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11/16/2015 7:58:08 PM
Once Garuud had ascertained that Shovoroth did not know much about Grixis's plans he made his way to the crashed hive carrier. " Time to see what trouble we can get into." another voice spoke up. "Usually a lot." It said, another voice spoke up and said " Yeah, but it is always fun hahaha!" Garuud chuckled as he made his way into the ship. The Ship felt alive.... just dormant. Garuud made his way through the ship as he spotted Anaxis and Alice. " Hey! Guys! Wait up!"

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  • As Alice walks through the long Darkened hallways, she feels what could only be described as reverberating darkness surrounding them. It's energy easily recognized as Hive underlings and Grixis himself. The Exo walks in front of her, his Ghost moving the spotlight occasionally to spot out different things, leaving Alice in relative darkness. But while Alice felt the darkness surrounding her, the darkness felt her presence as well. Whenever she is left out of the light, darkness in the form of shadows would seep into her armor, her weapons, and most importantly, into her. But she didn't know this was happening, whether due to the exhilaration of the ship she's walking through, the shadows keeping themselves low level as they seep in, or that Alice secretly wanted this darkness inside her soul. But then Garuud showed up. Alice turns to face him. "Did you even talk to them? You got here so fast that I doubt you asked any questions at all."

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  • " uh yeah, I asked a bunch of questions." * Flashback* Garuud walks up to Shovoroth " So, Shovey what do you know about Grixis's plans?" Shovoroth just stares at Garuud. * Crickets* " So..... is that a nooooo?" *No response* " Okay good talk!" Garuud takes off towards the ship. *flashback ends* " I gathered that he is either the strong silent type, or doesn't like me. Or thinks Im cute and is too nervous to speak. Either or bahahaha." Another voice spoke up " Oh totally, because you are so attractive." Another voice spoke "Hell yeah we are!" It said. The first voice speaks up once more. " That was sarcasm." Garuud looks towards Alice. " So in short, he did not have much to say."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/17/2015 2:45:56 AM
    "I told you to ask Emaria, only she would have the best recent intelligence!" Anaxis scolded the Titan. For the Traveler's sake, he didn't know what the entire Wrath of Sarkon were planning and he had to deal with this- He quickly banished his thoughts. It wasn't their fault that things had all of a sudden turned for the worst. "I'm sorry for lashing out at you. Things today haven't been great for me as you can tell." There was a long moment of silence before they turned a corner and met with the giant open doors of the bridge. "I've been watching Grixis for decades now, he and and his Hive sect. Now that he, as far as I can assume, has been called by Sarkon, it can only mean disaster is on the horizon and I don't know what they're plan is."

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  • Alice walks side by side with Anaxis. "So if that's the case, do you mind telling us abo-" She stops dead in her tracks, the shadows around her feet become erratic, forming spikes that face the door. "Stop." She says to the two Guardians that continued walking after she stopped. "There's something on the other side of that door, and it's waiting for us." She takes the cover off her swords. "Be ready."

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  • Garuud readied his weapons and got ready to deal with whatever is behind the door. " Ready when you are."

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  • Edited by Zalamiir: 11/17/2015 6:15:51 PM
    Anaxis stopped in his tracks when Alice said to all of a sudden, saying something was inside the bridge. Just to be on the safe side, Maxus Transmatted into his armor. "Can you pick up anything in there, Maxus?" He asked his Ghost, keeping his voice to a low whisper. "[i]Just a spike in energy levels, Darkness in origin. If you meant 'is there anyone inside' then that is debatable."[/i] "Going in blind." He sighed. "So be it." With that, he slowly approached the door, keeping his rifle pointed at it.

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  • Alice clenches her fist's and walks up to the Door. The shadows, now realizing she was taking the lead, back off as to not be seen by Anaxis and Garuud. She reaches the door and raises her hands to the hilts of her blades. She draws out two of them, and sticks them into the crack in the the middle. Using leverage, the door slowly opens, leaving a little crack to escape through. "Let's see what's behind door number One." She says, then steps through into the Bridge. When she enters, it's pitch black inside with only one scrap of light coming through, due to the door opening. "Okay guys. You can com-" Alice's sentence is cut short, as something pulls her forward, further into the Darkness, leaving Anaxis and Garuud to deal with the up-coming menace blind, with no idea what took Alice. Meanwhile... "-e in." Alice finishes, then looks around. "Oh crap." In the Darkness of a bland room, Alice stands completely alone. Or, at least she believes that. As normal the shadows rush to her feet, her darkness beginning to pull itself more and more onto her. [b][i]"Alice, are you afraid of God?"[/i][/b] A voice asks. "No... But I'm afraid of you." She replies, then the voice chuckles. [b][i]"But you don't even know who I am."[/i][/b] "That doesn't mean I can't be afraid of you." [b][i]"Good point, but is it me your afraid of, or the unknowing you will be facing?"[/i][/b] "I won't be facing anything." The voice chuckles again. [b][i]"No, you won't. Not like those Guardians back at the ship though."[/i][/b] "What have you done to them?!" She says alarmed. [b][i]"Oh nothing. But if they step into that room, let's say I have a little 'Challenge' for them."[/i][/b] "What challenge?" [b][i]"Oh, you'll see."[/i][/b] Then a screen appears in front of her. It shows what the monster inside that room of Darkness sees. It sees prey.

