And that's not a problem! Is it overused? Absolutely. But why? [b]BECAUSE IT'S A -blam!-ING BASKET OF FUN.[/b]
I don't wear vibrating pants to work because they help me design better, I wear them [b][i]for the THRILLS.[/i][/b] Mida is all the excitement of a new lover without finding out they're crazy two months later and you've already named a cat together. [b]MIDA IS THE CAT. [/b]RETURN THE RING FRODO! [b]YOU [i]MUST.[/i][/b]
Mordor keeps a watchful [b]eye[/b] and Mida is the [b][i]overly large sunglasses[/i][/b] that hide the tears you create when you go to work and realize [b][i]Mida isn't real![/i][/b]
....Or is it? A wise man once said to me:
[quote]I'll give you so much weird, you won't know how to wipe it off.[/quote]
That man was me, and even I could not understand it until using the [b]Mida.[/b]
Guess how many uses there are for peanuts? [b]A -blam!-ING LOT.[/b] But peanut butter is the most fun, and that is why I lather up with it daily.
[b]MIDA[/b] makes you run fast. I ran track for [i][b]5[/b][/i] years, and I'd have had far less shameful losses if I was toting that scout rifle with me for the 400 yd dash.
[spoiler]zoom zoom mother -blam!-er[/spoiler]
The band [b][u]Tool[/u][/b] takes their name from the Mida Multi-Tool. [b]I just had to correct that sentence 3 times,[/b] because auto-correct changes [b][i]Mida[/i][/b] to [b][i]kids.[/i][/b]
[spoiler]Kids should not use guns or run with scissors [/spoiler]
Do you know the square root of [b][i]4,761?[/i][/b] Mida does. It's also a calculator. A [b][i]fast[/i][/b] calculator. You can use it for your math test, go dig a trench, then pick up the tab for bae at a mediocre Italian restaurant. [b][i]All because of Mida.[/i][/b]
[quote]Our dearest Mida
Exotic be thy scout
Your head shots come
Body shot fun
On Twilight gap, as on all maps
Give us this day our daily medal
Back in action double down
Lord Shaxx screaming to the whole town
Believe not what I see
Lead us with your blue HUD
And deliver us from scrubs
[b][i]-MIDA MULTI-TOOL to itself, 2K15[/i][/b]
It IS so much fun to use, I loved/mained it prior to the new meta
I hate the sound of it sounds like it's shooting cotton balls or something.
It's going to get needed because it's over used
Very stupid
You know it's getting bad when people are asking for a MIDA nerf
UN-NERF EVERYTHING! Counter one op with another op!
Its over used because u can kill someone in 3-4 shots at sniper range
... Jade rabbit? Anyone? Body shots increase stability, damage and reloads gun; maximum range? [spoiler]im even running w a jade rabbit helm[/spoiler]
I give this [url=,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/itxtnbttmn8dt4z0tfcx.gif]Seth's Stamp Of Approval[/url]
Pie is good [spoiler]me like pie[/spoiler]
MIDA doesn't need nerf'd, but other guns need buffed. Right now MIDA is simply too good. If you want to be competitive and you aren't great at sniping?? MIDA, end of story "Oh MIDA takes SKILL!!" lol, no it doesn't. Body shots with MIDA still have a super fast TTK, at virtually any range. Pulse rifles used to be able to compete, but not anymore.
so...people want balance....a gun is used a lot which is the very picture of balance. i mean, you can't get more even than using the same weapon...and more complaints even though the prior complaint was about balance as if we needed more proof people will complain about either 1. their lack of skill 2. the latency issues in game not even realizing that's why games play so differently then make nerf weapon threads
Never really used it. If you go in the crucible it's still mostly PR's.
Mida sucks
I dismantled mine. My tread upon stars is better imo
Tool is my favorite. You gonna go see them this tour?
There was another! Huzzah!
Tool came about in 1993! Great band and not comparable with some imaginary gun!
I like how fast I can run
Brilliant as usual, sir. On a more serious note... if Bungie ends up nerfing Mida, I may have to give up on this game. I've rolled with the punches through all the balancing, re-balancing, and re-re-balancing. I've very rarely complained about anything, because the changes just pushed me toward trying new things. I like trying new things. The thing about Mida, though, is that it's the same gun it's always been, and it never needed a nerf before. To be honest, I [i]personally[/i] feel like Mida seems a bit [u]weaker[/u] than it did in Y1, but that's neither here nor there. Bungie knows that Mida is a balanced weapon, and they know that it's seeing a lot of use lately. If a nerf is the course of action they choose, it will all but prove that they don't know what they're doing. It will likely be the straw that breaks this camel's back. I thoroughly enjoy Destiny, and I hope Bungie does the right thing. Now, we wait and see...
Once my super is up my tlaloc can out gun a mida any day
I -blam!-ing hate mida with a passion, the sound of it does my nut in lol
Quick people are enjoying something in destiny. Nerf it