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Edited by Elden Lord Archon: 1/7/2016 11:20:17 PM

Forge of Gods story mission: A Storm Approaches

[b]Rubicon Wastes[/b] This is your spawn location. As soon as you spawn, Commander Zavala says "The Rubicon walls mark the border of the exclusion zone. If you are to get to the other side, you'll have to fight through defense grids tougher than any you've faced so far." Your ghost says "We'll need to do is find a way through that wall." There is a large colossus on the building in front of the walls. Your ghost says "Look! On that building! That colossus might have the security codes we need!" You have to kill him, and then the massive door opens. [b]Rubicon Walls (darkness zone)[/b] As soon as you step in, your Ghost says, "Oh great... Another wall. Well, now I know why it's called Rubicon Walls, not wall." Cabal alarms go off, the door behind you closes, and harvesters fly over head, deploying troops. One of these troops is a Cabal berzerker (a centurion with black armor and a warhammer). Your ghost says in astonishment. "What is that!? He seems to be using some sort of hammer!" After you kill the berzerker, you can pick up the warhammer as a relic. After you kill them, more come out of the door on your right. You can kill them if you want, but you could also just skip them and go into the door on your right. The tunnel leads to a room with some Cabal troops and square-like panel. Your ghost says "Look. There's a panel on the floor, over there. It might have something to do with the hammer." When you use the hammer's super on the panel, the hammer disappears. You hear a transmission speaking in the Cabal language, and an alarm goes off. Troops flood the room. Your ghost says "Well then... We... caught their attention for sure." You can either kill them or head out, but it's recommended that you kill them, or they'll follow you to the next phase of the fight. When you get out of the left door, a harvester deploys a Goliath tank. Your ghost says in astonishment "A tank!? In a small area like this!? Wow... Zavala wasn't kidding." Before people complain about this being too hard, there's a trench in between between the walls, so at least you won't get run over. You'll still have to be careful of the turret. My best advice is to stay in the trench with a shotgun and shoot the thrusters from there. Because the Goliath tank really likes to hover over there. But there are inferno mines in the trenches, so it's a good idea to trigger them [b]before[/b] entering the door on the left. After you kill the Goliath tank, the door of the 2nd wall opens. [b]Legion's Watch[/b] Commander Zavala says "Were picking up enormous amounts of Cabal activity. The head of the empire may have finally arrived in our system. We need those codes, guardian! Hurry!" If you drive your sparrow ahead (or walk and have it take forever) you'll see a Cabal, fort of sorts. It's weird because it doesn't have any indoor sections. A huge teleporter is located at the center of the fort. [spoiler]It can actually be seen right now. If you go to Legion's Keep and look past the fence on your right, you'll see it.[/spoiler] It's filled with enemies(including psion cloakers) and inferno mines. When you get to the gravity lift, A cutscene begins. [b]Cutscene[/b] [spoiler] You walk slowly up to the teleporter. Your ghost says "Zavala, I don't think these blueprints are on Mars at all. There's a Cabal teleporter straight ahead. I think the blueprints to this weapon are on Phobos." Zavala says "Then then the Cabal are even more clever than we thought." Suddenly, Imperial ships appear and flood the skies. Your warlock looks up at the sky and your ghost says "Ooooooh............ that [i]can't[/i] be good. Zavala! The empire has arrived on Mars! There are hundreds, if not thousands of ships in the sky!" Zavala replies "Damnit! I thought we had more time. We need those blueprints, guardian. They are critical asset to protecting the city. The empire could be setting up an ambush on the other side as we speak, but we've got no other choice." Your ghost looks at you and asks "So.... think you can do this?" [u]Dialogue choices[/u]: [b]"Come on, what can't I do?":[/b] Your ghost says in an intimidated voice "That's......the spirit I guess..." You walk into the teleporter. [b]"I guess I'm gonna have to...":[/b] Your ghost says "I [i]hope[/i] you know what you're doing." You walk into the teleporter. [b]Remain silent:[/b] You walk toward the teleporter. Your ghost says "I really hope that's a yes..." You walk into the teleporter. The teleporter leads to a war base on Phobos. As soon as you appear through the teleporter, your ghost says "LOOK OUT!!!" You jump out of the way, and an incredibly fast projectile blows up the teleporter. You look at the sky, where the projectile came from. It came from a Cabal frigate, rougly the same size of the one in the Dreadnaught. Your ghost says "What [i]was[/i] that!? It [i]seems[/i] to be shot from some sort of rail gun!" It fires and you dodge it once again. Cabal start flooding the area and you ready your weapon. Your ghost says "I knew we'd step into an ambush..." [/spoiler] [b]Firebase Omicron (darkness zone)[/b] Adds start spawning. You get a transmission from Commander Zavala, but it fades away due to interference. "Guardian! We've locat-------------------ardian!-----ou copy!?-----------" Your ghost says "We've lost him... I'm picking up signs of multiple communication jammers located in the area. We'll have to shut them down." As you're killing ads, you'll still have to dodge the projectiles shot from the ship above. Small red cirlces (the same size as the Warpriest plates) are marked on the ground 2 seconds before the projectile hits. After about 15 seconds, your ghost says "Wow, these jammers sure are heavily armored. None of our weapons will do any good, but a warhammer on the other hand... " You need to kill the berzerker and hit each jammer 3 times in order to destroy them. Once all 4 jammers are destroyed, your ghost tries to contact Zavala. "Zavala! Do you read?" The response is still silent. Your ghost says "....nothing. There's still another source of interference. All of a sudden, a boss jumps down from the ship, and the ship leaves. [i]THUD![/i] He slams into the ground, unleashes a mighty roar, and starts to fight you. His name is Valus Bra'urk. Your ghost says "[i]That's[/i] what was shooting us! How did he see us from so far above!?" Valus Bra'urk does not hold any weapon. Instead, he has a railgun mounted on his shoulder. It's like an explosive version of a line or wire rifle, but it's not as accurate and it takes longer to charge. Valus Bra'urk uses his rail gun turret and throws inferno grenades. Your ghost says "I've located the last jamming device! It's on that commander!" As soon as you destroy all of his heath, he becomes immune, an explosion occurs on his back, he removes the destroyed jammer, and flies away. Your ghost says "We've got contact! With the Tower!" Zavala says "-----ardian? Guardian!? Do you read me!?" Your ghost says "We read you loud and clear." Commander Zavala replies "Thank goodness. We thought we'd lost you." Your ghost responds in a delighted voice, "This wasn't the first time." Commander Zavala says "The blueprints should be inside that building." You have to go inside and scan a terminal. As your ghost scans it, your ghost says "Huh... These blueprints don't seem to be for a weapon. They're for an apparatus of some sort... Incredible!" Your ghost finishes the scan and says "It appears that the Cabal are trying to research the darkness! They see it as a weapon or energy source of incredible power that must be tamed and used. [i]That's[/i] why they're at war with the Vex! They've been fighting over control of the darkness this whole time." Commander Zavala says "If the empire is here, that can't be good. We must not allow them to use it as the Hive do." [b]Mission ends[/b] [url=][b]Forge of Gods activities[/b][/url]

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