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  • Garuud sees Alice get pulled into the door. " whoa teach me that trick! Garuud rushes into the doorway with his Fabian strategy at the ready and moves into the room. The oppressive darkness filling every bit of the room and pushing against his armor. Garuud feels a low chuckle from inside him at the feel of the darkness. " Hey now, just because it is a little dark in here does not mean you get to come out to play hahaha" Garuud moves further into the room until he senses movement ahead of him.

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  • [b][i]"...and here comes the show."[/i][/b] The voice says. Meanwhile... In the room filled with Darkness, Garuud runs forward into the room and the surrounding darkness lightens up, allowing Garuud to see a teenage girl with blood stained black hair, her back against a pillar with her arms tied behind it. She looks up at Garuud with big blue eyes, and a battered face, blood dripping down her chin. She looks up at Garuud with one black eye. "Help... me..." She says weakly.

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  • Garuud sees the Teenage girl " Holy crap, she looks like Rhonda Rousy." Garuud moves to untie her. Another voice spoke up " Probably a trap" "pfffffft! Trap me? HA!" Garuud unties the girl." You okay there sunshine" Garuud said with a growing feeling of unease. " Okay maybe you are right".

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  • The door slams shut, locking Anaxis out for the moment. "What's the matter? Don't you want to play?" With that, shadows at the girls feet stir and change, sliding along the ground, rushing at Garuud. The girl lowers herself to the ground, reaching into the shadows, to produce blades of pure darkness. "My mother told me to never run with scissors, you think it's the same with swords?" The girl rushes forward then, practically gliding along the ground.

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  • Garuud smiled" you wanna play? Let's play! " he yelled as he smiled wide. Another voice spoke up "told you it was a trap" Garuud jumped up and threw a thermite grenade into her path. " feel that burning sensation?"

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  • She rushes through the fire, it not even touching her. She scrapes the blades along the ground, them both catching on fire. "Do you!?" She shouts as she swipes at him from high and low. Meanwhile... [b][i]"A Contagium."[/i][/b] The voice says as they watch the battle. [b][i]"A long forgotten force of Darkness that absorbs the energies it kills. Your Titan friend might be strong and quick, but it will never find the heart of that creature in order to kill it."[/i][/b] "Why are you doing this?" Alice shouts at the voice. [b][i]"Let's just say it's a bet."[/i][/b] He chuckles. [b][i]"When your friend either dies or runs, you will be injected with some of the darkness that the Contagium has."[/i][/b] "But why me?" [b][i]"It's not a matter of 'why', it's a matter of 'when'. You just happened along nicely is all."[/i][/b]

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  • Garuud felt the blades slice through him. leaving deep gashes in his chest " Harder to kill than I thought. Okay then. How about this!" Garuud continued the momentum from the jump and being slashed to land on the wall and jump pack off it to go higher into the room and pulled out his rocket with cluster bombs. " Eat this!" Garuud said with a giant smile. Garuud fired the rocket covering the room in cluster bombs for a moment,The creature screamed. " Is that all you have?? I am just getting started!" Garuud said as he landed.

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  • To Garuud, it sounds like the creature was screaming, but in reality it was laughing. "Is that all I have? No, not at all!" The girl transforms into a wolf covered in shadow, a new wolf forming out of the shadows that surround the original. They all look at the Titan with black, hungry eyes, before charging forward in a sea of black.

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  • Edited by garuudfireborn: 11/17/2015 11:58:31 PM
    Garuud sees the Wolves rushing in and readies himself. One jumps up and goes to attack him. Garuud tries to knock it away with a vicious uppercut but it passes through the Wolf. But the other wolves rush in. " This does not look good....." Garuud kicked at one while yelling.. " Bad boy!" A dark voice spoke up in Garuuds head. " This can all end.... if you let me take control....." Garuud smiled. " I got this." and began firing his Fabian strategy into the wolves.

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  • The wolves dart all around him, causing mass havoc. Some of the wolves get hit by the bullet, but the majority stay untouched, surrounding Garuud. A soundscape of 'Caws' echo around the room, and a murder of crows fly out of the shadows all around, aiming at Garuud with talons and beaks.

