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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/19/2015 6:02:16 PM
Hades had been done with the process of mending the inner workings together, the rest up to the huntress. She took out her med kit and took her helmet off to see more clearly, braided crimson hair falling in freedom. The man had came to multiple times, but slipped back into the abyss of darkness. She turned to the ghost after finishing her fine stitch work, giving him a reassuring smile. "He'll be just fine, Hades and I worked in the med Corp during Twilight Gap...this isn't the worst I've dealt with."She answere, sitting down on the ground, leaning her head against it. "He just needs rest now." "As do you."Hades scolded her, the girl having no energy but only a simple nod. She closed her eyes and too, found bliss of sleep to welcome her.

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  • [b]roleplaying as November Sov[/b] [u]around 6 hours later[/u] "Phoenix?" "Yes? Yes! You're alive!" Phoenix rushed over to November, as he slipped back into darkness. "-blam!- it!" Phoenix exclaimed. Hades, the huntress's Ghost, nodded in the huntresses direction and whispered to Phoenix, "Do not wake her, she needs her rest. Did you see what she did back there?" Phoenix made an embarrassed noise and went back to looking outside. It was beginning to get dark in the Cosmodrome. A piece of machinery broke down on the other side of the space. Both ghosts flew over to fix it, and were oblivious to the man that snuck in the door, holding a silver revolver. He was of middle age and was wearing very ragged clothing. A band on his arm that read "A member of the Trinary Star Cult. Do not believe the Traveler's lies." He did not see the Huntress, but he saw the unconscious November ok the table. He pressed the revolver to November's head.

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  • [i]Ah shit, I feel like hell[/i] the girl thought, head spinning as she regained conscience. [i]Damn ghosts are so loud, why--.[/i] Her thoughts were Immediately halted at the sight of the intruder, revolver pointed at the man she just saved. The girl stood, her steps ghosts on the floorboards as she advanced, taking the man to the ground, knife drawn against his throat. "Just [i]who[/i]the hell do you think you are?"She seethed, putting pressure into the blade, blood breaking through the surface of his skin. [i]I spent too much time saving his ass[/i]...

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  • [b]roleplaying as November Sov[/b] November sat up with a start and fell off the table. He grabbed his Dynasty and pointed it at the Huntress. Phoenix ran into his head, knocking him over. "What are you thinking!? Stop!" Phoenix glared at him. November sat up. The huntress had her weapon aimed at his head, still wary. November layed back down and said, " i forgot everything for a second. I saw visions of people dying. I-" he stopped. November spoke louder so the huntress could hear, "i'm over it, please don't shoot me," November sat up. 3 massive explosions could be heard from outside.

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  • "What in [i]gods name[/i] is going on?!"Artemis stressed, the massive explosions shaking the foundation of her makeshift safe house. Secretly she was relieved that he'd been okay, not having doubt her skill set, but with past experiences... she shook her head at that thought.

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  • Everything was silent for a moment, and then the duo heard the sounds of battle outside. "I hear cabal!" Phoenix sounded very worried "shall we head outside?" November looked at the huntress who saved his life.

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  • "You're not going anywhere."She said to him sternly, standing up. She had picked up plenty of sniper ammo from their previous skirmish so she could pick them off from a distance, confuse them. There were so many unanswered questions she had, but she chose to keep quite and gave him a hard look, bending to pick her helmet up. "You'll tear through the work Hades and I spent hours on, you're staying here."

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  • Edited by Apollo: 11/19/2015 9:38:05 PM
    [spoiler]sorry for the gaps in between my posting, im sick so ive been sleeping a lot[/spoiler] [b]roleplaying as November Sov[/b] November's face fell. Phoenix rushed back from outside the entrance. "There are Cabal here! I've never seen anything like these ones before! They're painted black and green and they're fighting the fallen! Maybe these ones are rogue? I don't think the Empire would break it's hard forged treaty." Sov spoke softly, " maybe they'll help us," November looked at the huntress and said, "You speak Cabal?" The huntress moved towards the door. Phoenix rushed to block her path. "Don't shoot the cabal! Fight the fallen, and we'll see if we can forge an alliance with the cabal. This could be amazing for the city!" [spoiler]this was where i was thinking my other character would come in. I would make it very clear which character im using but would that get too confusing?[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 11/19/2015 10:02:20 PM
    [spoiler]it's okay! I'm sick as well and have speratically been taking naps haha...and no not at all, go for it! [/spoiler] Artemis looked to him before shaking her head, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "Not really..."She answered silently cursing, if only Aries was here, he'd known...[i]no stop thinking about them[/i] she thought looking back to him. "What do you propose we do?"She asked, giving him a worried look

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  • Edited by Apollo: 11/19/2015 10:17:16 PM
    [b]roleplaying as November Sov[/b] [spoiler]have you read my other character's file? Just wondering :)[/spoiler] "I say do what Phoenix said," November sat on the makeshift table. "Sounds like a good plan." "I don't see any other way that doesn't involve us dying."

