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11/19/2015 9:18:37 PM
Alice dashes into the room to see Grixis leaving it on the other side. She calls out to him. "Grixis!!"

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  • [b]xerox has her rogue hive attack them, trying to stop them from reaching the rupture[/b]

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  • Garuud shows up at the last second. " Hey!.... you didn't think you could start the party without me, huh!?" Garuud rushed as fast as he could towards the rupture. "Hey Grixis, you are not escaping me this time! I have something for you! " Garuud fires a rocket at the reborn forces at the rupture. Garuud spots Alice running with a knight? That is odd. " Hey, when did you make friends with a Knight Alice??"

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  • Alice also rushes forward, pulling out her Solar sword, ready for the collision. "You're mine Grixis! I told you this in the Valley!"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/19/2015 10:03:54 PM
    Stronix stepped in between him and the rocket, blocking it, but leaving no trace damage, while Vôlik-Dal, Men'kaar, and Calvik quickly dispatched the Hive forces coming down the incline. This is what it has come down to now. Weak gods, withering sects, and rebellious Hive. But that would change soon. If these interlopers thought that they could stop them, they were sorely mistaken. More portals appeared, spawning more Reborn Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Cabal. Even The Nexus and Valus Ta'aurc joined with Sepiks Prime and Phogoth. His arm continued to glow with the Reborn energy, while the blade of his cleaver became the very embodiment of Light, to his distaste. He opened his arms out to their full length. "Come then, Defenders of Light! May your interference be fruitless! You cannot stop the coming war!" He challenged his new opponents. And with that, every single Reborn in the area attacked.

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  • Garuud took cover behind a pillar "okay, I see how it is ..banzai!!!" Garuud jumped out and threw a thermite grenade and began firing his Fabian strategy into midsts before jumping behind some rubble.

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  • While destruction reigned in this room, Alice had only one goal. Grixis. While Garuud rocketed the Reborn, but to no effect, Verox sending Hive to slaughter them too, Alice charged through the fray, dodging any blow that might damage her. Eventually, she faces Grixis himself, although the distance is high. "Remember me?" She asks him, while still staying on high alert of any incoming attack she will dodge and avoid.

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  • "How could I forget such a wretched being like you." His arm grew sporadically with a sudden increase in Reborn power. He reared it back, and shot it out toward the Dark Hunter. A torrent of Light and Dark energy shot out from his hand, racing toward its target.

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  • Alice holds up a hand and easily absorbs the Light and Dark energy. "That the best you got?" She says with a smile.

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  • Garuud activated his hammer and began tossing hammers into each group of taken and reborn. causing explosions that killed more and more enemies. He kept tossing hammers and then tossed the last one at Grixis as he jumped up onto the platform. "Hammer nice day!" Garuud yelled with a smile " Hey buddy! You miss me pumpkin?"

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  • John walked out into the war zone. He saw nothing but utter chaos. The Taken were almost gone. Maybe one or two groups barely holding themselves together as these new creatures hammered into them. He saw several disturbing things. Several large knights were causing problems. 3 matched the elemental forms of Light and Darkness. And looked like a slightly smaller Alak-Hul. There was a rather powerful Wizard reeking havoc as well. As John looked across the zone he saw several defeated targets come back. And seemingly more powerful. Phogoth was massive. Sepiks was back. Along with the Nexus and Valus Tau'uarc. As he looked closer he saw the focus point of most of the enemy. Towards several Guardians and a Hive Knight. Quite a large one that reminded him of the Warpriest. "Wow... Quite the battle here" "[i]You know, you COULD just vanish while they're ignoring you[/i]" "Have you ever known me to run from a fight?" John said coyly as a flaming hammer smashed the wall next to him. "[i]I knew you would do this[/i]" "You know me all too well" With that John leapt into the air and fired a lightning bolt into a cluster of them. The powerful bolt shook the entire ground and tore through every enemy below him. He landed behind a Phalanx and jammed his bayonet into the small of the back, simultaneously firing 3 rounds from his Eyasluna to the same point he stabbed. He tore the gun out and ran over to where the Guardians and Knight were making their stand. He leapt over the front lines of the battle only to trip when he landed in front of the small group. "Hey," John panted, "Any of you... Know what these things are?" John lifted himself off the ground and, for the most part, ignored the massive force behind him.

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  • " They started showing up just recently due to that d bag over there. *indicating Grixis* All I know is that they smell and they are mean. They also do not like fire." Garuud smirked. another voice spoke up from Garuuds mouth. " Like at all, they scream a lot and pop hahahaha" Another voice spoke up" ..... that's gross" Garuud smirked. " So lets take him down."