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  • The crows hit Garuud and tear into his back and face. Garuud makes swipes up with his arms knocking them away and throws a incendiary grenade into the crows.. burning them away. " Bring it! Enough of this petty crap! hurt me more! bahahahahaha!" Garuud yells as his injuries slowly heal. He then brought out his imbious and began firing at anything that got close. His smile growing bigger each shot. " I will kill you, make no mistake. I will find a way."

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  • A Rhino comes charging out of the shadows, the bully's pinging of its armor plating. It swings it's horn upwards, attempting to gorge out the Titan's insides. Meanwhile... "Stop this! Stop it now!" Alice shouts at the voice. [b][i]"Stop what?"[/i][/b] It replies to her. "Hurting him! Killing him!" [b][i]"Okay, sure."[/i][/b] Alice blinks after hearing this. "What?" [b][i]"I'll stop. At a cost."[/i][/b] Alice crosses her arms. "What's the cost?" She asks, fully prepared to pay that cost. [b][i]"Simply take the darkness into your light willingly. That easy."[/i][/b] Alice bites her lip. "Why?" She asks. [b][i]"No matter what, the Darkness will turn you, but with this infusion of Darkness, it will make you even stronger than regularly changing. This is for the benefit of both me and you. More so, you."[/i][/b] Alice continues watching the screen as she considers this offer.

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  • The Rhino connects with Garuuds mid section and goes through completely. pinning him to the wall. Garuud does not seem to move.... and then the camera pans to his hanging head. That is when his head shoots up to face the camera and his eyes turn black during a high pitched scream. "Graaaaaaaaahhhh! You pitiful creature! Let me show you.... true fear! hahahahahahahahaha!" Dark Garuuds armor turned stark white with black eyes and mouth. He reached down the Rhino and ripped it out of him and snapped its horn off and began stabbing it repteadedly and threw the Rhino across the room. The hole in his midsection healed instantly with what looked like bone. "Graaaaah! " He yelled as he rushed into the crowd of wolves slaughtering them, but as soon as they "Died" They re-appeared somewhere else. One wolf Bit onto Garuuds arm and tore it off, it grew back instantly covered in spikes and clawed ends. He then used that claw to impale the wolf and throw it back at its friends. " I will kill you all! baahahahahahaha!"

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  • Edited by MegaBeast42: 11/18/2015 2:07:42 AM
    The Contagium continued fighting, doing all that it could to hurt the Titan. It began sending waves of horse riders with spears and swords, circling him multiple times. Meanwhile... The screen shows Garuud fighting- no, struggling against the incoming enemy, getting torn to ribbons by wolf fang, crow talon and Rhino horns altogether. On the screen, the door began opening and Anaxis stumbled into the room. Immediately, the door slammed shut again, trapping them both in, and all the while, Alice watched in horror as they began to be torn apart. "Okay, yes. I'll do it." She mutters to the voice. [b][i]"Beg your pardon?"[/i][/b] It replied. "I'll do it!" She shouts at it. "Dammit, call the Contagium off and infuse me!" [b][i]"With pleasure."[/i][/b] What sounds like a snap of fingers echoes around the room, and the Contagium is called off.

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  • Edited by garuudfireborn: 11/18/2015 2:19:01 AM
    Garuud is tearing into the creatures feeding on their darkness. He then went into a rage and began destroying everything in sight. The room? The creatures? It didn't matter! They were all his prey. he screamed so loud that the whole building heard it. " I will feast on you, graaaaaaaaaaaah!" Its tone getting progressively deeper and the cuts in his armor filling up with the bone like substance going bone like protrusions. . He began slaughtering the creatures. " I... know.... your..... secret...." He hissed out.

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  • All of a sudden the creatures disappear leaving the illusion of the same teenage girl from before. "It was a pleasure, Mr Garuud. But I've finished distracting you." She does a curtsy before looking back up at Garuud. "This is a matter bigger than you or the one out there know. Until we meet again, Garuud." Then she lowers her head and becomes as still as a statue. Meanwhile... [b][i]"Close your eyes, stand still, and let your mind float away."[/i][/b] She stands there head lowered, and she feels something cold climb it's way up from her feet, into her legs, to her torso, and spread from there. "It's so cold." She whispers. [b][i]"Don't worry, it may feel like death, but when your done, you will feel more alive then ever."[/i][/b] And with that statement finished, her consciousness drifted to Darkness.

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  • He couldn't explain what he saw, nor did he really want too. Anyway, it didn't matter, the room was clear and the crystal above was un damaged. Perfect, that would be the best source if information. Wait. Where was Alice? "Titan, you alright? Where's Alice?"

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  • Garuud simply stood there panting The bone spikes moving with his armor. " GRAAAAAH!" He punched the statue of the girl shattering it. Still in his darkness infused state he began to feel and sense the other source of darkness. The one that created that creature. He began moving towards the source at a high speed. He screamed as he tore through a wall. " Where are you!?!?"

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