It was more or less sarcasm :P but seriously, what "free content" has bungie given us? The festival?
1) again that's something other games do for free
2) it was an event just to boost micro T sales.
So micro T's being implemented so far has just been a way to bring in more micro T's.
Aside from that "event", the only thing destiny has done is a weapon patch in December. Way to long to do a job like that, but shorter than they usually take lol. So I like to joke that that is what the "free content" is :P
Sorry didn't realize it was sarcastic, I actually talk about the game time to time. But "free content" is never free. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
That's ok lol. Yea you're right, and I don't have very high expectations with what destiny does anymore.... I just keep checking the forums, hoping I see them change.