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Edited by VertheAlt: 1/5/2016 4:53:00 PM

Fireteam November (RP)

The Serpent Hyperes Galaxy has always been at the center of the universe, which means the fight between what is right and what is wrong has always been constant. Our leaders, such as the president of the SHG (Serpent Hyperes Government), Colonel Decessare has enlisted the most powerful and expert soldiers from all around the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy Seals and brought them all together to form an incredibly lethal team known as Fireteam November, who are dispatched in the darkest hours to vanquish the greatest evils known to man. "We're willing to put our golashes in murky waters and when we pull them out, both our golashes are clean, and so is the water. Any sumabitch to look down the barrels of our guns will never see another thing when the mission is all said and done. That's a promise." ~Colonel Decessare [b]Locations[/b] [spoiler]ISS Avalon- The main warship of the SHG and Fireteam November. It's layout can be found [url=]here.[/url] [url=]Corra-[/url] An extremely hot and dense jungle planet that is overrun by small packs of bandits who live in the trees and horrific creatures. It is devoid of major colonization and is a good spot to find rare metals. At night, it is said a creature known as the Horned Raxomajump jaunts across the forests, it's horns the sharpest things you'll ever see. It is said to be able to run at 80 MPH, to be as wide as an elephant and as tall as a giraffe. More on it can be found [url=]here[/url]. Ashuna - A dry, arid and barren wasteland planet that is actually said to be the home of many buried treasures and valuable minerals and ores. Many Sandworms, writhing, grossly mutated worms who dwell in the crust of Ashuna live there and will devour just about anything. The water on the planet is extremely scarce, the mornings will literally melt people and the nights are strangely peaceful but very cold. The planet is the oldest in Serpent Hyperes. Thabolia - Thabolia is a giant planet with tremendous storms and incessant meteorite showers. It is the largest known planet in Serpent Hyperes and one of the most dangerous. There is a promote cave dwelling race that live inside the planet. They have an advanced social hierarchy but that is all that is known of them.[/spoiler] [b]Character Creator:[/b] [b]Rules:[/b] [b]Join our Group:[/b]

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  • Edited by Cosmic: 1/24/2016 2:39:12 AM
    [b]he readies an MP7 and suddenly is cloaked along with three other men. They all know what they needed to do. A bandits camp lay ahead, in broad daylight the four men sneak in under a cloak of invisibility. They find a man, riding in a truck shooting down salves as they attempt to run off. Uncaring. The leader of the cloaked men hops into the bed of the truck and uncloaks, firing at the two men at his sides with the MP7. The other three men neutralize surrounding threats in buildings and surrounding the truck, including the driver. The car is sent flying into a building, knocking both of the men out of the truck bed Careless. The previously cloaked man immediately jumps up and charges toward the barely standing bandit clan King. The king immediately tries to stab at him with a small switchblade Careless. The cloaked man grabs the knife and drives it into his eye. He shoots the extended magazine into the Kings stomach, obviously killing him. The rest of the previously cloaked men return to him, wearing WWII gas masks and long trenchcoats, their heads defended with a graphene-mesh hoods.[/b] [i]"at your command, Shepard"[/i] "Bring me his lieutenants.." [i]"yes, Shepard"[/i] [b]the first one dissapears, the leader then turns his head to the second one [/b] [u]"at your command, Lucas"[/u] "Round up the wisps, synthetic or no, we need them all." [u]"aye."[/u] [b]the second man cloaks, the leader walks outside of the thrashed building to find the terrorists camp in ruins, burning or already burned. Sending clouds of smoke into the open ashuna Sky Careless.[/b] [spoiler]open, you see the smoke[/spoiler]

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    • *Cringes.*

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      • Tara, Alma, Tamamo and Alipheese are all resting in a lounge.

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        • Edited by Cosmic: 1/23/2016 4:56:48 PM
          [b]shepard sits on top of a dune, over looking the entirety of the barrows, watching his subjects go about their routines from afar. He begins modifying a .44 caliber handgun, azazael pops up next to him and sharpens a strange pitch black rapier[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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          • [b]Fox walked the halls of the Avalon, when three soldiers stop him[/b] 1: "Need some....[i]Insurance[/i] Money boy.." Fox: "What, No, Go away" [b]2 Punches him in the face, and 3 holds his arms[/b] Fox: "What the he-" 1: "Price went up, 100 thousand" Fox: "I don't even earn that much in a year!" ((Open))

