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Clan Recruitment

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12/16/2015 12:08:07 PM

[360] tFO Looking for More Pack-Mates.

I'm going to cut the small chat. Since the conclusion of Year 1 the Feral Ones went from 3 members to 16, however most have gone on hiatus or are otherwise on an irregular schedule. Thing is, we need to increase in numbers but we're not willing to put up with any bulls**t. Below are the requirements needed for us to consider inducting you into the clan. - [b]COMMUNICATION IS A MUST[/b]. Xbox Mic or Skype will work. - [b]MUST be over 16 years of age.[/b] Sorry kiddos. - [b]MUST. BE. PATIENT.[/b] I cannot stress this enough. We've had our good and bad days but[b] if you're the type of person that quits after the 3rd failed run, then we are not for you. [/b] - Referring back to the last requirement: do not assume leadership when things go awry, and don't get pissy when it doesn't go your way. - Not a requirement, but we've got some twisted humor- [b]this clan is not for the oversensitive [/b]or the faint of heart. There may be some other things I have not mentioned, but you'll see what I mean. If you're interested, you can send me (Adala) or either of my second-in-commands [ SubArtic Fox or DEAD POOL 1999 ] and we'll go from there.

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