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  • He was beginning to get a little irked. The plan's success was inevitable, that was a fact. But with these rebellious Hive and these damned Guardians were delaying that. He noticed the commotion in the distance and took a glance at the source. Down below was the same Titan from the Valley, but the Warlock was new. No matter. No 'one here could stop him. He raised his Reborn arm and pointed at the two Guardians below. Sepiks Prime and Valus Ta'aurc faced them and attacked. Sepiks firing blast after blast of Reborn energy, and Ta'aurc firing his giant rail gun and launching volleys of rockets that split into a swarm of smaller rockets halfway to their target. As for Phogoth and The Nexus, they climbed up the incline and went to engage the Hive blocking the Rupture. And that left the Blades, Molkir, and him to kill the Dark Hunter.

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  • Guardians were starting to come in the grand chamber quickly. Soon, there would be more here then she would like. But, as is, she'd have to be quick, otherwise things could go horribly wrong. She stood before Grixis and a few of his bodyguards, as always, ready to dodge any attack. "Tell me what your doing here Grixis, if you could please." She says nicely, not planning to harm him. Yet.

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  • She wanted to know why he was here? Really? Yeah, wasn't gonna happen. He stared down at the Hunter, ignoring the two battles happening above and below him. "I think not. You will just have to wait and see like all the rest. But I will say this. A change is coming to the Hive. Crota was weak in both mind and body, Oryx only came for vengeance, never to truly lead a campaign against the Light. The Hive's dormancy ends with us. Soon, we will bring the Hive from the ashes, and your city and Traveler will fall." Suddenly the Rupture behind him changed from its black and green color, to a white and black color. He noticed, and grinned underneath his helmet. Out came his Five shadow like beings. "I see that it's time." He looked back at the Hunter. "Farewell, Guardian. When we meet again, you and all the other Guardians better bring everything you have." He shot his Reborn arm into the air, and the entire area was covered in a blinding light. When it cleared, he, Molkir, the Blades had disappeared, and the Rupture closed, leaving only the Reborn and the four commanders. ---------------------------------------- A portal opened in the massive room, somewhat identical to the room of the front of Sarkon's Dreadnaught. This was it. This was where Oryx had fallen. This was also where the last of his power lies. But that would change. Portals all around them began to appear, spawning the Deathsingers of the Wrath of Sarkon. But one in particular appeared at the very front the room. A second later, Sarkon himself appeared in all of his glory. He looked to one of his Shadows. "I assume we will not be disturbed?" "[i]No,"[/i] it said, sounding almost exactly like him, but with a more deeper voice, [i]"The wards will hold. Nothing can enter, not the Vex, the Hive, or the Guardians on board."[/i] "Good." He then approached the altar where Sarkon stood. Once he took his place beside him, he spoke one word. "Begin."

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  • "When we meet again..." Alice says, leaning against the back wall of the room, watching Grixis and Sarkon do whatever they are doing. " should remember to close up the rupture behind you." She steps away from the wall, the shadow beings immediately unsheathing their weapons to attack her, but waiting on Grixis's command. "I honestly didn't expect this of all things. Coming to Oryx's chamber, a place those Guardians would never look. Quite exciting." She crosses her arms, facing Grixis. "I'm gonna ask nicely one last time. Tell me what your going to do." Even though she didn't say it like a threat, the danger of it was still there. Unscared, untouched, and fully confident in herself.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/21/2015 5:57:08 AM
    All eyes were on the Hunter. She had to have slipped in directly behind him after they did, as that was the only way for her to have gotten in here. The Shadows, Blades, Deathsingers, all looked at her with an eager glance to tear her to pieces for having the nerve to threaten their Over-Lord. Sarkon just looked at her with a blank expression, but he had what he had long ago figured out was a grin. But he stared at her with a burning hatred that couldn't be described. Reacting to that anger, the Shadows began to march toward her, the Blades close behind a second later. "You are becoming a [i]very[/i] big irritants to me." He said, his voice betraying that hate, which only provoked the Shadows and Blades to attack. "You will not stop what comes next. This Dreadnaught will become your tomb! You will-" "[i]Enough, Grixis."[/i] Everything in the room went silent. The Shadows and Blades ceased their advance, and all attention focused on the source of the voice. Grixis looked up at Sarkon. "What?" He didn't respond, instead he kept his stance as calm and rigid as always, having the top of his massive cleaver resting on the ground in front of him, staring right at the Guardian. What was he doing? Sarkon let out a deep chuckle. "[i]So. You're the Guardian that my friend here speaks of. A Dark Guardian."[/i] He chuckled again. "[i]But that darkness is not your own, isn't it? But it can be."[/i]

