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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/28/2015 6:53:02 AM
High above the large opening that lay before the Hive temple, stood two figures. One actually standing while the other floated. The first was a Hive Deathsinger in gray robes. The other, a being made of pure darkness, much like an Echo of Oryx, except this being took on the form of a Guardian, a Titan to be exact, wearing bone-like armor of the Hive. It's dark, ethereal Hive Cleaver in both hands, tip resting in the ground, both watching the events below. The Deathsinger, Molkir, looked over at the Shade beside her. "[i]Why do we wait? We could easily kill it now."[/i] She said in the Hive language. "Because, all of my kind deserve a chance at redemption." It responded in the same language, it's voice sounding deep and that like a gathering of shadows. It never took it's eyes off the scene below. [i]"And if it refuses?"[/i] "Then he will die in the name of a false god, just like the rest." Now that they both remained silent, Molkir focused back on the events below.

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  • Edited by mandog_123: 12/28/2015 6:33:20 PM
    Diamedes threw two hammers at the incoming thrall leaving only a few left standing which he quickly made work of with his sword. "The worse is yet to come." Said Diamedes" He then rushed the acolytes deflecting all the blasts with his sword. He approached the first one stabbed him then he threw a hammer at the other two nearby acolytes leaving only six left. Diamedes started rushing the six but then a knight came out of no where with his blade almost striking him but thanks to the Diamedes Lightning speed reflexes he not only parried but disarmed the knight. The knight was afraid and Diamedes took advantage of the opening and uppercutted him with his sword slicing the knight in half. Diamedes took out his sidearm and with quick precision shots took out four acolytes one escaping back in the door and the other behind a rock, Diamedes snuck behind him and when he turned around he punched him crushing it's face in between his fist and the rock which cracked because of the immense force. Now left were the last four knights which began to circle him. He stood on top of the rock while they were all around him and they all swung at once but Diamedes jumped in the air and as he came down he swung his sword mid air slicing one Knights head open. "Three left Diamedes." Said ghost as one fell hard on the ground. Two Knights stepped up and both swung but Diamedes blocked with his sword and now the three were in a power struggle. Diamedes was under immense pressure because of the two Knights but he was quick and shot one knight in the knee which immobilized him temporarily. Diamedes used his strength to push back the other Knights blade and then stabbed him in the chest ending is life. From the corner of his eye he saw the other Knight running. Diamedes started running to intercept him, he catapulted him self off a rock towards the Knight's direction lifted his sword up high and by the time the knight turned around it was too late the blade had found it way in its mouth and kept going down. "That was fun." Diamedes said. "Yes but I'm pretty sure you'll have more encounters like these on our way to the Circle of bones." Ghost brought up. "I'm counting on it."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 12/28/2015 7:13:11 PM
    [i]"He shows promise."[/i] Said Molkir. "He does. But now the question is, can he be swayed?" Said the dark figure. It cast its gaze over to the large temple door. It stretched out its arm, the palm of its hand facing the open door, and watched as the door shrieked closed before the Guardian could enter. With that, it lowered it's arm, and returned its grip to the hilt of its Cleaver. Trying to enter the temple now was futile by any means unless it allowed it now. Satisfied that it had the Guardian where it wanted him, he put his gaze onto the Guardian. It projected its power into the chasm below, causing a collection of shadows to blanket the ground below. [i]"What is your name, Guardian?"[/i] It spoke, it's voice sounding as if it came from everywhere at once.

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  • Edited by mandog_123: 12/28/2015 7:20:52 PM
    "Diamedes, what's yours?" "Oh and did your seriously close the door, something in there needed to die?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 12/28/2015 7:35:22 PM
    "[i]I am a being of pure darkness, I have no name. And yes, I did seal the temple belonging to that disgrace of a Hive God."[/i]

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  • "Really now, so what do want with me?"

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  • "[i]What my master wants, is your services. And in return, he offers the one thing the Light will never give."[/i]

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  • Edited by mandog_123: 12/28/2015 7:54:26 PM
    "Oh really, what might that be?" Asked Diamedes "You sure this is a good idea." Asked ghost. "Lets find out shall we."

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  • "[i]A future. For all Guardians."[/i]

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  • Edited by mandog_123: 12/28/2015 8:27:15 PM
    "Well I'm going to have to turn down that offer because I don't work for anyone, last time I did it got my team killed and I barely escaped alive, that was years ago... Tis why I left the sunbreakers."

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  • [i]"You would watch as every Guardian perishes before the Light?"[/i]

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  • "You're saying the light is an enemy?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 12/28/2015 8:53:48 PM
    [i]"The Light has always been the enemy. Everywhere it goes, it leaves death and ruin in its wake. The Traveler is the very embodiment of that truth. It tears the Guardians away from their peace and freedom, for it's war! That is what Guardians were made to do, that is all we were ever made to do! Even if there was an end to its war, and it did succeed, what use will the Guardians be then? There will be none! We are tools, waiting to be thrown away!"[/i] It's voice boomed across the chasm, causing the ground shake slightly before returning to normal.

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  • Edited by mandog_123: 12/28/2015 9:30:10 PM
    "And that is why I don't take orders from the vanguard or anyone from the tower for that matter, it isn't my war so I do as a please." "And what I like doing is finding worthy opponents to face me and my blade, unfortunately you denied me of that so I demand you open this door!"

