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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/26/2015 11:16:24 PM
The old, damaged main gate of the cabal stronghold designated 'Thuros' on Phobos slowly creaked open, the sound of electrical short circuits filling the air while a few sparks rained down from the ceiling above. In the doorway, the shadowed silhouette of a guardian stood as the gate parted, his ghosts flashlight shining brightly into the stronghold. Slowly, the Guardian stepped forward and into Thuros, his head turning slowly side to side as his eyes and electronic sensors scanned the interior of the main entrance. "I really don't see why Ikora insisted that we investigate this abandoned cabal stronghold." Vector 6, the guardian's ghost piped up through the speaker inside of his helmet. "It hasn't shown any activity since the initial taken raids when Oryx first entered the solar system... What do you think, Axel?" At this the Guardian's head turned to look at the ghost floating to his left, and then his strong tenor voice sounded as he replied, "Ikora has never lead the warlocks astray before, and she wouldn't start now, Vector. More importantly, she seemed anxious when she gave us this mission, as though something was troubling her." "Do you suppose she's been having the visions again?" ".....I don't really know. But anything that bodes ill for ikora rey bodes ill for us all." Axel replied shortly. Just then, the loud noise of a piece of stray metal sliding across the ground echoed through the stronghold and Axel immediately drew his hawkmoon from its holster, aiming it further into the stronghold suspiciously. "What was that?" Vector asked quietly. "I don't know, but I'm willing to bet we'll find out sooner or later.... C'mon, we need to get to that database before whatever made that noise finds out what we're after." "Shouldn't we wait for our backup?" "We've waited long enough, something may have happened and now our presence is known." Axel replied curtly That said, axel and vector began making their way further into the stronghold, not knowing what awaited them deeper within. ((Open to anyone))

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  • They see a figure that can be barley made out on the distance of the dark hallway of the base. The figure is standing against a wall Ready to enter the next room. It grips an odd rifle in its hands. The only thing really noticeable about it is The dark green iron banner Stash sitting upon Its Side

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  • Axel stops just as he sees the figure at the end of the dark hallway, aiming his hawkmoon at him for just a moment before taking note of an iron banner sash upon his hip. He then begins to make his way over as silently as possible to catch up with him and avoid shouting across the distance. "Oh look, a titan!" Vector chimes in inside of Axel's helmet. Axel simply rolled his eyes and continued to close the distance.

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  • The titan Gets up from against the wall and silently moved into the roo.

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  • Axel enters the room moments after the titan and peers around quickly. He had to know if he was their backup or just some random guardian. He definitely had to be drug along for his mission either way to ensure it was successful and no accidental problems occurred

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  • The titan is crouched at a dead Cabal His rifle on his back his body still shrouded in black from his armor but his Stash Still visible

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  • Axel immediately darts over towards him upon spotting him and stops a few feet away, finally speaking up. "What business do you have here? Were you sent by the vanguard to assist with my mission?"

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  • [i]The titan Laughs hearty[/i] "No not the vanguard not those puny guys "He stand sup and turns to him his armor that of the iron banner Still black as night "No I came here becasue I'm just as curious as you are."

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  • "Then I must insist you come with me. We are being watched and time is of the essence." Axel explains very briefly before brushing past the titan and into the next hallway, drawing his hawkmoon once more and holding it at the ready as he ventured deeper into the stronghold.

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  • [i]Eclipse follows Holding his red death sticking close behind[/i]

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  • As the two ventured deeper in they soon came to a main star map room with several holo-terminals, some of which hummed to life and displayed images of earth, Saturn, and the moon. Not a moment sooner was there a roar from the other side of the room as five cabal soldiers suddenly leapt from their positions by a seemingly locked doorway and through the air towards Axel and eclipse. Four of them would land near the center of the large, circular room, but the fifth threatened to land in melee range of them both. Without hesitation axel took aim at that cabal's head and fired a single round from his hawkmoon, blowing off his helmet in mid air and causing him to land harmlessly between them as axel rolled behind some nearby cover while the other four opened fire.

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  • [i]Eclipse reacted quick and Took a few shots at one of the other with his red death the guns sound piercing the air as each bullet hit one of the cabal draining it's life and the body falling to the ground. When the body drops Eclipse dodges out of the way and into cover[/i]

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  • Axel glanced over at eclipse just as he was rolling into cover, his eyes narrowing within his helmet at his gun. He recognized it, but then again despite its reputation he could really care less. It was the vanguard that wanted the weapon destroyed, not him. His mission was the database. Upon hearing the death cries of the cabal eclipse had shot he gathered the arc light into his left hand and tossed an arc bolt grenade over his cover before popping up over the top of it, hawkmoon at the ready. He was just in time to see bolts of lightning jump to the three remaining cabal soldiers and he proceeded to fire off four more rounds of his hawkmoon into them, two rounds hitting the one up front, and the third round hitting the back right one. His fourth shot missed, leaving the back left alive while the other two dropped where they stood.

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  • [i]Eclipse jumped over his cover and With a quick shoulder charge he is dashed in front of some debree as he steps onto it and launches himself upwards and Holds his bayonet down and when he drop down the bayonet makes contact with the last cabal Head. Eclipse Then puts his feet on the ground and with the knife stuck in the head of the cabal he Yells and Fires off several burst stealing it's life and it drains and all that remains is a husk of the armor as eclipse takes the knife out and sets the gun on his back[/i]

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  • Axel let's out a sigh as the last cabal is dispatched, stepping out from behind his cover and over to the titan, his hawkmoon being returned to its holster at his side. "You know, you're rather lucky it's me that bumped into you here..." Axel said as he approached, Vector appearing hovering above his right shoulder. "But Axel, should the vanguard find out you saw him and did nothing they'd-" "I know what they'd do vector. He is not our mission and a skilled warrior." He stopped there and smiled within his helmet a moment before continuing. "It'd be a shame to ruin our first meeting with politics." That said, axel offered the titan his right hand. "Axel Arah, well met guardian."

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  • [i]Eclipse takes his hand and shakes it[/i] "Eclipse But you seem to know who j am. Then again who doesn't I'm a wanted person by the vanguard. Well I'm not gonna hurt you like they warn you guys I will"

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  • Axel nodded to what eclipse said, releasing his hand. "It's not so much you they want, it's your weapon. You just happen to go along with it." He tells him, Vector seeming to stare him down a moment before vanishing once more. "I still don't like it..." "Since when do you like most decisions I make vector?" Axel retorted, beginning to look around the room for the way they should head next. "You have a point but still..." "Oh for crying out loud, if he kills us then you can say I told you so!" Axel says with a chuckle before gesturing for Eclipse to follow him through a doorway to the left which led into more dark hallways with flickering lights. "It's this way, be on your guard. We haven't seen the last of the cabal. I have a feeling they have been trying to operate in secret here for some time now."

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  • [i]Eclipse follows[/i] "I'm not gonna kill you guys. Geez just becasue the reports say I kill guardians doesn't mean it's true

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  • "You'll have to forgive vector, he can be a little uptight...." Axel said before leaning over and murmuring. "He's no fun at Christmas parties either...." "I heard that!" Vector chimed in, only sounding a little offended. As the two of them made their way down the dimly lit hallway, there soon was a noise towards the end of it, sounding like a cabal psion, though none were immediately in sight. "We probably have company ahead...." Axel murmured, beginning to focus his arc light within himself as they made their way towards the room at the end of the hallway.

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  • [i]Eclipse nodded and aimed his red death in front of him walking at the same pace[/i]

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