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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/23/2015 3:21:29 AM
" We're getting more and more -blam!-ed as time passes. We've got more wounded then we do supplies to heal them. All our troops are bogged down and dying. And their artillery is making it hell for us. If this continues on like this, we'll be slaughtered to the last man...."

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  • J: "Lake, Lake, Lake, Lake!" Z: "shut up"

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  • The both of them grabbed a sword and spaced themselves out fifteen feet away from each other. A," Let's make this a little more interesting." The floor disappeared and was replaced with long poles with flat head to stand on. If you fell, there was no telling where you'd end up. L," Fine." He sprinted towards Aries and jumped up in the air, swing low. Aries parried and sent him back onto the ground. Lake stood up, and Aries swung horizontally at him. He managed to dodge but barely. They locked blades.

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  • J: "heh. Screw this shit" Jaden was clearly irritated at how he couldn't do anything in his cell. Zaaria was looking anxiously at the two fighting, Switch on the other hand had sat down in his cell, practically in a meditative state. S: "relax you two..."

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  • (( I suck at describing sword fights. So instead, I have this! Aries is the red one and Lake is the blue one. ))

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  • ((Beeyootiful. Interesting way to RP)) The cells holding Switch, Jaden and Zaaria broke down and dissolved the moment Lake landed the final sword strike. Zaaria rushed over to Lake to see if he was OK, while Jaden started cheering. Switch walked over to Aries with a sword in his hand, not exactly looking to start another fight. S: "you've lost Aries. Give up while you still can, and at least prove to us that you have a sliver of decency left in you"

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  • Lake was kneeling, using the sword to support himself. He was breathing hard. Aries stood up, the large gash on his chest didn't seem to affect him much. A," Well. Swords were never my thing, but I did manage to land a blow." Blood was dripping off of Aries' sword. A," As for you three. Get back in your little cells. This is far from over. " They were in their cells yet again. Lake took a large breath and stood up. He ignored the blood and focused on Aries. A," To be honest with you, I didn't plan on playing fair." Thirty or so Knights appeared all around Lake.

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  • Edited by Moot: 12/24/2015 7:30:44 PM
    J: "not playing fair? No shit you're not playing fair!" Both Switch and Zaaria were now holding sword in their hands, whithin the cells.

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  • Aries was laughing. It seems he changed his mind now, as even more Knights appeared, as well as ogres. The number of opponents facing Lake was a small army at best. A," You should've just kept doing what you were doing. Siding with them? I didn't think you were such a fool...... Oh well..... Let's see how much our little hero can handle."

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  • J: "little heroe[i][u]S[/u][/i], actually"

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  • The Knight army and Lake seemed to have a stare down with each other. (( Bewm! ))

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  • ((Again. Beeyootiful)) All three guardians just stood there in awe and mild shock as they saw Lake cut down the whole army of knights single handedly. S: "well... That was..." J: "awesome?" S: "something along those lines..." Z: "yeah..."

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  • Aries was getting irritated. He kept throwing wave after wave of Knights at Lake, only to see them all get cut down. He grabbed for his gun.

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  • Edited by Moot: 12/25/2015 12:56:34 AM
    Before he could aim it at Lake, Aries' gun was shot clean out of his hands by a sniper round. Jaden had used a sword to cut open a small hole in his cell, which he had then shot through using his sniper rifle. J: "I think that's enough foul play for one day"

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  • Aries growled. He was about to crush Jaden's cell entirely but was stopped as Lake rushed towards him with the sword. Before he had time to react his head was cut clean off his shoulder. His body fell backwards and his head rolled. The entire realm began to fall apart.

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  • Edited by Moot: 12/25/2015 1:50:44 AM
    Before any of them could picture what was truly going on, Switch, Jaden and Zaaria all found themselves falling through the air as their cells and black surroundings quickly shattered into light and wind. They could once again feel the rush of air and clouds and the sun as they all hurtled towards the grass covered ground of the Oasis Valley. Zaaria floated down, while Jaden jumped just before impact, and Switch blinked straight to the surface. The ground was still wet with puddles from the tainted rainfall that Aries had summoned earlier. Landing feet first, it took a few moments for all of them to reorientate and make sense of where they were.

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  • Lake was a good mile away, with Aries, who as of right now was a giant blob of Darkness. It formed back into him. A," Well I'll be damned.... I didn't think I'd have to do this. But oh well, you are quite the worthy adversary." Aries turned back into the giant blob, and soon, it took the form of something else. It was massive, with giant claws, large jaws, and wings the size of Skiffs. He had turned into a dragon. Aries flew up into the air, and looked down upon Lake. Lake only responded back calmly. L," You think I can't do that myself?" Lake did the same thing, turning into a dragon, although a smaller one. He flew up into the air and met Aries' gaze A," I'm going to kill you. Slowly." They flew at each other, claws out, ready to rip each other's throats.

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  • Edited by Moot: 12/25/2015 3:37:44 AM
    J: "what the hell do we do now?!" Z: "sit and wait, I guess" J: "sit and wait my ass!" S: "I'm with Jaden on this one. We've come too far to stand idly now" J: "thank you Switch! Not you, Zaaria, at all" Z: "OK then, bright spark, how do we help? We're ages away right now, and it will almost take a whole minute to get over there by sparrow, by which time we already may be too late" J: "but just look at Lake! He's not as big or strong as Aries, so he's at a disadvantage. Therefore we [u]have[/u] to help! No choices left" S: "distance isn't a problem, we can always use the Vex gateways. But no, that's not enough..." Z: "ideas?" S: "a couple, actually. We could siphon off Aries' darkness and feed it either into Lake or myself--" Z: "nope, no way. Out of the picture. You're not corrupting yourself again, not straight after being cleansed of it!" S: "we might not have a choice, Zaaria!" J: "any other 'genius' plans?" S: "just the one, actually..." Switch looked all the way across the valley, over to the city perimeter and the traveler itself looming in the sky many miles away, but still visible and ever present. S: "please goddamn work..." Switch raised his hand in the direction of the traveler, and like it had before, a massive bolt of lightning erupted from that traveler's broken surface and forked across the sky at blistering speed, generating a booming loud crack as it sliced through the air and flooded the landscape and mountains with blinding light. The bolt connected with Switch's hand with a loud bang. Letting the pure light flood his entire body once again, he raised his other hand and prepared to fire another bolt of pure raw arc energy into Aries' dragon form, way off in the distance as he and Lake fought in the sky.

