About 2 weeks ago, I was approached by a 302 in the tower, asking me if I'd help him through the KF raid. He'd never raided before and felt more comfortable joining a group experienced enough that they could still complete it despite any potential mistakes he may make.
The poor guy was desperate to increase his light level, and because he'd never had any luck finding a team had his fingers crossed for some good drops. I told him that if he had 20 mouldering shards Oryx would drop an extra piece of gear. Unfortunately though, I had to log off for the night.
I received the following message a few hours ago:
[quote]Hey, not sur if you remembr me. I asked weather you'd help me with the raid and you told me that moldering shards can be traded for extra rewards. I have 47 moldering shards that I got by giving hadum flakes to Eris. If it's ok, can you help me finaly kill Oryx?[/quote]
He spent the past 2 weeks farming a little over 700 hadium flakes.
What a scrub.
I don't normally take this tone with people, just so you understand what you're about to read: What's his Gamertag? I'll help him out. Since you're such an elitist arse that you can't be bothered to help someone new to a specific piece of content. May your bacon burn, and your back always itch in the places you can't reach.
Your a dick and I feel bad for that kid....
You sir should be banned. It's players like you that make this community so toxic
Why do ppl like you exist?
People like you need to be publicly executed.
Why did you edit the part about him dying lol
Edited by Walshie Nightly : 1/12/2016 1:58:21 PMLmfao. Totally was not expecting that ending.
Don't forget you were once a 302 also. But hey, whatever makes you feel good about yourself...helps boost your low self-esteem and failures in life right scrub?
What a disgrace of human being...
The ending made me laugh. Hope you helped him though
What is the guys Gamertag, so then someone who wants to help new guardians can help him.
That 302 is dedicated. I'd raid-Sherpa with him any day.
What an absolutely disgusting person you are. You are the epitome of what's wrong with our society and this community. I sincerely hope karma comes back on you two fold. The attention people need in life is really sickening.
That's not the ending I expected
Be glad he asked you because then he can look at you like a god I get that all the time when I'm on my warlock
Lmao. Did you help him?
I feel kind of bad for that guy.
Don't humiliate someone who doesn't knows about the game properly. People like you make new guys say that this community is toxic :/
Compared to me, you're a scrub. Sad day Guardians. Hopefully some of our ps4 brothers and sisters helped the fella out.
I'm proud of everyones response. ♡
I guess I'm a scrub too... How else do you get the moldering shards???
Can you please give me his psn id?
You are an ass
Edited by VinnieVichi: 1/12/2016 2:26:39 PMAnd your crucible stats are a joke compared to mine so you are a scrub according to your logic. You also have two warlocks? What a scrub lol
Wow you are a dickhead! Hope your next shit is a moldering shard!!