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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
1/3/2016 4:57:13 AM
Emaria looked down at three Guardians, but focused on the one that presented herself. Alice, she said. Emaria looked over at Shovoroth, the side of her mouth pulling back to form a grin. "I see you brought friends." He put on a grin of his own. "They've come for your help." She took a glance down at his neck, seeing the blood over his white scales. Her smile faded at the sight. She did this. "This wasn't your fault," Shovoroth told her, him putting on another smile, "this will heal in time. Help them, they need you more than I." She hesitantly returned her focus on the collective before her. She looked at each of them, then finally setting her gaze on the first, Alice. "Alice. I've heard of you too. You saved my mate from death. For that, I'm am most grateful."

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