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  • Aries saw it coming and dodged out of the way. Lake saw it too, and got an idea. L," Let's see if you can catch me!" Lake flew upwards, high up into the clouds. Aries was close behind. Just as it seemed like Aries was about to catch him in his jaws, Lake disappeared. The truth is, Lake went back to his normal form, well above the clouds and out of sight of Aries. Up here, everything was bright. He didn't look for too long though. He aimed his palm at the direction of the Traveller. Instantly, Light came arcing towards him. It burned him pretty badly, as the Darkness inside him didn't like being exposed to do much Light. He drones out the pain and focused on lumping the Light into one giant ball above him. At this point, the armour on his arm that was siphoning the Light had been completely burned away, and his skin had been burnt pretty badly. He kept this up until the ball was half the size of the Traveller, which was still pretty big. Then, he let gravity do the work for him. He aimed the ball downwards and fell with it. Aries looked around wildly. How could he have gotten away that easily? He didn't bother to look up, not before it was too late. Aries noticed that everything was getting brighter, and then he looked up to see a giant sphere of Light come hurdling towards him. It slammed into him before he could even move. The pain was the most severe thing he had ever felt in his life. As he fell, it felt like the ball of Light was burrowing into him, burning away his very essence. This continued on until they reached the ground. The whole valley shook as Aries came crashing down, a ball of Light on top, followed by Lake soon after. They landed right smack in the middle of the valley, on top of the river. It created a crater that was huge, with Aries and Lake at the centre.

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  • ((Lol I was actually planning to fire at Lake instead, but sure I can roll with this :p)) Switch, Jaden and Zaaria had all been knocked and thrown back the moment Aries impacted with the ground, the sheer force shaking them clean off their feet. After the dust had finally settled and the valley once again laid Silent, the three guardians wearily got up the floor onto their feet. Z: "that was... Big... And unexpected..." J: "did it work? Is he...?" S: "let's find out..." They all summoned their sparrows and raced over to the newly formed steaming crater, driving over the crest and down towards the centre, where Aries and Lake were located.

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  • Aries and Lake were on a big puddle in the middle of the crater. Aries was on his knees, his strength completely drained. Lake was standing, with a gun aimed at Aries' head. L," It's over! This is all over!"

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  • Switch lept of his sparrow and ran towards the two figures. Jaden and Zaaria followed close behind. S: "Lake, wait! Don't kill him!" J: "did he just say [u]DON'T[/u] kill him?"

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  • A," Come on.... Do it..... Pull the trigger. You know you want to...."

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  • Switch had grabbed onto the gun barrel aimed at Aries' head. S: "I telling you, just don't. we both know that you want to kill him. Hell, we both want to kill him, period. But he's asking for it. [i]don't[/i] make his final breath of life be a command that you or I obey" Switch let go of the gun barrel and knelt down besides Aries in a squat, looking into his defeated eyes. S: "You know, I used to think that you were cold, heartless, manipulative, and just plain evil. But it's taken me this long to realise that that isn't who you really are, not on the inside. You're not cold, or heartless, or manipulative, or evil: you're clever. And smart. Simply embracive actually. That's the main difference between you and I: you embraced what you became, while I rebelled against it" "And I don't blame you for that, for deciding to join with it. I can still hear it, you know? The voice. That little menacing persuasive voice in the back of my head, and your head too. Becoming a dark guardian is like sustaining a large wound. It's painful and takes a long time to heal from and remove. But even if you do remove it, like what happened to me, it leaves a scar: a reminder of what you once were, and it stays with you forever. That voice is the scar. I can't ever get rid of that, not ever. As a result, I'm never going to feel quite the same again. I won't be trusted as much, and I won't feel as pure or unscarred as I once did, and that's going to be hard to live with. So I don't blame you for sticking to the bad side" "But please Aries, prove to me that you are indeed clever and smart inside by ceasing your service to that foul voice. You've done a lot of harm to many people, not just today but for many days prior. Innocent people have died undeservedly at your hand and you know that's entirely true. So let me make this very clear: [i]choose wisely[/i]. I'm having to use a lot if strength to give you this offer to live, so [u]don't[/u] take this offer lightly. I believe in second chances, so I'm giving you just that. But you're only getting one second chance. That's it. So, as a reminder:" "Prove to all of us that you're smart and clever; don't take this offer lightly; and choose wisely. If you accept, you live. What do you say?"

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  • A," You know nothing about me. You know nothing about what I've seen, what I've done. At this point, there is no turning back. I walk a path that you can't return from. A path of solitude. I fight for the Darkness, to be free of it. Because I know that somewhere, someone will be strong enough to defeat me, and kill me. Only then will I be free. Only then can I stop. But until then, I'm going to keep going, keep killing, until it kills me."

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  • S: "well then. If you wish to die, so be it. I won't try and stop you from accomplishing that goal, if that's what you truely want. At least it's good to know that you fight to be free of the darkness, rather than embrace it further" Switch stood up from his crouch and stepped back to give Lake the space he needed, still looking into Aries' eyes as he went.

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