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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/23/2015 9:32:11 PM
" Oh yeah *pppft * I totally remembered that! Whaaaaaat? Me? Forget?! bahahahahahaha! The writer wanted to write something funny to start the conversation is all!. Garuud laughed. Another voice spoke up. " You totally forgot." Garuud stammered " I did not!" Another voice spoke up " Yeah! We don't forget things!" Garuud chuckled " so, what is everyone doing here? Its rather busy for this deadbeat bar. Is there a quest? I love quests!"

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  • Garuud heard the shots ring out and saw the hob goblin fall. " Thanks buddy! The writers must like you!" Garuud said as he made his way into the vault, holding down the door to allow R to rush in.

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  • She sprints after him sliding thru the door. R:" Writers?" She queries

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  • "Yeah, all the writers that right this story of course!" Garuud said matter of factly

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  • Romii laughs. It's a genuine laugh . Then she looks at Garuud. R:" You the only one who knows what's really going on here. ?"

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  • " Kinda seems that way, my particular brand of crazy either makes me see truth of things. Or doesn't the only person who sees the truth think they are crazy. Food for thought!" Garuud says with a smile as they moved down the pathways down into the vault. " So if you were a secluded warlock under attack, where would you go? Aetheons throne."

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  • [i]his logic seems fool proof[/i] Wherever the greatest source of power is.

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  • " Makes sense! Plus it only has one entrance and or Exit. Easy to bottle neck enemies." Garuud said while thinking. "We need to get there quickly to cut them off in a pincher attack." The mature voice spoke up " Sound plan!" The childish voice spoke up as well. " Dude... you sound so BA right now." Garuud laughed loudly. "lets go! We have a lot of ground to cover" Garuud said as they entered Kabyrs path. Where they Templar normally shows up.

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  • [spoiler]Sorry had a lot of stuff to do[/spoiler] When it came to battles this place could either be a gift from the gods ,or one of the nine circles hell, and there was noway to determine which one it was gonna be until the sht hit the fan. Ro kept an easy pace with the Titan,but something was causing her arc to keep bristling,she couldn't see anything, but something just felt, WRONG.

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  • [spoiler] No worries![/spoiler] " You feel that too? Looks like the writers are bored at work!" Garuud said with a smile. He rocketed down into the main area "Might as well say hi!" He readied himself for whatever is to come.

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  • [i]The moment they hit the steepest part of the descent Ro feels the air thicken around them . she waits for the familiar hiss that is the prelude to the Vex. Instead everything becomes coated in a thick black smog, as the first Taken arrive.[/i]

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  • " Ah, I see how it. spice up the air with your particular brand of stink! Lets go!" Garuud pulls out a couple grenades and tosses them into the crowd of Taken. Destroying them instantly, that is when more pods show up. As well as giant black cloud out of which spawned a taken Templar and 3 knights all of which took strafing positions to the Templar.

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  • [i] Ro and Garuud seemed to have gotten the circles of hell option for this fight. Stuck on a narrow path and on high ground without any cover that she could see. The Templar plasma blasts hitting the wall behind them ,the Knights spewed their caustic flames on either side of the two Guardians leaving them to take their chances running thru the flames or jumping straight down to their opponents.[/i]

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  • " Lets take the fight to them!" Garuud stands up and does not seem to care about the blasts around him. He grins a giant grin. " Hammer nice day" Then activates his hammer and begins throwing hammer after hammer into the Templar and the knights. "Chip in if you can!!" Garuud yelled to Ro.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/1/2015 9:01:03 PM
    [i] Honestly ,there is nothing like a blazing ball of Titan hurtling through the air to draw enemy fire. suddenly Ro finds herself in a quiet spot, calmly she takes a knee, breathing out ,she lines up BrokenTruth, and squeezes the trigger. Head shot to knight one, leaving him staggered , she does a rinse and repeat with the second knight, giving Garuud plenty of breathing room to send them home.[/i]

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  • Halfway between Garuuds onslaught he notices the knights stop firing at him. He takes that moment to hit them in the face with a hammer each. " I know you smell what I was cooking now... hint? Its you!" Garuud then turns towards the Templar just as it was getting back up and his hammer ran out. " So just you and us now big guy!... bring it!" Garuud yells as he jumps out onto the Templar and punches it which activated melting point.... all while humming the mortal kombat theme. " Your up!"