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  • Alice throws back her head and laughs. "Your right, it isn't mine. Maybe it never will be, but who knows." She looks at the surrounding forces of Grixis, keeping her gaze level. "I understand what you offer, that you may give me Darkness of my own, but is it really?" She leaves her gaze on Sarkon. "If you had the option, you'd easily take control of me and force me to work along side you." She strides up to Sarkon and Grixis without a worry of all the subjects around her. "How about I say it this way. I'm bored of a 'God' that will eventually betray us. I'm bored of fighting, honestly, I am. So I'm not looking for a fight here. I'm looking for something else, something very particular that you or Grixis can help me with." She comes to a stop just three metres away from them. "What I want is the Travelers light."

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  • The response was unexpected. She couldn't be serious. This was some sort of game she was playing. Then Sarkon continued. "[i]I'm glad that you have seen reason, just as my friend did long ago,"[/i] he took a glance at Grixis, then back at the Hunter. "[i]I assure you, you would not be bound to servitude."[/i] That was when his grin vanished. "[i]But one such as yourself cannot be trusted so easily, it even took Grixis here long time to convince me. So if you wish to break your chains forever, you will do one thing."[/i]

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  • Alice smiles at them, then reaches up to take off her helmet. She pulls it off slowly, the hood falling back behind her neck. When the helmet is clear of her head, the view is different than expected. Her face is the same as it always has been, but now, the eyes are of different colour, one a grey silver and the other a dark brown, almost black. Her hair no longer the thick brown it used to be, now most of it is a dark, midnight black, except for the tips, which are still brown. "Soon I'm not going to have any chains to hold me, but I will hear about who it is you want me to kill. Just a warning though, I may say no, I do have some humanity left." She grins after that, looking directly at Grixis.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/22/2015 2:45:32 AM
    Really? Was that meant to be an insult? He didn't care what people might call him now. Monster, Demon, Hive. They all met their fate in the end. Sarkon took the opportunity to chuckle at the Hunter's statement. He already knew why, and it would be a testament to what she had said. If she said that she would 'not have any chains to hold her' then this would be the perfect first step. Her morals had to be erased. "[i]No. You will not kill anyone today, as you said, you do not wish to fight."[/i] Sarkon said. That was when he decided to take over. "The Titan Ahamkara. I know that Shovoroth is still bonded to you. While Emaria is incapable of escaping my grasp, Shovoroth has gone to the lengths of hiding her from me. If you truly wish to be truly free, then this problem ends today. Call out to him, and reveal their location, or call them here. This is your judgement, the first chain is your morals. If you can't be rid of them, then your liberation is but a pointless dream. What will it be, Guardian?" It was time for her to decide.

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  • Alice turns around walking away from Grixis and Sarkon. She pulls her helmet back on. "You forget why I am here, Sarkon. I'm not here for a fight, I'm not seeking your salvation, I'm not even seeking a partnership." She raises her hood when she reaches the middle of the great room. Then turns to face them once more. "I'm here seeking the Travelers Light, and in order to do that, I need an army. I need to be the one that issues the order, not a servant of a great General or whatever. So my answer to that request is no, because while I am linked with Shovoroth, I hold a great bargaining chip that you can't win against." She holds up a hand quickly. "But wait, if you capture me, you can hurt me, you can hurt Shovoroth, forcing him to come out of hiding and save me, right?" She says in a voice that shows little to no concern. "Just send forth waves upon waves of reborn until I tire and you lot come in for the steal, right?" "But as I said before-" She takes a few steps back, ready for anything to attack her or try and trap her. "-I came here for an army, not a recruitment, and I will be leaving here with an army, whether by choice or by force. And please don't let it be force, you all seem like lovely underlings and I would hate to fight you all, for as I said, I did not come here for a fight." She looks up at Sarkon, one eyes glowing white and the other radiating darkness. "But trust me on this, if you choose to fight me, you will lose and I will walk out of here with complete control of the Reborn, any of your darkness energy and freedom for Emaria."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/22/2015 4:35:24 AM
    There was pure silence in the room. Nothing moved, no 'one spoke. Nothing. It was as if time itself stopped to look at what was happening in Oryx's thrown room. But then the silence was broken. Every member of the Hive turned back to look at what it was. Sarkon was laughing. But that was not why they were looking. They heard something that they never heard before, nor they thought was possible. Grixis was laughing too. But then he regained control of himself, returning to the Grixis that everyone knew. "You are [i]unbelievably[/i] naïve to think that you can control them. The Reborn work on levels that you can't even begin to comprehend. They can only be controlled by us." "[i]You are welcome to try, however,[/i]" Sarkon said, [i]"But your efforts will be for naught."[/i] That was when something happened that no 'one had ever seen before. Reborn energy radiated from the ground around Sarkon and Grixis. Next, their bodies began to change, as each one became the very embodiment of Reborn energy. Sarkon's entire body turned into pure Darkness, at his center, however, was an orb made of pure Light. Grixis, however, was the exact opposite. His body was made of pure Light, and his core, an orb of Darkness. Then, out at the very tip of the front of the Dreadnaught, the space became covered in Darkness, blocking out the view of Saturn and space itself. Then all of a sudden, a supernova exploded far behind the two. What now cast the entire room with an eery light, was a massive orb made of Light and Darkness. The Oversoul of Sarkon and Grixis. Then they both spoke in unison, their voice sounding warped and different, as if it was not their own. [i][b]"Nothing can stop what comes next. We will take all, death will free all. The Dark War has begun."[/b][/i] Energy all around the room then started to pour into the Oversoul, making the entire room shake , as if everything was tearing itself apart. [b][i]Crota, has failed. Oryx, has failed. Xivu Arath and Savathûn have abandoned their crusade. Where they have failed, we will not. I am Xol, Worm God of the Hive, and I have spoken! The Deep, will consume all!"[/i][/b] That was when portals started to appear. Out from the portals came exact copies of ethereal Knights, but these were far worse, and far more dangerous. They all advanced on the Hunter. "[b][i]Take her Light!"[/i][/b]

