It's that slippery slope we were worried about.
It previewed itself with the Halloween packs, but at least if you got a duplicate mask, you could break it down for glue to use on a rare quality mask. Now Bungie have gone full-retard and we're slipping down hill fast. RNG emotes for real money, honestly?!
Oooooor, they're swapping in newer inventory, like they did with Y1 exotics and Xur. You can directly buy the next rotation of emotes/gun shaders/ships/whatever-the--blam!--else, but you can gamble on the previous cycle's Emotes, as well.
Legacy engrams don't cost real money to buy, though.
Same concept though. If there is a particular emote you really want, you bought it already, odds are. This would be for the gambling sorts who want a full collection.