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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/13/2015 7:46:49 PM
[i] Ro has had enough, It has been like the nine circles of hell out there ,someone who took the time to save her is slipping away , and now the one person who is supposed to help, can't even control himself. She puts her hand on Lakes and pulls them both away into the dark. [/i]

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  • J: "Oh my God, has everyone got something against Lake today?! Like seriously how think can you all get! You don't tackle a doctor and pull away his patient when he's doing surgery, so why the hell are you all doing it now?!" Switch was lying on the ground, beginning to regain himself. His connection with the darkness within Lake had been severed, but now it was too late. His wounds would heal, but there would always be a sliver of darkness eating away inside of him. All because no one trusted Switch enough to finish the process and truly cleanse him. People fear what they don't know, and this was a shining example of that. People didn't know that he could do it, and as a result, Lake would have to suffer. He felt even more hopeless than before. S: "...You idiots... You stupid thick-headed idiots..."

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  • "There was nothing you could've done!"

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  • Jaden was infuriated. "You're just saying that to try and bring justification to your actions! You know very well that you just made the wrong move, but you can't accept that, can you?"

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  • "I accept it just fine."

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  • Switch had patched up the wound pretty well, and he wasn't bleeding anymore, but Lake wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

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  • [i] If she hadn't been unsure of Switch before she was now. There was no reason why he should have been repelled so severely when she shifted Lake. Indeed he shld have had no trouble maintaining a bond that strong. Still there was nothing could be done now.[/i] [i] She continued to sit in silent vigil.[/i]

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  • It felt like hours in there. The peacefulness was interrupted by a weak and raspy voice. It wasn't like the usual flamboyant and firm voice that the owner usually had. ".... Wh.... Where am I?" Lake had woken up.

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  • [i] Ro looks over, and smiles a little.[/i] R : " Nice of you to join us" [i] she says gently[/i]

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  • " What happened...?"

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  • [i] Her eyes drop[/i] R:" Aries and Hunger"

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  • " Oh.... Hunger.... That guy was a pain in the neck...."

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  • R " Hey !you told me no jokes, Switch took care of pretty much everything else, but he's been banished. James and Lakir think your dead. Half the city got demolished. I think that's everything.....except.... Aries got away. I'm sorry Lake." [i]Her gaze falls to the floor again.[/i]

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  • Lake only looked at her, not with scorn or contempt, but a look of empathy. " Don't blame yourself for anything. You did everything that was in your power to do. As for Aries, we'll get his ass later." Even as he said that however, something in the back of his mind reminded him of something extremely dark, but he didn't pay it any attention. "... So... Where are we?"

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  • [i]She blinks, looking slightly embarassed.[/i] R " Er I'm not sure, I didn't bring us via conventional means."

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  • " Well today was quite unconventional..." Lake looked around, gingerly, as his neck still hurt. ".... So is there anyway back?"

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  • R" oh I see, sorry of course this must be very odd, we are still where your body was taken for Switch to treat you. I don't know exactly where that is. Everyone started fighting around you , I guess I got a bit upset and moved us out of that dimension. I didn't want to take you anywhere because I wasn't sure how that would effect Switch, It shouldn't have made any difference ,he should still be able to reach you here but something repelled him. But in answer to your question I can take us back whenever your ready. I must warn you though how you feel here is a 100 times better to how you will feel when I take you back. I would advise you sleep a bit longer if you can. Time doesn't mean anything here, when we go back it will only have been minutes since I took you." [i] She looks over to him, and even here he look withdrawn pale and weak, and the dark in her see's Lakes own shadow starting to take form. Her shadow speaks to her, claims it can consume his darkness leaving him light again. She ignores it, but it hisses at her in frustration. It's hungry and it wants fed. This thing would just eat and eat but give nothing back . It wasn't made to harness power just to consume it.[/i] [i] she smiles gently at Lake.[/i] R:" Just tell me when your ready, and I will take you back, although I can take you anywhere you want to go. If u wanted to see James and Lakir to let them know we could "

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  • " No I think I'd be better off if we went to Switch. I can tell James and Lakir later. Right now, I need to get ready to find Aries again." Even as he sat there, he could feel a subtle Darkness course through him, calling out to him, trying to become him. Again, he ignored it. " You never told me you could pull people out of dimensions. That's a pretty handy power if you ask me."

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  • [i] She looks at him, feeling pretty useless,but attempts to take the compliment graciously.[/i] R: " I had to re learn a lot of things after I left you , my memories returned but I had a lot of holes that needed repaired. Something dark bound itself to me whilst travelling through a vex gate a while back. I can hide my light and that of anyone travelling with me. I can become insubstantial,so I can't be hurt, but I don't have any offensive abilities with it. From what I can make out it protects itself and its host , and it consumes with avarice. It will take and take indefinitely, but anything It takes becomes inert once consumed."

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  • " So won't it take you at some point?"

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  • [i] She shakes her head[/i] No it's symbiotic, without a host it would just become weak and starving but never dying an eternity of want."

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  • " Good. You're a good friend. Wouldn't want you to go out like that."

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  • [i] She realises she's staring, '[b]' God he has changed so much '[/b]., she smiles at him, then pauses [/i] R: " You know I tried to think a way to pass this thing on to Hunger , Zen worked out he'd have just consumed himself more or less . Apparently tho it doesn't leave its host until they expire." [i] She looks down at the underside of her fore arms black snake like shadows slither under her skin.[/i]

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  • Edited by IXMMISmokey: 12/14/2015 10:12:49 PM
    " So. We gonna head back or are we staying here?"

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  • [i] Nods reluctantly[/i] R " When your ready just take my hand" [i] She begins to focus quietly reaching into the shadows to wake the power that will take them back.[/i]

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  • Lake takes her hand in his own. He wasn't sure what to expect in the return trip.

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