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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/18/2015 9:23:24 AM
Alice switched her gaze from Garuud to Anaxis. "Oh yeah, perfectly fine." She mutters sarcastically. "Not like I just had to fight off a creature of Darkness or anything without the help of you two." She lowers her head to the ground. "Sorry, I'm just on edge right now." That was mostly the truth. After everything that just happened, Alice choosing to save Garuud's and Anaxis's life by infusing herself with Darkness, that was a form of fighting off a creature of Darkness. Or at least, that's what Alice was thinking to herself. "Do you mind helping me up? I'm kinda woozy."

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  • Garuud upon seeing Alice and the darkness dissipating began to calm down. With no prey to hunt, there was no need to be in that mode. Garuud reaches down and pulls Alice up. " Watch the spikes, they are quite stabby haha. you okay?"

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  • "Same answer I have Anaxis, just with less sass." She stands up and looks at Garuud. "How about you? You're the one whose been torn apart."

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  • " Torn apart? I heal just fine, but it was nothing I could not handle bahahaha.... were you watching the fight?" Garuud asked confused as the spikes broke off and fell off of his body. Garuud looked around. " So whos play room is this?"

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/18/2015 10:17:05 PM
    [spoiler]This doesn't belong here[/spoiler]

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  • "Don't know, I just woke up here." She walks out through the hole in the wall and over to the corner. She rests her back on it, then slides down it to rest at the bottom. With the others in the other room searching, Alice lowers her head and closes her eyes. Something was there, she could feel it. Before the infusion, it was increasing, the Darkness inside her. But now? It's like her entire body is cold. Something rubs against her hand which lay on the ground, and her eyes immediately jolt open. Almost like it was caressing her hand, a pool of Darkness in shadow form surrounds her, rubbing and seeping itself into the her. She looks over at the wall, quickly checking to make sure no-one was watching. Then she looked down at the shadows. "Go away, please." She whispers frantically at the shadows. The strange thing is, they seem to listen. As soon as she says it, the shadows retreat to the other corners. It was scary. It wasn't the shadows that openly stayed with her that scared. It wasn't the fact that she had gave them an order and they seemed listen like a sentient being that scared her. No. It was the fact that when the shadows and darkness surrounded her so closely, she felt comfortable, happy even. That was what scared her.

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  • "This," Anaxis said, as he stepped back into the bridge, "is the bridge of the cruiser." The entire room was illuminated by the eery white light above the long room, and from the opening at the front of the ship. He looked up at the large, green crystal that seemed to float on its side. His Ghost appeared a second later. "[i]Shall I?"[/i] "You know what to do." He responded. With that, Maxus floated up to the giant dormant crystal. He was halfway there before Anaxis stopped him. "Maxus." He looked back down at his Guardian. "Be careful. That isn't like any other Hive machination." He warned. And then turned and glided up once more. He hoped nothing would go wrong. He needed this information. Without much to do but wait, he looked at Alice. "You were about to ask a question before we came in here, I believe?"

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  • Edited by garuudfireborn: 11/18/2015 11:08:21 PM
    Garuud looked around the room Eyeing Alice when ever he could. a voice spoke up in his head " She seems different.... closer to me.... ahahahahaha how delicious." Garuud dismissed it and moved into the room. " So what exactly are we looking for in the giant disco ball... thing? Is it valuable?"

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  • From her position in the corner, she sits with her eyes closed, thinking. She hears the two Guardians working around the room, no doubt looking at her when they can. Thing is, she felt different. She had a Darkness infused into her light. Or at least, that's how it felt. But... It didn't feel wrong. It felt... Nice. She felt like where she sat in the Darkness of the Hive Cruiser, if she wanted to, she could lift it out of the sand dunes and back into the sky. [i]Could I?[/i] She thinks. She opens her eyes and looks over at Anaxis. He just asked her a question, but she hadn't been paying attention, so she asked her own. "What's the chance that we could get this Cruiser flying again?"

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  • " That would be fun!" Garuud says with a grin no doubt trying to lighten the mood. "would be nice to have a functioning carrier for our own purposes."

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  • "Or we use it against our enemy's." She stands up, and she [i]feels[/i] the shadows of Darkness shift around her. She laughs out loud, curious at the way she never noticed it before, the way that shadows cling around, completely enveloping everything. "I'm going to have to try some time..." She says out loud. To others it sounds like she wants to try to power the cruiser, but she knows in her mind that what she really wants to try is controlling the shadows, bending them to her will.

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/19/2015 2:44:52 AM
    [spoiler]This doesn't belong here either[/spoiler]

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  • " Im down! bahahahahaha! Lets do it. " Garuud laughed. " So what are we looking for?"