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            • Edited by PyrrhasGhost: 1/20/2016 1:09:55 AM
              The Nyx Reaver follows silently just outside of the Avalon's scanner range. Nightmare stood on the bridge admiring the massive ship and fantasizing about its immolation. [b]"The embers shall burn away the light and leave nothing but night.[/b] [spoiler]Open if you can get on the ship.[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by oCharlemagne: 1/18/2016 11:21:36 PM
                [b][i][u]Greetings[/u][/i][/b] [i]Mercury sits in the lounge, being new here he didn't know much so he just decided to relax[/i] ((Open but mainly to people he hasn't met))

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                51 Replies
                • Edited by oCharlemagne: 1/22/2016 7:12:58 AM
                  [spoiler]Can admin check my recent character?[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by The WORLD1897: 1/21/2016 9:42:11 PM
                  [b]Jason's sleek, and aged ship tore through space at the speed of light. His sword hovered above the control panel, as the sword now acted in place of his blinded eyes. The cockpit rattled around him, and the fuel meter was nearing empty. His ship's engine ran on the energy of sun's, so a nearby sun was the only that could save him. [/b] [i]"Sir! No suns can be reached with the amount of remaining fuel!"[/i] [b]His ship's AI said frantically.[/b] "Oscar, load the valuable data into the escape pod along with yourself. Captains go down with their ships. I intend to honor the tradition. Goodbye, Oscar." [b]He said, sighing.[/b] [b]Oscar loaded the remaining power into the escape pod, and shot out, aiming toward the Avalon. Jason sat back and turned on his vintage cassette player, which proceeded to blast out 80's music. He cleaned his sword as the ship's power depleted and the oxygen supply appeared on a timer in the ship's control panel. After five agonizingly anxious minutes, he grabbed his sword, reared it back in a combat pose, and dashed through the airlock hatch, the oxygen hissing out of the ship, and himself blinking out of light speed. He didn't breath, and knew he had to think fast. He reared his sword back again, charging it with all of his repressed rage and sadness, and rode the shockwave onto a nearby planet, Ashuna. He crashed through a sand dune, splitting it in half, creating a ripple that spread through the vast desert for miles. His breath came out in ragged gasps, and he dropped to his knees, before quickly blacking out.[/b] [spoiler]Closed. Any feedback appreciated.[/spoiler]

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                  • [spoiler]can an admin check my recent character[/spoiler]

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                      [u]Blackout[/u] [u]Corra[/u] [u]5:00 PM[/u] An EMP has been detonated in a colony in Corra, leaving it open to dangerous wildlife and bandits. If this colony falls, it could set back colonization efforts on Corra by decades. Mission is to reactivate the defenses, eliminate hostiles, and find the source of the blast. Priorities are in that order. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                      • *Thabolia, the planet where Nightmare recently regained his physical form, is glassed after his rampage, with nothing but ash and dust covering the once vivid world. Suddenly, a hand thrusts out of the layer of ash dust that has settled over the large figure.* [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                        • Rogue non-member curveball: I just sent 6,000 nukes airborne and they're sailing across the ocean directly at Fireteam November. Fight me bitches. [spoiler]jk[/spoiler]

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                          • [b]shepard searches around towns and cities, as well as the Avalon for Willow and Caroline.[/b]

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                              [b]Computer: Transformation is complete. A large creature rises from where Alex used to be[/b] "Finally. Now I can murder innocent people." [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                              • [i]Angel has returned from a flight in his stealth bomber, but the official records say he never left. [/i] "Mastermind are you there?" [b]"You put on quite the fireworks show out there."[/b] "Yes sir I nuked the three cities on the colony world you requested." [b]"I know boy. I made sure they can trace those nukes back to the FN. According to the official records those nuclear weapons never made it to your bomber and your bomber never left the hangar."[/b] "Yes sir I was just noticing that myself." [b]"Good now get back to your normal duties. Until next time...Angel."[/b] [i]Angel stepped out of his bomber and thought about what he's done. He killed so many innocents, too many. He sat on a box and wept. 800,000 people. 800,000 innocent people.[/i] ((Open))

