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12/5/2015 3:17:07 PM
"Our old worlds have grown feral - rabid beasts with teeth of rust and ruin. But such beasts are meant to be tamed. Or broken." My fellow hunters, the other classes have grown rabid in power, HoS has lit the fires of crazed elitist scoundrel and the arc has taken over the once brilliant minds of the warlocks.These "elitists" would see nothing better than to bring down the order the Titans once created when they put up the first wall. They have failed their classes, Toland, Osiris, Saint-14, Kabr to name just a few they have let down. We must unite the Warlocks and Titans that still walk in the light. We must stand together to survive this long war ahead of us. Titans, Warlocks, if you're reading this don't give into the dark it's taken many

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