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originally posted in: Destiny and Drug use
Edited by SolarCerberuS: 12/23/2015 2:21:48 AM
Unfortunately this is the world we live in drug users are not badasses they are dumbasses not so much recreational weed smokers (better than tobacco smoke nonetheless I still dont do it) but the other harder crap is for losers If you cannot enjoy life without that crap you might aswell not be here. I live in Australia where the use of ice is rampant Id even come as close to say every second teenager gets on this shit and it screws their lives up but until the government pulls its head out the sand and starts issuing life sentencing for drug manufacture/dealing nothing will change.

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  • Hard drug use is a symptom. Not the problem itself. The question is " What makes people so unhappy that they use poisons to feel better?"

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  • Its the whole cliche BS of trying to look cool i guess, I don't really mind getting into groups of stoners it doesn't effect their ability to play negatively at all if anything it makes them more chill, focused and less elitist-sounding. It's nothing that affects you and your time playing destiny so I honestly wouldn't worry about what people are doing on the other end of the mic.

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  • :)

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  • Edited by Lucius Aelius: 12/23/2015 7:55:46 AM
    That's backwards, if anything they need to legalize all drugs so that drug dealers stop getting all the money, and they'll mostly go away on their own when they can't make a profit anymore. Giving drugs to kids should be a severe punishment, but adults should be able to buy drugs legally, and anyone using hard drugs that overtly harm your health (which is most of them) should be required to go to therapy on a regular basis in order to obtain the drug they're addicted to as a way to get them to stop. And that's not a perfect idea and it certainly needs tweaking to make it viable, but it's a hell of a lot better than funding the black market and organized crime by leaving them illegal, not to mention criminalizing users which prevents most of them from being able/inclined to seek help.

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  • [quote]Giving drugs to kids should be a severe punishment, but adults should be able to buy drugs legally, and anyone using hard drugs that overtly harm your health (which is most of them) should be required to go to therapy on a regular basis in order to obtain the drug they're addicted to as a way to get them to stop.[/quote] Why should my tax money go towards helping a smackhead get clean? Shit to that.

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  • So you'd rather have you tax money go into the things it's going into now ,aka prisons. Where you are paying for that "smack head" and also the piece of shit drug dealer that sold them the drugs. You're stupid to think going about it that way is better the getting them the help they need and keeping them outta jail.

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  • Edited by Lucius Aelius: 12/23/2015 8:21:54 AM
    The money people use to buy drugs can be put towards treatment. And then there's the countless billions of dollars we're already wasting on an unwinnable war that has accomplished nothing and only serves to make matters worse the longer it goes, disproportionately punishing those at least fault. That's a lot of perfectly good money which we could be putting to much better use, partly drug treatment but also infrastructure, education and social programs to generally help everyone, especially homeless and poor people who are mostly being hung out to dry in our current society. Or you could just be a selfish piece of shit who only cares about yourself, but the rest of us who actually have a shred of humanity will keep right on caring for others and working to better all mankind, no exceptions.

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  • I'm not a selfish person. But I don't think that anyone who chooses to do drugs should be eligible for treatment. They made their bed... I used to work at a drug and alcohol advisory service and I honestly can say 90% of the people that used the syringe exchange and drop in service were the most awful human beings I ever met. Totally opened my eyes and forced a huge career change.

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  • Edited by Lucius Aelius: 12/23/2015 9:55:25 AM
    You just defined yourself as being selfish, relegating others to obscurity and despair just because you don't think they're worth helping. Who the hell do you think you are to decide that about other people? They're sick and in need of help, and if you'd deny them that because you don't think they deserve a chance at redemption then you are absolutely selfish, not to mention remarkably full of yourself. Not everyone can necessarily be saved, but every life is worth trying to save anyway, no exceptions.

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  • Some people aren't worth helping and some people are simply beyond help. That's not selfish, that's just plain fact. Sorry, but I have an extremely black and white view of drug use. Working with users for 4 years did nothing but fill me with contempt. As I said, I'm not selfish but I do draw the line at feeling sympathy for people like that.