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  • "[i]I gave you a chance to help save more of our kind. But you refuse to see reason. Go then, instrument of death-"[/i] The temple door creaked open. [i]"-continue on your path of destruction!"[/i] it hissed, [i]"when the coming war begins, the truth will be revealed!"[/i]

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  • Edited by mandog_123: 12/29/2015 5:08:32 AM
    "I'll be looking forward to it." Said Diamedes as he went in. There was nothing waiting for him at the other side of the door it was quiet. Diamedes began to head in the direction of the Circle of bones. "It's a good thing you didn't submit to him because rogue or not it wouldn't have gone well for you." Said ghost. "I'm surprised he didn't try to kill me afterwards for not joining him." Diamedes said. "Indeed" said ghost Some time passed and they arrived to the circle of bones and what they saw there was was Aldurthe knight but something was wrong with him. "That knight its been..." There in the center stood a knight with 4 arms holding swords in each hand and 2 heads one that looked normal and the other smaller and deformed. The knight did not behave normal either it was extremely aggressive and twitched every now and then. "It must be a hive experiment like the ogre phogoth." Ghost brought up. "I'm ready, let's go!" Shouted Diamedes as he charged at it.

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  • Diamedes charged at the knight and swung his hardest but the knight didn't take any damage. "What! He should've taken damage" "There!" Shouted Ghost Just then something shimmered around the knight. "He has a shield" "It seems to be immune to all attacks." Ghost pointed out. All of a sudden three Knights came out of some doors all having different shields, arc, solar, and void. "This is just a hunch but I think I have to kill all the Knights to weaken its shield." "Let's do it." Diamedes charged at the first knight which had a solar shield and performed the Phoenix uppercut with his sword him completely disintegrated the first knight. Two were left and they flanked him from both sides the void knight attacking high and the arc knight attacking low. Diamedes rolled back missing a blade by inches. The void knight recovered almost immediately from his first attack and charged at Diamedes and soon enough they were clashing. Unlike other Knights these ones were smarter, more skilled with a blade, and far more agile. The void knight was relentless with attacks expecting to eventually find an opening. Diamedes heard Aldur the abomination of a knight charging behind him ready to swing all his swords in one go. Diamedes jumped high in the air and the void knight met and unfortunate fate when Aldur swung all his blades cutting him to pieces. All that was left was one knight and Aldur himself. "His shield is weakening keep it up!" Ghost said encouragingly. Diamedes backed up gaining space between both of his opponents. "Careful the ledge!" Warned ghost. The arc knight charged him with such speed and tried to stab Diamedes but he side stepped broke his arm with one of his unlit hammers then slicing most of its leg off. Diamedes picked up the knight and threw him off the ledge. Aldur's shield was now weakened enough so that Diamedes could inflict damage. Out of no where Aldur grabbed Diamedes with his right hand, lifted him up, and prepared to end him however Diamedes quickly took out a small knife he had at his side and stabbed him in the wrist repeatedly until Aldur's hand came off. Aldur stepped back in pain but moments later he became enraged and charged at Diamedes. Aldur now only had 3 swords one on his right and 2 on his left. Aldur swung both of his swords from his left side but Diamedes blocked the attack. Then there was loud noises behind Diamedes and after a few seconds he felt a burning pain on his left leg and it took him a few seconds to realize it was an acolyte that shot him he tried to focus with his fight against Aldur but as soon as he did it was too late Diamedes had lost his left hand, he fell on his back holding his arm as he was in pain but then he felt more pain as Aldur slammed his sword down on Diamedes leg which mutilated it and a second attack when he saw a blade pierce his torso. Diamedes felt the life slipping between his fingers. He thought "This is it, killed by a hive scum... I never thought I'd die this way though it's not as bad as the members of the original vault of glass fireteam died, without any hope." "There still is hope." Said ghost "LIGHT YOUR HAMMER AND SHOW THE DARKNESS WHAT TRUE POWER REALLY MEANS" Diamedes finally reacted casting his ability which engulfed him in his hammers into violent flame blinding Aldur and incinerating the acolyte behind him. Diamedes used his lift to get behind Aldur then he threw a hammer staggering him and finally used his sun charging ability on his back bursting through the Knights chest. The knight fell to his knees and then on his side finally being defeated. Diamedes fell on he ground out of exhaustion barely hanging on to his life by a thread. Diamedes achieved victory but Diamedes had severe wounds because of it. "" "Diamedes stay with me" said his ghost as he went unconscious...

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 12/30/2015 2:25:20 AM
    The Shade of Grixis and the Deathsinger, Molkir, approached the open temple, coming up on the remains of the Hive that had guarded the entrance within. They stopped before the threshold of the door, in the center of the carnage. The Shade's left arm began to surge with power of the Light, it's arm becoming a bright white against the rest of its seemingly dark body. Seconds later, the ash remains of each fallen Hive rose from the ground, showing the same energies of Light and Darkness, until they reformed into their original form, albeit their bodies now composed with opposing energies, as certain parts of their bodies, minus their armor, shimmered and surged with black and white. "Molkir," spoke the Shade. [i]"Yes, my liege?"[/i] It looked at the collection resurrected Hive around him, then into the temple. "Make sure that wretch reaches the Summoning Pits." She didn't question him, merely entering the temple with the Hive collection close behind. As for the Shade, he was going to make sure a certain Ogre got its revenge.

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