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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/27/2015 9:34:14 PM
-sigh- "I'm not cut out for prim and proper society but I can try" He tore his sword free and sheathed it. He walked over to a free chair and sat down. He put an arm over the back of the chair and looked at Zavala. "Continue. I won't interfere... Now"

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  • [i]The two guardians drag Eclipse and throw him into a chair and The stand next to him. Eclipse doesn't look up from the ground. Zavala walks over and sits down" Look at the person which might give you freedom worm!"[/i]

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  • "No need for any of that Zavala. Aren't you supposed to be the good guys? Camping next to our dead God just because some white robed lunatic says so? But whatever. I'm not interrupting"

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  • [i]Zavala Looks at John with annoyance and looks at eclipse "Come on Eclipse if you want to live say somthing" Eclipse doesn't move his gaze bug speaks "To you little children it doenst matter you'll just kill me regardless and piss off so many people"[/i]

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  • "Me for starters. I won't be happy if you condemn him for his rifle." John looks at Eclipse. "Although I would try to make a case. I'll chime in to help so it's not completely one sided but don't expect much"

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  • [i]"You part me from my rifle you will regret it. I use to the rifle so no one else falls to it but that doenst mean it doesn't come with a price, I'll go insane after 2 days without it" Zavala slams his fist on the table "Which is why you need ro die and this gun destroyed!"[/i]

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  • John just laughed a little bit. "You really have no idea how curses work, do you Zavala? Even if you destroy that weapon, the curse will still remain and seek out a new host"

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  • [i]Eclipse keeps looking down[/i] "Yes he's right would you rather have the weapon in the hands of a guardian that can control it, or one that cant?" [i]Zavala looks annoyed[/i] "Well we can always throw you in jail with it but no ammo"

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  • John rubbed his short goatee for a bit. "I mean you COULD do that. Probably not a good idea. He probably won't go insane from the curse but he might go insane from the fact that he's, you know, in prison." John rose from his seat and walked over to the Guardian holding the cased Red Death. "Yeah, that's the original alright. The Guardian who originally cursed it had more knowledge of the arcane than most Praxic Warlocks. Very powerful indeed." He leaning close to the case and asked "Mind if I hold it? Probably do but I really don't care. If I had the prototypes I might be able to at minimum understand the mechanics"

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  • [i]Eclipse looks up at him[/i] "You can hold it I guess, but it will be only a gun to you and you don't know how it works. There's alot more to it then you know"

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  • John gives a dark grin. "Don't be so sure. I may not have had the original but I've had copies. Even linked to one" John carefully lifted the case and raised the gun out slowly. "Oh yeah. There's tainted Light in here. A lot. It almost has a life of its own"

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  • "I will kill you tho if you shoot it at anyone"

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  • "Ahhh I'm not that mean" John twisted the rifle every way imaginable. Even stared down the barrel. "There's something about this... It's not the taint but it's dark..." John pulled the firing chamber open and peered inside. The inside of the chamber was filthy with a black goo. He ran his finger along the chamber and sniffed the substance. "Oh. That's corruption alright. Ugh. That stinks. It appears to use a combination of smartmatter and Light to produce and regeneration affect. But it's also highly addictive. Very smart system

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  • [i]Eclipse Laughs lightly[/i] "Sad thing is its not the real gun, it's hidden you really think I'm gonna let anyone else have it"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 12/29/2015 4:43:12 AM
    [spoiler]Ignore this[/spoiler]

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  • John turned slowly and looked at him. "Are you serious?" He looked down at a rifle which before he held with awe and now looked at it as a cheap fake. It was actually rather high quality for a fake but the point is made. "I can't get anything I don't already know about the gun from this" He put the rifle down and got back in his seat. "Anything to add there?"

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  • [i]Eclipse Laughs again[/i] "I'm not gonna let anyone else hold that gun, what it does to others what it can do is not for their hands. I can control it I can keep it under wraps and if you kill me all that will be a waste" [i]Zavala gets up and punches Eclipse across the face[/i]

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  • "Woah. Easy their big guy. His head is in the right place even if he's wrong" John turned to look at Eclipse. "You're going to have to get this one way or another. This is a saying a live by. 'There's always someone better.' You just make damn sure you don't meet them" He turned back to Zavala. "And honestly I'm surprised you haven't gotten a heart attack. You need to calm the hell down"

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  • [i]Zavala decks Eclipse a few more times leaving his face bloody once more[/i] "Keeps going Zavala show me what the vanguard is truly capable of"

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  • -sigh- "Damnit Zavala. I don't want to fight but if you do it one more time I'll have no choice. Don't you pride yourself on honor or something? Prove it. And settle this like people" John's body language was still completely fluid. There was no hint of aggression to be shown except in his words. "Come on. Just calm down. If you beat him I'll never know where that damn gun is"

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  • [i]Eclipse Laughs loudly[/i] "And you never will know where it is, honestly I don't even know myself. I didn't have it when I was captured"

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  • John let out a long groan. "Damnit. I really wanted to inspect that gun for all it is" John turned to look at Zavala. "Alright, piss pot, since this one knows absolutely not about Red Death, you wanna let him go?"

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  • [i]Zavala Sighs annoyedly [/i] "No becasue he's still on trial for using it, He still owns it bit just becasue he doenst know where it is now, he hid it from us"

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  • "That's not very nice. By that logic I should be on trail. All the rumors floating around me. I'm Dark, I'm half-Wizard, lead the Battle of Twilight Gap for the Fallen, and my personal favorite, I was mentored by Dregen Yor. There are people in the Tower who would kick you out if it got them 50 glimmer."

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  • [i]Zavala looks at John [/i] "Yes you should but you've been more use then this peice of shit"

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  • John rubbed his goatee thoughtfully again. "Case in point. But I'm not average. Neither is this one. Plus, I've caused more than a little trouble."

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