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  • [quote]Some people aren't worth helping and some people are simply beyond help. That's not selfish, that's just plain fact. Sorry, but I have an extremely black and white view of drug use. Working with users for 4 years did nothing but fill me with contempt. As I said, I'm not selfish but I do draw the line at feeling sympathy for people like that.[/quote] You are selfish. You're also disgusting. Please do everyone a favor & never go into any kind of public service position ever again. You seem to be an icily hateful individual & no person, drug user or not, should have to be subjected your borderline personality disorder treatment.

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  • Ha, OK guy...

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  • Edited by Lucius Aelius: 12/23/2015 3:34:47 PM
    Who the -blam!- are you to decide certain people aren't worth helping? No one has the right to decide that, not you, not me, not anybody. You're right that some people are beyond help, but there's no way for us to know who those people are without trying our best to help everyone, and if you don't agree then you're more a part of the problem than drug abusers. At least drug abusers have the excuse of being brain-addled to explain their behavior, what's your excuse for being such a shitty excuse for a human being? There's far more self-centered people like you than drug abusers, and it's people like you who think they know better and are better than other people that stop so much important work from being done in the world, all because you're too self-centered to be bothered to care or help anyone other than yourself and your own loved ones. People all over the world need to help each other more, not less, with NO EXCEPTIONS, that cannot be stressed enough. We are not gods, it is not our place to decide who should be helped and who shouldn't be, we couldn't possibly know enough to be able to decide that, and if you are actually deluded enough to think you can than you and people like you are one of the biggest things wrong with this world, far more so than a handful of smackheads who can't get their shit together without help, and maybe not even then but at least we can help them and see who can be saved by trying. Nothing else would be humane. And for the record I'm an atheist, I don't believe in helping others because some God says so, I believe in it because it's the good, right and humane thing to do, and it is whether you like it or not.

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  • That pretty much sums up the human race.

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  • U are retarted

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  • If you can't enjoy life without that crap you might as well not be here ? Disagree with your ignorant opinion. In some cases people develop addictions without even noticing, and many are not getting help. Having seen first hand what addiction does to people, most are just lost souls crying for help. By saying not be here you mean might as well die I imagine. How about you help save a life and be a respectable human being? If you even know what respectable translate into lol get educated jerk. Addiction is a disease and is quietly eating away at our world. Good day to you sir

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  • I have served in the military and I am senoir first aid trained as well as being on the WHS comittee at my work I do quite alot to help others and help those with depression and anxiety disorders having family members suffer from these conditions pushed me towards wanting to help I was more refering to ice addiction with my comment as I has first hand seen it destroy otherwise perfectly good people, they start hanging with the wrong crowd and succumb to peer pressure then they are hooked.

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  • Eh they ruin their lives its there faultbive done every drug but its self control just do hard shit once in a blue moon ull enjoy it better. Addiction isnt a desease its lack if self control

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  • Edited by CaptainCrunK90: 12/23/2015 7:45:13 AM
    Learn to spell jackass lol I'm the one who's so called dumb? You calling me dumb is laughable

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  • I spell fine im on a phone and a crappy one at that

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  • Muted

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  • Scrub

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  • Dude nomatter what the gov does people will always find another way.nobody deserves a life sentence for -blam!-ing there own life up.nobody forces anyone to buy that shit.and before u say it no I don't use to make drugs.people take drugs for millions and millions of different it a smart choice Prolly not but it's not ur life either is it?

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  • I was more refering to ice dealers regarding the jail sentence it is quite bad in my country and it turns otherwise good people into horrible ones, and even though those who use it are not my responsibility I still care I don't want my kids growing up thinking it is normal or having so easy access to it hell if anyone tries to sell to my kids I will be the one in jail as I will remove the dealer from existence I am a caring loving father who would do anything to protect his family

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  • Edited by darklordmtt: 12/23/2015 4:56:09 PM
    [quote]I was more refering to ice dealers regarding the jail sentence it is quite bad in my country and it turns otherwise good people into horrible ones, and even though those who use it are not my responsibility I still care I don't want my kids growing up thinking it is normal or having so easy access to it hell if anyone tries to sell to my kids I will be the one in jail as I will remove the dealer from existence I am a caring loving father who would do anything to protect his family[/quote] No, you're not caring & loving. You selectively favor particular individuals. Nobody that's actually caring & loving desires sticking other human beings in a cage for the rest of their lives for anything short of cold-blooded murder or, say, child -blam!-.

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