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  • "Those chances are very, [i]very[/i] slim," he responded to her question, never taking his eyes of the long crystal. "Actually, it's impossible with the given the circumstances. The reactor is no doubt completely drained of power, and the only way to get this thing moving is with a collection of specialized Wizards to make a hive mind, or Grixis himself inside that crystal," he said, pointing to the dim crystal. He didn't even know why she asked. It was truly impossible to get this cruiser airborne. She even chuckled apparently at the thought. Why did she seem so eager to give it shot? ...Wait. He thought back to when he first saw Alice in the cliff. She told him that she bonded with Shovoroth, who was completely full of Darkness. She also stated that she went head to head with Grixis. Thinking about Shovoroth, the evidence that he was dark was his black hide and his black eyes. Now that he was bonded with a Guardian, it would make sense that his hide changed color to match that energy. But he also saw that the edges of each scale were the same pitch black color. His feathers too. Now with Grixis, he was able to permanently kill Guardians that could easily be deemed powerful. But her? She gets out with only a gash on her back. And just recently, she all but disappeared when they were attacked on the bridge, only to re-appear close by when the shadows vanished. It clicked in his head, and he slowly took his gaze off the crystal. [i]You have got to be kidding me.[/i] He slowly turned his head and looked at Alice, slowly turning his body in her direction. Then he slowly began to walk toward her. "Alice. You said that you were bonded with Shovoroth, a being that was brought back from the dead, and augmented by Darkness. His hide turned to the color of Light when you made that link, indicating that he was infused with that same Light. Except parts of him stayed that same color of black. Why is that?" He let that sink in for a few seconds before speaking again. "You even stated that you dueled Grixis, mainly [i]by yourself,[/i] and survive, that even the most powerful of Guardians couldn't do in a fireteam, and were killed. How were you able to do what they couldn't?" Same moment of silence, then again. "And just now, when a collection of unknown beings of pure Darkness attacks us, you are nowhere to be found. When the fighting is over, you are found seconds later. Why?" He stopped just a meter in front of her. "Is there something that you're not telling me?"

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  • Alice's watches him come closer, then tilts her head when he's a metre away. "First, he might still have some resounding darkness buzzing about inside of him. Probably will fade. Second, he only cut my armor and a bit of skin. Plus I think I may have absorbed some of his energy. Last, the creature that took me was probably aiming to eat me after it killed you too, so it went after me after it lost, but I was in the next room, so Garuud bashed the wall down, scaring and making it run, leaving me alive." The lie came so simple that she thought that she may not have even said it. Beneath her helmet she smiles, knowing full well that anything more would through the lie of track. She matches Anaxis's stare with one of her own.

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  • He knew she was lying, there was no doubt of it. But without until he knew for certain that she was becoming dark, that she might become the same thing that Grixis was, he had no choice but to submit. But the matter was far from over. He approached until he was standing directly in front of her. He leaned forward until his face was only a few inches from her's. "Don't think that this is over. Everything that lies in the the shadow eventually comes out in the light. If you continue down the road you're going, everything, everyone that you care about, will suffer. Are you prepared for that?" He asked her in a low voice, before raising back up to full height. He turned around and walked away. A moment later, Maxus floated down from the massive crystal, floating just in front of his face. "Find anything?" "[i]Nothing specific. The only thing that I could find were coordinates for a location."[/i] Maxus said. "Where?" "Saturn." What? That didn't make any since. Why would there be coordinates for Saturn? The only thing out there was Oryx's Dreadnaught. "Thanks Maxus." With that, his Ghost vanished' leaving an array of blue particles. Something wasn't right. What did Saturn have to do with anything. Well, there was one way to find out. He signaled his jumpship, telling it to land at the entrance in front of the bridge, then he began to walk in the same direction.

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  • Alice watches Anaxis as he walks over to his Ghost who tells him that he didn't find anything, except some co-ordinates that lead to Saturn. Anaxis turns around to face the exit, but instead, he comes face to face with Alice, no less than two metres away. "If I was turning dark..." She whispers to him. "...then I'd make sure that when I do, I'm close to you. So then that way, I can kill you for thinking I'd even dare lay a finger on the things and people I love." She then closes the gap between her and Anaxis, coming less than a few centimeters between them. "And that, is the truth." She then turns away in the flurry of her cloak. "Now let's go, I don't want to be enemy's when we have some coordinates to hunt down." She walks out the door and asks her ghost to bring in her Ship to go to Saturn.

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  • Edited by garuudfireborn: 11/19/2015 6:19:21 PM
    " Man.... if you two keep this up this whole ship is going to get a tension headache bahahaha! lets go!" Garuud made his way to his way to the exit and to his ship, " Where do the coordinates take us on Saturn?"

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