[quote]This, #1 http://31.media.tumblr.com/68052c00bf52c4b4c078c935189cd19a/tumblr_n64qffHEuh1s7yrkvo4_500.gif[/quote]
[quote]This, #2 http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1304978_o.gif[/quote]
Access denied and error 404 is what I think of
I guess either, since they're the same characters. But I generally think of Qui Gon or older Obi Wan
Between "Access Denied" and "404 Not Found?" I'll go with 404 Not Found.
Food [spoiler]im so hungry[/spoiler]
Pacifist and idiot
[Emperor Palpatine voice] [i]Jedi...[/i] [/Emperor Palpatine voice]
weird al
I think op is fgt
Qui gon :,(
Pathetic weaklings [spoiler]#sithlyfe[/spoiler]
Brown cloaks
#3 episode 7 lightsaber battle. -blam!-ing epic!
Kill them
A religion
Edited by gethyn007: 12/20/2015 9:48:41 AMAlways picture seeing [url=http://i0.wp.com/www.retrozap.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/jedi_05.jpg]Luke with the green lightsaber[/url] for the first time - was always just such a cool image.
Je die
Definatly not [i]STAR WARS[/i]