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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/25/2015 1:22:36 PM
Switch had grabbed onto the gun barrel aimed at Aries' head. S: "I telling you, just don't. we both know that you want to kill him. Hell, we both want to kill him, period. But he's asking for it. [i]don't[/i] make his final breath of life be a command that you or I obey" Switch let go of the gun barrel and knelt down besides Aries in a squat, looking into his defeated eyes. S: "You know, I used to think that you were cold, heartless, manipulative, and just plain evil. But it's taken me this long to realise that that isn't who you really are, not on the inside. You're not cold, or heartless, or manipulative, or evil: you're clever. And smart. Simply embracive actually. That's the main difference between you and I: you embraced what you became, while I rebelled against it" "And I don't blame you for that, for deciding to join with it. I can still hear it, you know? The voice. That little menacing persuasive voice in the back of my head, and your head too. Becoming a dark guardian is like sustaining a large wound. It's painful and takes a long time to heal from and remove. But even if you do remove it, like what happened to me, it leaves a scar: a reminder of what you once were, and it stays with you forever. That voice is the scar. I can't ever get rid of that, not ever. As a result, I'm never going to feel quite the same again. I won't be trusted as much, and I won't feel as pure or unscarred as I once did, and that's going to be hard to live with. So I don't blame you for sticking to the bad side" "But please Aries, prove to me that you are indeed clever and smart inside by ceasing your service to that foul voice. You've done a lot of harm to many people, not just today but for many days prior. Innocent people have died undeservedly at your hand and you know that's entirely true. So let me make this very clear: [i]choose wisely[/i]. I'm having to use a lot if strength to give you this offer to live, so [u]don't[/u] take this offer lightly. I believe in second chances, so I'm giving you just that. But you're only getting one second chance. That's it. So, as a reminder:" "Prove to all of us that you're smart and clever; don't take this offer lightly; and choose wisely. If you accept, you live. What do you say?"

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