So I pulled 3 Exotic Primary engrams in 1 month... With that one update, I should be able to earn new ones I haven't unlocked yet, right? But... I didn't.
Instead I get a 310 Zhalo Supercell, 310 Red Death, & 310 Hawkmoon! All of which I had the first week of year 2. Honestly I'm not mad, but I'm very dissatisfied.
Do you guys get anything "new"?
Edit: I have pulled many other engrams, and most come out to be stuff I already have
Bungie's RNG ratio fix for engrams is BS. Remember during the reveal of TtK, it was said that the coding was redesign to reward what was not obtained. That was to curb the repitive loot. RNG reward is still the same BS as year 1. What needs to be done is a complete overhaul of the rewards. RNG should have less of an impact and let the data from your performance determine your reward results.