel solid ground. "Can you show us Grixis at some point as well?"

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  • [i]"Because there are some that still follow the ways of Oryx and his son. They are seen by Sarkon as weak, and to him, such weakness cannot be allowed to flourish. So now, the Hive are at war with each other. As for Grixis, hold on... Found him."[/i] Suddenly, they seemed to move toward Fundament, at super-sonic speeds. A split-second later, they found themselves in a dark room, with only a patch of crystals on the wall to give some light in the room. Nothing decorated the room, except for some kind of stone chair facing the wall opposite of the only entryway. And in said chair, was the Dark Guardian himself, Grixis. His armor seemed to be more detailed than before. The entirety of the armor was now a pitch black color from its former dark color. The bone like plating everywhere seemed to be more defined and sharper looking, as if just touching it could leave sever wounds. The crevices in the armor now pulsed a white color instead of green every few seconds, and the helmet no longer had the two points on either side of the head, it was now replaced by a set of three horns going back and curving up on each side. Grixis was hunched over, back facing the rest of the room. Not long after, the door slid open in multiple direction, parting way for the Deathsinger, Molkir. "[i]My liege."[/i] She spoke, breaking the silence of the silent room. "What is it?" He spoke. His voice seemed, deeper than it usually was. "[i]The resistance is losing their power rapidly. They have no hope of survival, now that The Taken and your Reborn are against them."[/i] "Good." [i]"My liege, are you well?"[/i] He didn't respond immediately, letting the silence take over once more. Then he chuckled. "Am I well?" He then began to rise from his seat, standing to his full height- Anaxis looked at him confused. He was taller than he was before, just what- Grixis then turned around to face Molkir, the light illuminating his front. "I have never felt better." Anaxis was horrified to his very core, he was actually petrified at what he saw. When Grixis spoke, the part of his helmet where his mouth would be, [i]moved[/i] as he spoke, the back of the throat glowed faintly from the light within him! The helmets three white eyes, each had black slit pupils! Grixis' armor, wasn't just armor now, that armor [i]was[/i] him!

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  • "Huh." Alice says, faintly bemused by the sudden sight. "Have you noticed the fact that even when there's no one that can speak English in the room, they still speak it instead of Hive?" She looks over at Anaxis. "It wouldn't change anything. I understand the Hive language the same as any of the other seven languages I know, but still." "Judgingly, I'd say he hates this with a passion now. Knowing full well that he will never become a true Hive Knight with his Humanity still attached to him. A poor shame it is."

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  • Garuud chuckled for a moment " So, he is going full hive.... never go full hive. Does he not know this? Whats the plan Alice? Can we still bring him back or at the very least kill him in that state? I mean he is a walking suite of armor now." Garuud pauses then speaks again. " Either way, looks like we are going to fundament. It also looks like I need to up my game a bit...." Garuud says as he smiles. ( mature voice) "What are you thinking?" (Childish voice) " Rocky montage!"

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  • "We will do something, that's for certain." She walks up to Grixis. "Any idea if he has any weaknesses?"

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  • " Well from my personal experience, the best armor can become a tomb for a enemy if you attack the joints. IE freeze the joints he cant move around much. That will make it a whole lot easier to take him down. Now, how would we do that? We also need to be able to crack his defense.... I may have something for that." Garuud smiled. " I have been working on something for "Hard to kill enemies." Thing is, they cant be jumping around all willy nilly for it to work."

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  • "I got that. My control over hardened shadows and light may not be the best, but I think I'm the only one to actually control hardened light, so y'know. All or nothing." "But our job is to cut his link to Sarkon. That's the only way we can save him. And I've worked out a theory that might be why he's so angry."

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  • "Sounds like a plan then! Its a long trip to the Fundament, and I need to work on a couple things... which I actually need your help with."

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  • "Or I couldn't shadow walk there. Everyone knows darkness moves faster than light. But since you have things to do, what'd you need?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 1/12/2016 12:06:23 AM
    "And now," Grixis continued as he moved toward the door, Molkir moving out of his way as he did. "Our greatest goal is within our reach." [i]"The destruction of The Traveler. It is ready then?"[/i] She asked. What was she talking about? What was ready? "Yes." He responded. As he walked past Molkir and was almost at the door. Anaxis had to know more. He moved to follow Grixis and Molkir, but he stopped in place when Grixis suddenly stopped at the door. "[i]What is it?"[/i] Molkir asked. Grixis gave no response, but he instead slowly looked over his shoulder back into the room. Staring right at him. Could he see them? Or feel them? His suspicions only grew when Grixis turned back toward them and slowly walked toward him. Molkir only watched him, confused at what he was doing but didn't dare question him. He kept walking, staring at where he was, never straying away or blinking, as if whatever it was would disappear if he did. Then he stopped, right in front of him. He towered over Anaxis, where he was once eye level with him, now only stood up to his chest. Grixis wasn't looking at him, instead looking above him, that he was thankful for. Grixis looked over to where Alice stood, stared for a moment, then looked opposite toward Garuud. What felt like an eternity went by, as they all practically held their breath for what Grixis would do. But whatever it was that had his attention, apparently had no interest to him any longer, then walked toward and out the door at last, Molkir following close behind.

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  • " That was odd, and I need your abilities to help me perfect something. I need something to crack his armor. I have a plan. Its crazy, but so crazy... it may just work."

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