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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/23/2015 2:02:16 AM
[b]First NITC[/b] [b][u]Earth, Somewhere near Berlin,Germany[/u][/b] [u]23:59[/u] [b]A silver Arcadia-Class jump ship soared overhead the ruins of Germany, the engines leaving distinguished golden contrails behind the ship and remaining oddly silent.[/b] "Nothing. It's always nothing isn't it? Gee, Mr. Know-It-All can't you find something a bit more exciting?" [b]Jested the female hunter who co-piloted the ship as she looked to her right and flipped a switch with the words 'Weapons systems' written in standard font under the switch; several small missile pods emerging from the Ship's wings shortly afterwards. [/b] "Would you rather be shot at, Si? I though you were trying to be a pacifist after I died." [b]The male pilot who was a fellow Hunter replied as he slowly lowered the ship's altitude while slowing the ship slowly via a small pedal near the pilot's seat.[/b] "And why did you engage the weapons systems?" [b]He continued as the ship leveled itself with the ground and approached a destroyed airport.[/b] "Just to make a smooth landing, of course!" "Are you sure that you're not being trigger-happy?" "Says the person with the cursed handgun." "You have the same thing." "Y-Yes...but." "They're almost identical." [b]The two stopped their quarrel as the ship stopped on almost instantaneously and jolted them forwards in their seats, all the ship's monitors going dark and the ship teleporting them onto the runway. [/b] "Some way to make an entrance, isn't it, Si?" "Stop calling me that." [b]The hunters' eyes darted along the horizon, their armor now visible thanks to the moon hanging overhead and the still functioning lights lining the airport. The male hunter was wearing tattered FWC gear along with the Lucky Raspberry chest piece and a peculiar handcannon at his side, almost invisible and hard to discern even in the light. The female was wearing much more pristine FWC gear with the Graviton Forfeit helmet in place of the usual FWC helmet usually worn by the Cult's supporters, a handcannon of similar shape at her side aswell, this one much easier to spot in the light and recognized by nearly every guardian as the weapon of choice for Dredgen Yor; Thorn. [/b] "We really need to work on a stealthy entrance, do we not?" [b]The male hunter inquired as he brushed off the female hunter's request and was met with a stern glance afterwards from the female.[/b] "Yeah, and we'll start by removing the entrance altogether. (Open.)

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  • "Why are guardians here?" "I don't know" "Go up to them Rogue" *A hunter approaches the guardians. You can tell his name is Rogue*

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  • "Their weapons systems are primed! Rai, you gotta stop them!" Ghost urged, her high-pitched voice grating Rai's ears. "I know," Rai responded flatly. She pushed the controls even further, accelerating the golden NS44 Cloud Errant far past safe conditions, plummeting straight down through the atmosphere. Alarms and sirens started sounding, adding to the screaming of air rushing by. After bursting through a layer of clouds, the airstrip came into view. She could see the offending party in view, their ship lurching forward, then pulling back a meter. They just arrived as well. Rai yanked back the controls, hugging them to her chest, and pulling an impossible stop just before hitting the ground. She settled the jumpship into a hover, directly between the old hangar and the other Guardians' jumpship. "Ghost. Patch me in straight to their cockpit," Rai ordered. A small click sounded, signifying an open line of communication. "This is Rai, Titan of the Stoneborn Order, speaking on behalf of the Vanguard. You are hereby ordered to withdraw your weapons system and land your jumpship immediately. Comply now or be fired upon." Rai's face may have been blank, but her tone was full of fury and authority. Upon that last statement, Ghost activated their own ship's weapons array. Clumps of missile launchers peeked out from the hull, and a row of Heavy Fusion Cannons began their charging cycle, awaiting to unleash red-hot death. Ghost chimed,"Thought you might wanna back up that threat of yours..."

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  • [b]They both look at the sky in unison and sigh disappointedly when they see the ship flying overhead.[/b] "Does that Ghost of yours also consider deserts civilian areas?" [b]Yelled the male hunter as he threw his hands up towards the sky while still watching the ship still. [/b] "Just blame my incompetent co-pilot and we'll call it a deal."

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  • "Ghost, you're coming down there with me. Keep a remote link open with the ship. If they try anything, vaporize them,' Rai plainly stated as she unfastened herself from the pilot's seat. "You got it! Transmatting now," Ghost responded almost cheerily. In a flurry of blue and white particles, Rai materialized onto the runway, her weapon, a Zero Point LOTP Scout Rifle, already drawn and trained on the male Hunter. Rai was adorned with thick Relic Iron plate armor, shaded white and gold. The sunlight reflected off of her armor beautifully, blinding any one that looked at the glare for too long. "This area has been sanctioned off until the Vanguard has carried out sufficient inspection. State your business."

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  • "State my business? We were just going out for a nice walk and a bit of recon for the Vanguard. And we don't take too kindly that you have thoughts of shooting me." [b]He shakes his head slowly as the female Hunter's hand quickly moved to her handgun but not unholstering it.[/b] "As I said, blame the co-pilot." "No, blame him for getting us into this situation." "My statement remains unchanged."

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  • Rai shifted her sights in a flash, the Scout Rifle now trained on the female Hunter. She barked, "Move that gun even an inch and you're going to know what 4 Heavy Fusion Cannons feel like." Ghost primed the ship's weapons further, their whines combining to sound like some mechanical bird of prey. Rai looked back at the male, her scope firmly centered on his head. "What are your names?"

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  • [b]A loud, low pitched scream filled the air, as a large black and green portal appeared high in the sky. A second later, a large Hive Cruiser, identical to the ships that once surrounded Oryx's Dreadnaught, slowly came out of the portal. When it was clear of it's threshold, the portal closed behind it, leaving only the large ship in the night sky.[/b]

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  • "As if 'staying discreet' were an option after we failed the entrance miserable." [b]The female hunter muttered as she sat down and looked at her fellow hunter. [/b] "Staying discreet was an option but allies ruin it. Blame the Hive, not me." [b]He sighed and picked at a strand of burned cloth on his cloak with his left hand calmly as he watched the ship.[/b]

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  • [b]some distance away on top of a building[/b] Take the shot! Asf's ghost had been saying this for the past hour. "I need a better shot." Was my reply every time. Until the ship appeared that is. Well... That was unexpected... Better help the out. I moved towards and fired a rocket at a group of thralls. The only thing I said was, " need some help?"

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