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  • Edited by Apollo: 11/20/2015 12:02:36 AM
    [spoiler]Er'Den looks like the image except black/dark green. He has a small folded up phalanx shield on his hip, and a projection rifle on his back.[/spoiler] [b]roleplaying as Er'Den the Rebellious[/b] Er'den's file:[spoiler]Character 2 law of the nungle Apex Spartan's 2nd character Name: Er'Den the Rebellious Race: Psion Gender: male...? Do psions have genders? I assume so Class: Cabal Psion Faction: The Rebellion Description: Regular Psion, except painted in colors of the Rebellion(see below) Bio: Er'Den is a psion forced to fight by the cabal. He rebelled when Oryx arrived and his fleet was in chaos. Er'Den and his loyal psion soldiers destroyed many of the Sky Burner's 4th Armada, rendering it useless. Er'Den's ultimate goal is to get to Earth and help the Guardians. He is afraid that they will kill him even though he will approach peacefully. He has recently decided to give it a shot. Er'Den's faction is call the Rebellion. Er'den's army: 50 psions, 35 legionaries, 20 phalanxes, 20 centurions, and 2 colossi, 8 interceptors, 2 goliath tanks. Their armor is painted matte black along with their weapons. Some parts of the armor are dark green, and centurions wear orange shoulder armor signifying their leadership. Er'Den's ships: 10 Harvesters, 1 small fleet dropship Er'Den slowly gains members that rebel from the Empire Weapons- Primary: Slug Rifle (cabal) Secondary: Small phalanx shield Heavy: Projection Rifle (cabal) Abilities: Ground Wave[idk what actual name is], pushback melee, and Troop Command(can summon his soldiers at any time) Armor- Helmet: Cabal Psion Helmet, painted in Rebellion Colors, the lights glow green Gauntlets: Cabal Psion gauntlets modified with Rebellion paint and emblems, with small phalanx-shield armor plates on the shoulders. Has a unique emblem signifying leadership Chest plate: Cabal Psion chest plate with Rebellion colors and emblems, slightly up-armored with legionary and phalanx shield armor. Has a unique emblem signifying leadership Boots: Cabal Psion boots. Marked in Rebellion colors with blue stripes on the soles Class item: none Other things Artifact: Ancient Cabal Compass Ghost shell: none Shader: [Rebellion] Sparrow: none Emblem: [Rebellion] Ship: Cabal Harvester Pls admin review Id love to introduce this character to the law of the nungle[/spoiler] [b]roleplaying as Er'Den the Rebellious[/b] Er'Den and his crack team of Psion Assault troops hit the ground first, followed by a Goliath tank and 10 phalanxes. They spread out. The goliath fired, and rocked a destroyed plane with a huge explosion. This caused two more similar explosions from inside the plane. Er'Den ran to investigate his target- a downed Queen's fighter. He had observed them at the battle of Saturn. The Goliath moved up the road to a building that was marked 'skywatch'. The phalanx escort and 10 of the 15 Psions stuck with it. The other 5 and Er'Den ran to the destroyed ship. "Sir, there was a survivor." Psion Ad'Den called. Er'Den looked and followed a blood trail to what looked to be a shelter. He heard the booming of the Goliath and answering gunfire from both sides from the top of the hill. But he wanted to find the survivor and make peace with them. He would not accept failure.

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  • The huntress motioned to the man she had saved, her voice hard. "Stay."She said before heading out of the makeshift shelter and towards her sniper nest. From her position she could survey the entire field, her scope focused on the fallen side of the skirmish. 5 shots, 5 downed, she reloaded and repeated the cycle numerous times. Her gaze shifted back to the shelter here and there, keeping an eye out for him.

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  • [b]roleplaying as Er'Den [/b] Sniper shots whizzed by the goliath and it's infantry as it returned down the road, taking out Fallen one by one. A legionary's deep voice boomed over Er'Den's radio- "Identified Guardian sniper, sir. Engage?" "Negative! We are to make peace with the people of Earth!" Er'Den motioned for his squad to follow the trail to where the sniper was. Er'Den led the way. Three vandals ran adjacent to the Guardian's position, closing in on it. Er'Den's squad opened fire as the Guardian turned to engage them as well at very close range. One of Er'Den's shots hit the Guardian in the right arm. "No!" Er'Den cried, "We have come so far!" "Sir," Al'Den, Er'Den's second in command, spoke calmly to Er'Den, "They can not and will not understand our language. We must find a way to translate." "There must be a way! We have come too far to fail." Er'Den motioned to his team to wait and see if the Guardian would shoot them or attempt to make peace.

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  • It had been going smooth, her shots downing infantry swiftly, her attention turning towards the advancing Cabal. A pain ripped through her right arm, the girl gritting her teeth as she aimed her riffle at the head Psion. Blood dripped to the ground and against every instinct that burned through her...she strapped her weapon to her back, clenching her fists, the leather squelching in protest. "He better be damn right about this."She muttered beneath her breath.

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  • Edited by Apollo: 11/20/2015 12:32:46 AM
    [b]roleplaying as Er'Den[/b] [spoiler]the reason i refer to Athena as an it is because the Psions dont know the difference[/spoiler] The six Psions dove behind cover as the Guardian brought it's gun up. They did not observe her put it away. Al'Den looked at Er'Den and said, "It is not trying to kill us. We would already by dead." Er'Den peeked over the ledge. Indeed, the Guardian was watching them. The rest of Er'Den's forces had wiped out the Fallen resistance and set up a defensive half-circle around the shelter. Some Psions watched the Guardian warily. Er'Den and Al'Den approached the Guardian. Al'Den spoke to Er'Den softly, "The small machine of light can understand us and them, talk to it, and it should translate." Er'Den looked at the Guardian's machine that had just appeared over it's shoulder. "We would like to make peace with you, and help you. We would like to come to the City."

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  • She was wary as they approached but stayed calm nonetheless. Hades appeared over her shoulder, one of the cabal speaking in its broken, choppy language. He seemed surprised, relaying the message to her, a scoff escaping her throat. [i]the city[/i] "Tell them...the city does not handle outsiders very well."She said before knocking on the wooden door of the shwlter, beckoning the man she'd met up with earlier outside. Perhaps he could handle the situation better than her.

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  • The girl sighed before placing her helmet on, her visor opaque before turning gold. "Fallen it is then. I have a nest I set up surveying King territory, should keep us a safe distance away " She explained, sniper in hand.

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