I just restarted my character (though I saved my level 71's save data) in skyrim and am doing him to be a Battle Mage type build using a one hand weapon and an illusion spell on the off hand.
What kind of builds did you guys use?
Stealth archer/mage Get the perk that multiples bow and dagger dmg. Dagger multiple I'm like 15. Then go to the brotherhood of assassin's and get they're gloved that cause sneak dmg to double. Resulting in 30x multiplyer. Or like 6x I think with bow. Slow down time to line up headshots to increase the critical further. Then fight at a range. Nothing will ever get close because u can get off 2, 3 or more sneak shots before your enemy can even register an enemy is there. If something does live, release the infinite fireball destruction if your wearing gear that reduces magika consumption to 0.