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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by overlordkualsi: 2/7/2016 9:31:53 PM

Law of the Jungle: A Destiny Roleplay (Character Sheets) (RETIRED)

[b]NOTICE: THIS THREAD HAS BEEN RETIRED. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO ROLEPLAY, PLEASE JOIN "THE ROLEPLAY LEAGUE". [/b] "His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword." Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god? [b]Main Page:[/b] [b][u]This is a complete reboot of the previous RP, so none of the events from that RP carry over.[/u][/b] [b]Character[/b] Please format your character like so: Name Race/Gender Class/Subclass Description (Armor colors, facial features, etc.) Bio Weapons Armor Class Item [b][u]Please wait for an Admin to accept your character before continuing to the main Roleplay.[/u][/b] [b][/b] [b][/b] [u][/u] [b]Admins[/b] Overlord_Kualsi The Internet Phlerox Storm Wizard Sans Paladin Indy The Mute Button Vaaxius El Turbo

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  • Edited by Lord Corignis: 11/16/2015 12:16:54 AM
    Why not? Valkis Renzac Human male Hunter Bladedancer (Not in-game) Jackknife helmet's glowing orange eyes, and a nano wire mesh covering the bottom half, giving the illusion of glowing eyes behind a cloth face mask. Sealed Ahamkara's Grasp (Not in-game) Chestplate covers entire chest with metallic black armor in segments, smaller segments cover other vital areas on his torso (Not in-game) Black trousers with more metallic black armor on the sides of his thighs, boots come up to the knee with armor on them. Cloak is mostly black, with dark orange gradient stripes starting thin, becoming thick, and shrinking back down at the bottom. Length goes to his ankles. Hood similar to Shroud of Flies. An intricate knot of orange lines lies in the middle of his shoulder blades on it. Carries two push daggers instead of standard knives. Loadout: Red Death (Not in-game) Sniper, black with a single dark orange stripe down the barrel on either side. Scope is moderately large. Black camo netting covers the top. Suppressed. Red glass tint. Custom job by himself, and named it "Wraithburner." Solar sword, more in the shape of a cutlass than current ones. Handguard extends to his ring finger, and is narrower than the standard sword. Very slightly shorter. His outfit is all black, save for the cloak and his silver arm protection. When in Arc Blade, the energy surrounding him and the glow is red, not blue. While appearing evil, he is really just kind of caustic. His motivation is primarily the safety of the City and denizens thereof, and a close second is valuables. Known to prowl amongst old ruins and derelict ships for days at a time, he has a hard time trusting others, and even in a team he keeps to himself. He has a near obsession with melee combat, able to win sword, knife, and fistfights with all races of the Darkness encountered so far with a slightly beyond reasonable success rate. Other Guardians have trouble getting close in Crucible encounters, often ending up disarmed or tossed over a ledge. Grappling is a favorite of his. At long range, he is proficient with his rifle, but is not above missing a few shots occasionally. Anyone at range can pick him off, assuming they kill him before he can get close. His use of Blink makes it harder, but not impossible by any means. Blink is often used in his close quarters assaults, using it to dart around his target's defenses and line of fire. Many times, he will land on the target directly from the teleport, either immediately stabbing them or putting them in a choke hold. Field drivers bolster his physical strength, making him about three fifths as strong as a Titan. With this boon, he can one-handedly pick up a fully armored Titan and throw them four feet. Not much, but plenty to continue an attack. His personality is generally misanthropic, but he does like a certain few people. Eris Morn is one of those few, and he enjoys talking to Ikora, rare as it is. He does not like incredibly cheery people, and Executor Hideo does not gain any favor with him. That took way too long. Good thing I'm bored, huh?

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