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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/30/2015 1:21:35 PM
[b]Setting:[/b]Palamon, circa City Age [b]Arc Plot[/b]: [spoiler]Khar-Tsagaan hunts down the remains of Shin Malphur because of his incredible journey between Light and Dark.[/spoiler] [u]Character Name:[/u] Khar-Tsagaan [u]Character Description:[/u] Male Awoken Member of the Symmetry and garbed in Gold and Black. Warlock obsessed with the Balance. I walk through Palamon, or at least what was left. I kneel down and run my fingers through the dirt. I detect some ash of a fire long ago. I look up and examine my surroundings: all around me are the remains of an old Western City. Records say that even before the fire, it was a Ghost Town. Everyone had either took pilgrimage to the Last City or were taken by.... "I'll miss the place," I say out loud, confident in my isolation out in the wild. "The Light and Darkness, they tear at each other here. A testament to the Balance." I start to walk back to my ship, when suddenly an almost incomprehensible Dark Force presses against my consciousness. My head begins to spin at how immense it is. I spin, looking for the source, but as quickly as it came, it's gone. "Whatever that was, it's gone now." But that was no comfort. Whatever [i]that[/i] was was the greatest Force he had felt since I... Still slightly dazed, I pull out my gun, and prepare for whatever happens.

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