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/1/2015 10:07:22 PM
    [i]That is definately the first time Ro has seen a Templar with a singing Sunbreaker attached punching it repeatedly in the ...face?[/i] [i] She is so distracted she almost forgets what she is supposed to be doing, dropping her head behind her sights, it's gonna be a tight shot , thankfully Garuud is punching in time to the music, so she lands a critical , squeezing it past the Titan in the process,she signals an apology for the risky shot then forms a flux grenade."[/i] R :"HEADZ UP!"

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  • Garuud yells " Bottoms up butter cup!" with one last punch activating the melting point once more Then hopping off of the Templar as it started to float down to the ground just as the Flux grenade hit it and was amplified by the Melting point. Destroying it completely. Garuud stands up and brushes himself off. " Ah nothing like a crying Templar in the morning!"

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  • [i]Ro blinks her way down to where Garuud is brushing himself off.[/i] R:" Interesting take down technique....seems to effective." [i] Looking around all seemed quiet for now,although there was still that niggling that something down here wasn't quiet right[/i]

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  • " haha yeah, I call it the " Burning sensation" hahaha" Garuud said as he made his way into the room. " That was too easy, right? Plus the writers said that there was a "Niggling that something down here was not right" So, we should keep our guard up." Garuud said looking around. (Mature voice) " Indeed! We do not need another surprise attack" ( childish voice) " I like surprises" Garuud smiled. " Me too! bahahahahah" He made his way to the door in the back of the room.

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  • [i] There is something powerful pulling at them from beyond the door , Ro's arc begins to crackle around her again, mini lightening jumping between her finger tips.The silver around her Irises starts to glow white blue for a moment, before fading back to there original colour. She shakes her hands in an attempt to rid herself of the excess arc build up.[/i] R:" I think something is expecting us."

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  • * Garuuds flames appear once more over him and he stares at the door.* " hahaha. I am all fired up!" Garuud says with a gigantic smile. (Mature voice) " Oh dear!" ( childish voice) " Briiiiiiing it on!" Garuud moves through the door and spies a empty room full of floating platforms that disappear randomly. "Well, this should be fun!" Garuud says as he readies himself and takes a running leap and jumps across the chasm. Using his jetpack to slow his descent a little bit at a time until he landed on the other side. " You coming??" Garuud yelled to Ro.

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  • R: "Yeah, just gimme a sec," [i] she watches the pattern of disappearing platforms then hits them running. Onto the first, across and down to the next, pause, double jump, grab the ledge runs round the outside of the platform fingers holding onto the ledge, pushes back onto the next , dropping off the last in a swan dive but twisting and nailing the landing.[/i] R:" Well c'mon" [i]she starts running[/i]

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  • " That was pretty awesome, as a Titan. I am not that nimble bahahaha!" Once the reached the door and overwhelming wave of darkness over took them. Garuud paused for a moment. Then yelled " Bonzai!" and kicked the door in. Upon entering the room. Garuud saw a Sunsinger warlock being pulled into a portal of darkness. Next to it laughing was a Dark Gaurdian. " You should have simply accepted my gift Trinity" He turned towards the door and revealed himself as a Titan. He laughed once more as Trinity was pulled into the portal. " All this way for nothing." He chuckled. Garuud busted out laughing hysterically. " Nothing? We found you." Garuud cracks his neck. " You being here trying to take Trinity is a bonus. She needs her, and I and I aim to get her."

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/2/2015 8:16:55 PM
    [i] Romii feels something pulling at her,something is calling , but calling who , her eyes pool with black.[/i] Z:" Er Ro , not now!" R:" No, no,no," [i] She closes her eyes when she opens them again it's just a blaze of blue white light , as she sends wave after wave after wave of arc toward the offending warlock.[/i]

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  • Garuud took this as his queue to rush, and rush he did. He jumped in 3 times and sped right up to the Titan and punched him in the face. Then started to layer him with bullets from his Fabian strategy. With that the Titan grunted and pulled a sword from his back and slashed upward towards Garuud slicing him across the midsection. And then the Titan hit Garuud with a massive Fist of Havoc that was lined with Darkness It created tendrals along the ground and shot upward and impaled Garuud in the air. " Oi! That is not very nice!" Garuud said as he struggled with the tendrals sticking into him. The Titan then walked under neath Garuud and jumped upward and stabbed him and threw him against the wall. Where Garuud did not move.

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