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                                • Edited by Jäger: 1/20/2016 4:58:58 AM
                                  [b]Jäger walks around in the middle of the forest planet.[/b] "Hmm, no one else is out here, good. Looks like there are two creatures ahead, like half tiger half bear, look a but young. Crap the mother is probably around somewhere, gotta kill it before it kills me." [b]Just than out if nowhere the mother appeares and charges at Jäger. He tries to shoot it but is struck to the ground, the claws dig into his back and arms, giving him massive cuts. He tries to get up. [/b] "HELP!" [b]He screams multiple times, the creature gets off soon and leaves. Jäger grabs his rifle as re creature stats to walk back to him, he shoots it but the creature does not die, and claws him in the neck. Jäger takes out his knife, stabbing it at least 20 times until the creature dies. He lies on the ground unable to move or walk, he only hopes someone is out there to help.[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                  • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 1/20/2016 12:00:34 AM
                                    *Fenrir, having lost to Locust on the fields of battle in competition for the crystal, is in Hell, doomed to fight that war single-handed for eternity, and doomed to always fail at the most crucial moment. Suddenly, a new inspiration and purpose enters his mind, and his old gear and weaponry is restored to him. He begins to move across the battlefield, determined to do but one thing, [b][i][u]escape[/u][/i][/b].*[spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                                    • Edited by Rin: 1/20/2016 1:03:33 AM
                                      [b]]As Alex begins to walk alone in the park, he notices something is happening to him. The transformation begins and Alex can't control it[/b] "No no no. Why did it have to happen now? I just wanted to be alone and walk in peace." [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                      • [spoiler] [/spoiler] [i]New to some, familiar to others, and downright terrifying to most, a figure walks the halls of the Avalon. Clad in slim black armor a demonic mask, he wears a black cloak over his shoulders and a yin-yang symbol over crossed swords sits on his breastplate. Oddly; three katanas lay sheathed at his hip: one is a brilliant and sparkling white and gold, the second is a complete and utter black, from the handle to the sheath, and the third is a seemingly normal olive green with the hilt having a dragon head on it. He walks with confidence and power, yet grace. Like every movement maximizes efficiency. He turns the corner of a hallway, walking over to a set of bay windows that overlooks the view of space and planets around them, staring at the sight.[/i] (Open)

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                                        127 Replies
                                        • Jango was walking down the halls quietly. He was also thinking about how nothing ever happened. The ship was a hole of self pity and other things that simply should not be mentioned. "What the heck is wrong with everyone on this ship?" Jango lifted his sidearm out of his holster. He pointed it at a door and shoots six rounds into it. "Blasted ship. Everyone wants off. Including me."

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                                          • Edited by EmpireORome: 1/19/2016 6:40:30 PM
                                            [i]Angel is in his bomber speaking to [b]The Mastermind[/b][/i] "I have gained access to the nuclear weaponry aboard and have permission to arm my bomber with them." [b]"Good continue with the plan."[/b] "But sir! The innocent lives!" [b]"They are not a concern of mine Angel! It'll only make them look worse!"[/b] "What if they figure out it was me! I'll be court marshaled and executed!" [b]"Everything will be taken care of. Everything."[/b] "Yes master." [i]Angel cut communication and stepped out of his bomber into the hangar.[/i] ((Open))

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                                            • [i]In the middle of an Asteroid belt, near the Avalon[/i] [b]The smuggler Jäger sits in his ship just floating in there[/b] "Hey computer!" [i]Yes?[/i] "How long have been stuck here?" [i]Six days sir[/i] "Hopefully we don't crash into the Avalon, that would be bad." [i]Good thing we don't have any "cargo" on board.[/i] "Yeah that would make things worse." "I mean I want to contact them, but at the same time I want to put a bullet in the middle of all there faces." [i]We could try to head to Ashuna. Make contact with someone.[/i] "Nah, my home was destroyed, besides if rather go back to that forest planet." [i]Why are we out here again sir?[/i] "That one asteroid has some interesting material on it, I want to check it out. But if course the engine had to break." "Luckily the Avalon has not tried to capture us yet. Well I probably just jinxed us." [i]You most likely did sir.[/i] "I always do." "Computer, play some AC/DC please, Hells Bells to start it off." [i]Yes sir.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                              31 Replies
                                              • Edited by The WORLD1897: 1/18/2016 11:40:20 PM
                                                [b]Jason stood, his sleeves rolled up, katana in hand, and a red bandana tied around his blue-glowing, blinded eyes. His teeth were gritted, hinting that he was in pain. [/b]

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                                                • [b]shepard wakes up after several days in the medbay of the Avalon, once his personal hell, now the place where his life was saved. He gets up, the bones in his right leg crack and his vision is effectively halved. He reaches for where his right eye would be, and finds just and empty socket. He looks around, and someone is walking through the door[/b] [spoiler]open, your the person walking in[/spoiler]

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                                                  13 Replies
                                                  • [i]Hunter walks through the halls, feeling slightly better[/i] ((Open))

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