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Edited by Jcaf8: 12/29/2015 10:13:28 PM

SLE episode 10(guest take)

This is the guest guardian take, made by OutsideRocket24 and using his Titan, Jason. Enjoy, I only edited this one :) Why can’t I ever go on any of the strikes?” Jason asked commander Zavala, for the hundredth time. He was a relatively new guardian, a four week old titan, but he was well equipped from doing plenty of patrols and going into the crucible to try to avoid getting bored, and gain some rep for the FWC, the faction he had chosen when he got here. That was no longer working though, because some stupid dead orbit hunter was now dominating the crucible, and patrols were getting very stale, very fast. “We need some more experienced guardians to send on our strike teams.” Zavala answered, “You are only four weeks old, you may be a good guardian, but you don’t have the experience yet, give it a little time and you will be ready.” “Is there anything I can do to get on those teams sooner?” Jason asked. “Well, you can help set up for some strikes, we have a team going for Phogoth, on the moon, and a team going for the Archon Priest, on Venus.” Zavala replied. Great Jason thought, so pretty much another patrol, just kill stuff. Well at least it could help him get on a strike team. Jason went to orbit and set a course for Venus, in the Ishtar Sink, to help clear out the area of Fallen, and the seemingly endless amounts of Vex. “Hopefully, just a few more weeks of this, and we’ll be out there doing real work!” Jason said to his ghost, Timidus. “Well, this isn’t so bad, it’s safe, relatively calm, and we don’t have to worry about anything.” Timidus replied. “You’re so boring sometimes!” Jason said, grinning and running off to see if he could beat his record of killing 160 Fallen 10 minutes. After finishing clearing the area, and just barely getting under his record, with 153 fallen kills. Jason decided to maybe has a little fun, and explore the jungles of Venus. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” Timidus said as Jason walked through the thick foliage of the relatively untouched jungles. “It’ll be fine Tim, and what else are we going to do, Zavala already assigned another guy to the prep on the moon.” Jason answered, as he continued walking deeper into the jungle. ‘We could go into th---” Timidus started, only to be cut off by the sound of a fallen captain shouting, then shrapnel fire. “Yeah! This is what I wanted to find out here!” Jason said, taking out his Culling machine gun and running towards the sound of gunshots. He ran out of the forest to see another Titan and his companions ghost being shot at by a huge group of Fallen. _____________________________________ The new Titan opened fire on the group, providing cover for the Beta to run over and revive Azalea. After being revived, she used her golden gun, killing two vandels and a captain. Beta then ran towards the group and used his fist of havoc, destroying nearly half of it. It was then an easy cleanup for the guardians, using their weapons to kill the rest. “For some reason, I don’t think they bought your sales pitch.” Beta said as he and Azalea walked up to the friendly titan. “Oh shut up! Just because I messed up my Eliksni speech today doesn't mean I [i]can't[/i] speak it.” she proclaimed, slightly embarrassed that she had just been killed by a captain AND messed up with her eliksni. _____________________________________ “Wait, you can speak fallen!” Jason asked amazed, that someone could do that. “Wait. define speak. Hehe.... OW” The Titan answered, smugly, only to be hit in the shoulder by hunter "My names Jason," Jason said transition from his moment of awe. "My names Beta, and this Mea-, [b]NICE[/b], nice lady is Azalea." They stood there for a second when Beta realized something: “Yes I can, but not perfectly. Now let’s get out of here, this place is crawling with fallen, and they’ll be here soon.” She said, trying to change the subject before Beta could make any more comments on her eliksni. “Yes, I’d rather not have her try to talk to them again----[b]OW[/b].” Beta said as they went to orbit and he was hit by Azalea, again. "Weber, can you???" [i]And with that they disappeared to their ships.[/i]
#Destiny #sle

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