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originally posted in: Destiny and Drug use
12/25/2015 4:17:19 AM
Your statistics are bias. While giving statistics about other leading causes of death, you mentioned all relating deaths. Like getting in a car crash while under the influence of alcohol. Your bias, does not cover how many deaths occurred while under the influence of illegal drugs. Also, just because half a million people die from one cause, doesn't make 250,000 deaths irrelevant. Imagine a world where all illegal drugs were legal. Picture it. Then tell me why it's a good idea to make some drugs legal.

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  • Most of the pharmaceutical drugs that are legal are worse than weed. Not just pain killers.

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  • And to your second point. Amsterdam has legalized all of them. We do not need to imagine it. People who were addicted can get help much easier. did you know the US account for 5% of the worlds population but still account for 25% of people behind bars? Many of which were put there due to drugs. Ill attach a link for you that is pretty reliable. Come back and tell me what you think after you have watched the full thing to give you a better picture.

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  • Edited by Spynxx: 12/25/2015 4:30:08 AM
    1. I don't want a YouTube link. GIVE PEOPLE REAL FACTS. [quote]I only included facts that pertained to my point[/quote] That is bias sir. And with house fires. It's actually a scary statistic of how many people have died that would of lived, but they didn't because they started a fire, and they are too stoned to know what to do. Also, You keep saying drugs aren't that bad. If they aren't as bad as you claim, you can't deny they still kill. What is the good in using them? One last thing, find out on the CDC website why marijuana and most illegal drugs are in fact illegal. [spoiler]I also exclude all purposes of medical use. If a doctor medically says that his patient needs a drug, then the patient should have it [/spoiler]

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  • [quote]It's actually a scary statistic of how many people have died that would of lived, but they didn't because they started a fire, and they are too stoned to know what to do.[/quote] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you're joking right? Weed, in no uncertain terms, does not do that. You'll never be stoned and not know that fire is hot lmfao. The only way you die from weed is if someone takes a brick of it and beats you to death with it. [quote]One last thing, find out on the CDC website why marijuana and most illegal drugs are in fact illegal.[/quote] Marijuana is still illegal because prohibition makes a lot of money. 65% of the DEAs budget comes from arresting adults who like to smoke a plant. Not to mention that nearly all of the public information about weed is paid for by the pharmaceutical companies. Which also lobby to congress to keep weed illegal. (Gee I wonder why pain pill companies wouldn't want people to have access to a cheaper, safer, and cleaner alternative). The government still has marijuana listed as a schedule 1 drug (for enforcement purposes) which means that there is no applicable medical benefit, but they also have patented as "antioxidants and neuroprotectants." It is very clear that our governing officials have a bias to keep marijuana prohibition, even though a countless amount of them have admitted to using it.

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  • Edited by Spynxx: 12/25/2015 3:44:47 PM
    Weed is classified as a hallucinogen. That means that you hallucinate while on weed. While hallucinating your judgement can be impaired. Thus, you might not see the car that your about to run into, or you may not be able to comprehend that your path of exit is on fire. Please, I respect you opinion, but Before you view people below you, get real facts. Just because someone on yahoo answers says carrots are purple doesn't make it true.

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  • U don't hallucinate and whats your decision making have to do with anything. Alcohol has been proven to impair judgement far more than weed. But hey. You sire are one of the un educated individuals

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  • [quote]Weed is classified as a hallucinogen.[/quote] Not it is not and there is no evidence of any type that supports the claim that weed causes people to trip out and get themselves killed. I'm glad you respect my opinion but I'm sorry to say that I do not respect yours. I have smoked weed for years and I have a pretty good grasp on what it does to people. You obviously do not and just regurgitate false rumors you see on the Internet. The funny thing is you have the audacity to question my facts when you provide NONE. Especially since all facts I've stated came from peer reviewed research or from government records.

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  • Edited by Spynxx: 12/25/2015 3:58:28 PM
    [url=] A CDC link that explains what you actually are getting with "marijuana" [/url]

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  • Edited by GotSomeFire: 12/25/2015 4:09:03 PM
    You do realize you just gave me a link about SYNTHETIC marijuana right? Lmfao I'm in tears over here, you've set the new world record for just how dumb one person can be xD I'd also like to point out that you just cited a major reason why marijuana SHOULD be legalized. Prohibition allows for scumbags to manufacture poison and sell it as marijuana whereas legalization would allow people to know the source of their weed, and avoid purchasing the synthetic poison. Synthetic weed wouldn't be a concern if actual weed wasn't categorized as a schedule 1 substance. Edit: 8 minutes later and I'm still laughing at that BS "evidence" hahahahhahahahahahahahaha xD xD You should really take your own advice lmfao [quote]Before you view people below you, get real facts. Just because someone on yahoo answers says carrots are purple doesn't make it true.[/quote]

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  • The link is from the CDC. Also, do you really think your getting real marijuana? No. No. Your not.

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  • You are such a tard

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  • [quote]The link is from the CDC. [/quote] The link isn't even about marijuana, it says so in the article that the shit you're talking about "does not contain any real marijuana." It's like you're talking about diamonds while posting links about cubic zirconia, it's just not even close to the same thing. [quote]Also, do you really think your getting real marijuana?[/quote] Well considering I buy from a dispensary with a medical card I'm actually 100% positive that I'm getting real weed but thanks for your concern. But even if I didn't pick up from a dispensary, I know how to grow so it still wouldn't be an issue. Now, as much as I love putting little punks like you in their place. I have better things to worry about on Christmas, other than some dumbass who hates weed just because he's told to and never bothered to use his brain and actually form his own opinion. I quite sincerely mean that you are the most uninformed person I have ever spoken to with regards to weed. Thank you for the laughs, but please don't ever vote or reproduce.

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  • GG. It amazes me how "well educated" people think they are and each time they talk they realize that they dont have a damn clue

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  • The sad thing is that he probably still hasn't opened his mind. He probably just thinks I'm some asshole and now has never been more firm in his beliefs. It's just a lose-lose situation dealing with these people.

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  • Edited by zbeshears: 12/25/2015 6:16:02 AM
    I don't trust the cdc or the government to be honest or tell you the truth if it's not in there favor. And since they have made things like weed illegal for so long there have been people who are master growers and already have clients that means the good ol' government won't get that tax money they so desperately want. And in case you wanna argue that, the same cdc and government and surgeon general that say cigarettes and alcohol are so bad for you well they make more money off cigarettes that's the cigarette company's make! I'm not sure on alcohol but I'm sure it's not far behind. So they say it's bad but still sell it to us to make money, so it makes since that when they won't make money they will make it illegal lol And besides that cannabis as a whole has so many real world uses besides giving a good head change that it's insane it's illegal. Textiles, oils, glues, fuel. And all that could be grown in fields that the government pays out farmers not to farm on then sold as exports to make American jobs as well as pay off national debt. But they aren't worried about all that.

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  • I will not respond to a person that is not worth my time. If you are not open to other ideas i am not going to open your mind up.

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  • They are real facts. That is a link to a ted talk. You wont open it because u are a closed minded individual that refutes any real facts that contradict your opinion.

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  • I only included the facts that pertained to my point. Why would i include deaths from something like house fires? That would make no sense now would it sir. And if i am so biased go out and get all the statistics. Post them here and prove me wrong. I believe the CDC is a pretty reliable source and i am more than happy to see what statistics i left out. Im sure that when you start writing them down you will realize that my so called, "bias" was actually factual.

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