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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by mandog_123: 12/28/2015 6:33:20 PM
Diamedes threw two hammers at the incoming thrall leaving only a few left standing which he quickly made work of with his sword. "The worse is yet to come." Said Diamedes" He then rushed the acolytes deflecting all the blasts with his sword. He approached the first one stabbed him then he threw a hammer at the other two nearby acolytes leaving only six left. Diamedes started rushing the six but then a knight came out of no where with his blade almost striking him but thanks to the Diamedes Lightning speed reflexes he not only parried but disarmed the knight. The knight was afraid and Diamedes took advantage of the opening and uppercutted him with his sword slicing the knight in half. Diamedes took out his sidearm and with quick precision shots took out four acolytes one escaping back in the door and the other behind a rock, Diamedes snuck behind him and when he turned around he punched him crushing it's face in between his fist and the rock which cracked because of the immense force. Now left were the last four knights which began to circle him. He stood on top of the rock while they were all around him and they all swung at once but Diamedes jumped in the air and as he came down he swung his sword mid air slicing one Knights head open. "Three left Diamedes." Said ghost as one fell hard on the ground. Two Knights stepped up and both swung but Diamedes blocked with his sword and now the three were in a power struggle. Diamedes was under immense pressure because of the two Knights but he was quick and shot one knight in the knee which immobilized him temporarily. Diamedes used his strength to push back the other Knights blade and then stabbed him in the chest ending is life. From the corner of his eye he saw the other Knight running. Diamedes started running to intercept him, he catapulted him self off a rock towards the Knight's direction lifted his sword up high and by the time the knight turned around it was too late the blade had found it way in its mouth and kept going down. "That was fun." Diamedes said. "Yes but I'm pretty sure you'll have more encounters like these on our way to the Circle of bones." Ghost brought up. "I'm counting on it."

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