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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/15/2015 11:15:19 PM
"Okay, part two then." "About seven hours later, I was on the Dreadnaught and I saw Grixis heading for Oryx's chamber. I followed and dirupted whatever plan they had by absorbing the energy of an Oversoul. Then after I stopped their plan, I left the chamber, leaving Garuud as a distraction. That's when me an Lokumi started planning." "So far, we've come up with the conclusion that he will either be attacking the Tower first to remove the amount of attackers he has to do with, attacking the city below to cause chaos or attacking the Traveler directly. Anyway you put it, he's gonna be cocky. So we've made precautions to deal with him, such as surround the entire area with beacons link to me that allow me to absorb the energy of anything passing through it at my will, two of the Twlight gaps cannon packed with much more than a shell to blow open their cruisers, an Army of Guardians ready to run out and fight, and two other things that I don't want to spoil." She finishes the whole glass in one. "But let's just say we'll be cruising this war while we sat down the entire time." She gives a great big smile.

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