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  • "Yes, please do. Come closer, please." She mutters to herself as she watches the ground the enemies walk upon to get closer to her. "I'm sorry Sarkon and Grixis, I truly am, but you just got played like the chess pieces you are." She raises her hand towards the Oversoul and everything else in front of her. "I suppose I must thank you, however." She calls across the room. "You did just give me exactly what I wanted." She grins evilly under her helmet. "All of your energy." With that, all the energy that was going towards the Oversoul begins to flow through the air, out of the hive, the reborn, the room and the Oversoul itself, even Sarkon and Grixis, all aimed for Alice. "I am Lokumi's Leech!" She shouts over the roar of the room, as their own Darkness is absorbed away from them. "I offered you a chance which you rejected, now you shall all die, like the Worms you are." The Oversoul, lost without its energy, begins to crack open, the supernova loses it's energy, while Sarkon and Grixis stand there, losing all that holds them together. Any enemy that approaches immediately begins being drained more and more, any ranged weapon burns away before breeching a metre of the woman called Leech. And all the while, it is her laughing. As it will be her who gets the last laugh.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/22/2015 5:19:00 AM
    A maniacal laugh thundered throughout the room as the energy continued to pour into the Guardian. [b][i]"You are strong. But even you can only go so far. You forget from the Books of Sorrow where all Hive get their power from, even that wretch Lokumi. But if it is power you seek, so you shall receive."[/i][/b] The Oversoul all of sudden grew twice the size that it was. At that moment, poured the energy into her an astonishing speed, as if the barriers that held the energy back were released. And it all poured into her. "[i][b]I am a God. You are but a pawn to a Dark disciple. You seek power? You will have it, whether you like it or not."[/b][/i] The power never stopped, it just kept coming and coming with no end, and it forced it's way into the Guardian's very being. And there was no way she could cut off the flow. She was stuck, and she would eventually break to the overflow of power. And when she did, it would all flow back into the Oversoul, and they would be done here at the Dreadnaught. And then the universe would succumb to Darkness.

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  • "You are no god, for Gods don't bleed." Leech takes in all the energy of the Oversoul, but unknowing to the pretend God before her, the power is redirecting itself, for the body of Alice is no more than a conduit to a bigger goal that Lokumi had planned ages before hand. Lokumi appears behind Leech with a wide grin on his face. [b]"I'm sorry Xol, but I think it's safe to say at this point, that you officially screwed. You believe you hold the cards? You do not, for now you have released the flood, exactly what I wanted, for not even you can shut off the power now, Leech has too good of a grasp upon your Oversoul now. But I will thank you, however, when your Oversoul, minions, and even you run out of Dark energy, I'll be standing as the lone winner."[/b] [b]"You see, for I am no God, I am no immortal instrument, I am but a beast that likes to play Chess. Thank you, Xol, for your power is welcome."[/b] Lokumi dissapears into shadows, leaving Leech alone in the room, sucking any and all energy that comes close to her, leaving everything defenseless to her leeching abilities. "Try me." She says with a grin, as the shadows curl around her, ready to defend her with the power of an Oversoul.

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