Let us see how many people here can make a logical post without me dissaproving it, post anyhing logical and ill reply back.
Edit: I have been bant so I wont reply till Ninjas decide to be logical.
Hello, and spread those positive vibes??
Sorry, Just advice.
Edited by SirMaxolot: 2/14/2016 6:38:29 PMSorry, Just advice.
Me ;)
How do we see mirrors if our eyes aren't real?
Stay in drugs Don't do vegetables Eat your school
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What is #logicaljackapproved and is it something I should care about?
We perceive the sky to be blue.
Your tag is logical jack.
Is this logic sound enough?
You will disapprove this. [spoiler]Instant paradox.[/spoiler]
Uhhhhhhh 2+2=4?
I sure as shit ain't approved
I did [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] this coming
You've approved everyone I thought this thread would be cool :/
Logical Jack is indeed logical.
Jack's dick is so small, that it is considered a clit.
It's logical for me to be logical jack approved. If I wasn't, it would not be logical, for I am a logical person and I know you are logical because your name is logical jack. Logically, you would say that I am logical, if you didn't say I was logical, you wouldn't no longer be logical jack.
*sits in a polished black leather chair* "This statement is false ;)."
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
This sentence is false. If it is false, then the part of the statement that states that it is false becomes reversed, making the statement true. But if it is true but the statement stays the same it becomes false once again, and repeats itself over and over. Some scientists believe there is an end to this problem and say they are never going to give it up, never going to let it down, never going to turn around and desert it, never going to make you cry never going to say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie just to hurt you.
Edited by KILLA CHAMORRO: 1/3/2016 5:05:45 PMUpdate: I'll be back, I have to go take a long shower. I'll approve everyone that hasn't been approved yet. Thank you for your time. Update #2: I'm still in the shower, so I'll need some helpers. Approve the comments that hasn't been approved yet. Thank you.
Logical house, logical car, logical dick, logical penis Putting logical in everything you say makes you look like you have the biggest egooo