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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/21/2015 12:55:55 AM
A hunter sees the sparrow though the scope of his sniper rifle, excited. It had been hours since he had seen anything on his patrol. [i]Finally, something that isn't red.[/i] he thought. Overtaken with curiosity, he follows the dark sparrow at a safe distance.

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  • As you look at the dark sparrow through your scope the sparrow stops. The rider looks at you, his face shadowed by the hood. The figure blinks and is right in front of you. Before you can react he bats the sniper from your hand and grabs your throat, his Sealed Ahamkara Grasps penetrating your armor and stabbing your flesh. He looks at the, the hood still concealing his face. "If you want to live, I suggest you stop following me."

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  • He says nothing, mainly from the shock of the sudden attack, but feels the pain and soon says, "Yes, I will. Just let me go!"

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  • He throws you to the ground. And as you regain your senses, he's gone.

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  • The hunter picks the sniper back up and quickly looks around through the scope, looking for a trance of where his attacker went.

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  • Theirs a barely visible distortion in the sand, due to the sparrows anti-gravity emitters. It makes a trail heading north.

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  • He ponders the situation for a moment. After making up his mind, he follows the trail extremely cautiously, handcannon at the ready.

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  • He soon arrives at a bunker burrowed beneath the sand. The top of it only visible.

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  • Garuud a Titan sees this exchange and the sparrow take off. " Lets see what tall dark and emo is going on about" (Mature voice) " He does not seem to like visitors." ( Childish voice) " Good thing we are not visiting! We are observing!" " Nice loop hole!" Garuud hopped on his sparrow and took off on the trial of the sparrow and spied the bunker. " Oh... uh homey"

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  • When you enter, you arrive in a small concrete box shaped room. All that is in the center is the Titan. His helmet is off and he is brutally mutilated. He seems to be alive and is breathing raggedly. He is tied on a chair.

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  • Garuud chuckled. " Well This is a trap if I ever saw one." ( Mature voice) " Indeed, definitely a trap." (Childish voice) "Lets do that thing." Garuud laughed. " Oh yeah!" He began to move into the room and then began firing his Fabian strategy into the ceiling above the chair and then into the base of the chair as well. Destroying it. " If someone is hiding they are unhappy."

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  • As you shoot the chair it collapses and the Titan dies. You hear a voice behind you. "This is none of your business. Get lost."

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  • " I like making new business, and I am already lost.... so here I am! Besides! I am bored, and my pooor bank account is feeling it!" Garuud yells as he spins and jumps back and throws a incendiary grenade towards the voice and begins firing his Fabian strategy into the voice. Then he backs up and pulls out a sword. "Katana rama!" Then rushes in.

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  • Edited by Xeno: 12/21/2015 2:10:08 AM
    As you turn to the voice, their is nothing their. You shot and threw a grenade at nothing.

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  • " Tricky lil bro. Okay... Okay... I get the hint." Garuud then began moving past the Titan and deeper into the complex. "lets see what treasures you have." He came across a door With a couple well placed kicks he brought it down. "Open sesame!" The Garuud stopped short. " Oh mama!" ( Mature voice) " Look at the size of that thing!.... can we even lift that?" Garuud laughed "only one way to find out" ( Childish voice) "That's what she said!" He then moved into the room and began stuffing explosives from the giant pile of explosives into his pockets. "This should be fun!"

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  • Nothing happens.

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  • Garuud then walks out of the room pockets and arms full of explosives and walks back outside. Then Begins planting explosives all around the building. Once that was done. He went ahead and went back to the entrance and put his finger on the detonater. "Come out or die goomba, your choice."

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  • Nothing happens.

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  • "Okay, looks like I get to fill my explosion quota!" Garuud presses the button... and nothing happens. Then he presses it again and again. "Dang nabbit! Don't be a tease.... give it up...!" Garuud slapped it and then pressed it once more and was greeted by a fireball of epic proportions and a completely devastated building. "Ah....... instant gratification!" Garuud laughed and began walking away as the explosions continued. He began humming a tune to a old video game. " Well reader? Satisfied? He said to no one at all."

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  • [spoiler]dat fourth wall break doe[/spoiler] The figure stands in front of you. "Nice explosion."

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  • [spoiler] haha have been doing it since the beginning.[/spoiler] "hahaha, yeah. I do love explosions! So, now that we can talk face to face.... what was the deal with the dead Titan up in there? Did he take your lunch money one too many times? (Mature voice) " Man that makes so many nerds rage" ( Childish voice) "Mmmmmm lunch."

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  • "A schizophrenic huh? I like you. He had valuable information that I needed. After I got it, I killed him."

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  • " Um, were complicated haha! (Mature voice) "Indeed!" ( Childish voice) " You can say that again!" Garuud chuckled. " So what information did he have that you wanted?"

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  • "You know. Informationy information."

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  • " ooooo is it the kind of informationy information that pays well?" (Mature voice) " you have got to be kidding" ( Childish voice) " I like money!"

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  • "Well. Not the info. But how would you like to bring an end to the Guardians?"

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