I'm starting to think DeeJ wants to be photoshopped, but here's the pic, judging from his position and look on his face, he needs a good Photoshopping.
Edit: new one right here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVmGeCnVAAAROGN?format=pjpg&name=large
Edit: somebody photoshop DeeJ on this now! http://cdn.discogs.com/HxAEH7suGIuujXitptKdk5xp758=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-330201-1383676699-1055.jpeg.jpg
Don't have the art anymore
Ahh good times
I'll see what I can come up with.
Edited by o_____________o: 6/28/2016 2:17:40 AMI once proposed that DeeJ's face should be provided as one of the possible character customizations for the awoken. [url=http://oi64.tinypic.com/sl7a5x.jpg]What do you think?[/url] (Based off [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/destinypedia/images/9/95/Deej.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130612173829]this image[/url]
Edited by E: 9/13/2017 8:07:30 PM
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][spoiler][quote] Because you opened this. you will get kissed on Friday by the person you love or like. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Do not break this chain. You have 2 minutes this is not a fake...apparently. Forward this to 15 people in the next 15 minutes and you WILL have the best day of your life tomorrow. You're number one crush will either KISS, ask you out, or call you. If you break this chain, the little girl named Kaitlyn who died 2 years ago on a car crash will be in your room TONIGHT! Good luck <<3, and your time starts, right know No Cheatin[/quote][/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
I wanna see him photoshopped into giving anal.
Ahhh yeeah
Saving this shit for later, quality past OP
Bump. Thread has pics in it that are golden.
That's the face of destiny for ya xD
Pm the art
[quote]I'm starting to think DeeJ wants to be photoshopped, but here's the pic, judging from his position and look on his face, he needs a good Photoshopping. Edit: JollyBurritto made a true piece of art but the ninjas struck him down. If you want his art I'll pm it to you. Edit: For all of you who have the pic now, can you start pming it to other people who want it, I'm starting to get overwhelmed with pm's. Edit: new one right here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVmGeCnVAAAROGN?format=pjpg&name=large Edit: somebody photoshop DeeJ on this now! http://cdn.discogs.com/HxAEH7suGIuujXitptKdk5xp758=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-330201-1383676699-1055.jpeg.jpg[/quote]
Pm please
Pm please
Pm plox
Pm pls
Pm pls
Pm the art to me please
Pm the art please
[i]*Loads TX-130 Saber-Tank Lazer round*[/i] Mayday you please PM me the art?!
Someone pm me the pic with deej and the doctor in the background
Someone PM the JBurrito art pl0x.